Eat.Sweat.Pray. Fitness

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Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.

Dori makes it seem so easy to just "keep swimming" in Nemo, but life feels very full right now, maybe too full.  We are very thankful for the opportunity in Australia and for my Apple Watch to keep reminding me to BREATHE!! 

On a side note, the main reason I got this watch was 1) there was noting else I wanted / needed for my birthday and my Garmin (which wasn't much cheaper, kept failing me) and 2) it tells me the local time and Brisbane time and my hubby felt it a wise investment so I'd stop calling him between 1-3 his time, waking him up. Smart guy!  Everybody wins, right?  :)  But, I hope you put little faith in your FitBit, Garmin, smartphone apps, because they tell you so little of the actual story. I was a steps junkie in the past too and focused on 20,000 steps a day (told you, "steps junkie") yet not I get around 11,000 and am way fitter than i've been in my life and have watched my resting heart rate drop from 72 to 54.  I do more weights and less carried and spend 1/2 the time.  Y'all, focus less on your watch or app and more on what your arms and legs are doing. That should be where you put your focus and your faith.