Eat.Sweat.Pray. Fitness

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The Triple Boost Shake

Get your cameras ready, friends, this is a recipe you want to save! When you’ve had one too many cookies, cocktails, or chips this holiday season, have the ingredients for this shake on hand and get ready to feel a boost like you wouldn’t believe!

The Triple Boost Shake is a super-efficient way to start the day! Water first, veggies most, protein, and FFCs, plus three Shakeology Boosts, make a fast and delicious addition to breakfast that will keep you full and satisfied well into your busy day. This shake is also a great way to incorporate our Shakeology Boost line into your routine.


1 cup water

1 cup ice

1 scoop superfood protein powder (We use any Shakeology flavor!)

1⁄2 large banana, cut into chunks

1 cup of fresh or frozen spinach

1⁄2 cup chopped carrots (or grated, shredded, or steamed)

1 tsp. fresh ginger

1⁄2 scoop Shakeology Boost: Power Greens

1 scoop Shakeology Boost: Digestive Health

1 scoop Shakeology Boost: Focused Energy


1. Place water, ice, Shakeology, banana, lettuce, carrots, ginger, Power Greens Boost (if desired), Digestive Health Boost (if desired), and Focused Energy Boost (if desired) in blender; cover. Blend until smooth.

2. Eat slowly with a small spoon.

Servings: 1

Portion Fix Containers: 1 Red, 1 Green

2B Mindset: A great breakfast option!