Eat.Sweat.Pray. Fitness

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How many ways can you make Shakeology?

Well, my honest answer to this is, A MILLION + WAYS.  But my favorites are a dessert, snack, or a meal (shake or bowl).  

I'm going to share with you my FAVORITE recipes, and you can thank me later after you finished eating or drinking Shakeology and making all kinds of inappropriate noises in your kitchen. haha

I call this Chocolate Banana Nutter Butter Shake!  Here are the ingredients and all of this, along with blending it, takes 3 min flat.  Fastest and healthiest breakfast ever!

-1 scoop / packet of chocolate (whey or vegan) Shakeology
-1 G spinach (do not use kale or lettuce, they both alter the taste and perfection of this)
-1/2 banana (unless you get more than 2 Purple containers /day, then you can do a whole banana). *Generally I chose berries for less sugar content, but bananas in shakes makes them so creamy!
-2 tsp nut butter. I prefer Dark Roasted Creamy PB by Mayvers, but any variety will do.
-1 cup liquid of choice (water = freebie, milk = Yellow container and almond milk = 1 tsp)
-1 cup ice

Blend everything together at the same time.  Only 2 steps...blend and enjoy :)  Y'all, please do me a favor and stop adding water to Shakeology and just shaking it in your blender bottle. I think a little of me dies every time I see someone do this because I know it’s not going to live up to this kind of amazingness. This tastes like the best desert in the world, but drinks like a salad.  FYI - if drinking this in public, you might need to apologize for all the noises you make enjoying this!

This one.  you guys.  THIS ONE!!!!  This is my dessert or on rough mornings after a long night with the kids, this might be breakfast :)  Don't judge.  This is what I call Recess's Bowl.  

-1 scoop or packet or chocolate / vegan chocolate (remember, vegan just means dairy free so it's plant based protein instead of whey protein)
-β…“ cup unsweetened almond milk / water (i like both equally so it's just personal preference
-1-2 tsp nut butter (I only like this one with PB, it's a strong flavor since there are no other fruits / veggies added in so you will know if you like / don't like a specific nut butter in this, more than in a smoothie)

Mix the Shakeology and liquid first, really well. It gets thicker the longer you mix it.  This counts as 1 red and 1-2 tsp depending on how much nut butter you use.  

Another option is to omit the nut butter and add a purple of fruit instead.  Remember that 1/2 banana = 1 purple so if you're adding other fruit too, only do ¼ banana. It's higher in sugar too so less is more.  Natural sugar or not, sugar feeds cellulite.  This would be 1 red, 1 purple.  

β…“ cup liquid - more firm

1/2 cup liquid - more soupy (I love this too, but most will prefer the β…“ cup consistency

Shakeology bowls are SO FUN and no one even suspects a thing!!  I ALWAYS buy plain greek yogurt now because I can sweeten it with cinnamon or vanilla (both freebies) or honey or maple syrup (both count as however many tsp you use) and I avoid all the chemicals added to flavored yogurt. Yes, there's still added sugar in it, but at least it's at its purest form. 

Then throw in 1 scoop / packet of vanilla / vegan vanilla and no one will realize you just added 70 superfoods to their breakfast!  My kids and hubby both LOVE this!  Top with 1/2 a yellow of any clean granola you prefer.  I tend to make the Oatmeal Balls (found HERE) and reduce the amount of honey so it's not to sticky and use that as granola. You can store in tupperware for weeks in the fridge.  Mine never lasts even 7 days, but in theory, if it did, you could :) ENJOY!!!

Lastly, Shakeology Cookie Dough!  Here is the original recipe one of my coaches created, but because of my coconut allergy, I omit coconut oil and I like it just the same.  Am I doing it to save calories...HECK NO!  On 21 day fix YOU DO NOT COUNT CALORIES!  <3  I can't tell you the last time I even thought about that word...if you count calories, please Lord Jesus, call me and lets talk.  You will not get those minutes / days back in your life and I TWENTY YEARS of regret about this. I kept journals, tracked calories in an app, ran number in my head, you name it!  It wasn't until 21 day fix that I felt true freedom from all of that.  FREEDOM!!!  

-1 packet / scoop Vegan Vanilla Vanilla Shakeology *whey doesn't turn out as well
-tsp melted coconut oil
-2 tsp nut butter
-¼ cup unsweetened almond milk
-dash of salt (optional)
-1-2 TBSP dark chocolate chips (depending on your plan, you know how much you can have ;)

Mix it all together until it's the consistency of cookie dough and add a little more liquid if you prefer.  Then top with chocolate chips and enjoy!