Check in - how healthy are your habits really?

Quite often I feel like my personal training clients are trying to sell me on how healthy they are. “I eat tons of protein” “I love eggs” and so on and when we deep dive into their nutrition we realize, they don’t in fact get even close to the amount of protein they need. Did you know it takes at least 20 grams of protein to even hit Muscle Protein Synthesis? So if you’re grazing all day, always hungry or thinking about food, you’re body is probably looking for fuel and finding your muscles as the source of protein! When your body thinks it’s not getting enough nutrients, it holds on to the fat and actually STORES IT! omggg no thank you! Take this quick eval and reach out with the results. Email me HERE!

In addition, review your medicine cabinet and see if you even need ½ of what is in there. This assessment takes 3-5 minutes and walks through questions based on your age, screen time, activity levels, stress levels, etc, you can upload blood work, results and results. It’s very far and completely free! Take ASSESSMENT HERE.

High Protein Sweet Treats!!!

Well we all survived Valentine’s Day and are better for it… we know Spring Break is on the way and Easter will be right there with it. Something about putting shorts and a bikini on is more motivating for people than February when we are all bundled up still filling up on sweets, soups and wayyyy to make carbs!

These are delicious, family friendly and crowd pleasers so double them for your next party, they’ve been a hit every time I’ve served anything from this e-book!

Share in the comments what you make and how delicious they were!

Remember for protein, you can use any brand 42 grams of powder (soy or plant based) but it can’t be whey, it just doesn’t turn out the same. If you need help with them, email me. Can’t wait to see what you make!

Breakfast & Bowls that are to die for!

Enjoy & make these stat. They are mouth watering good and I’ve loved everything I made so far. Let me know what your favorite meal is!

Make sure you use a great protein powder that has:

1) Leucine (Essential Amino Acid) - helps improve metabolism, burn fat & build lean muscle.

2) 20 grams or more Protein - super important’ 20 grams is the baseline for Muscle Protein Synthesis which means you want your body to burn fat for energy, NOT muscle!

3) Be Organic, NonGMO, GF and have DF options if you need that.

Protein Balls & Bars for on-the-go busy days!

These protein recipes have been our saving grace on so many rushed mornings when we needed a quick breakfast, snacks after school or on excursions during the day, or when you start getting hangry and need a quick hail Mary! There are many options so you’re sure to find one you love!

When shopping for a protein powder, pick a shake that has:

1) Leucine (Essential Amino Acid) - helps improve metabolism, burn fat & build lean muscle.

2) 20 grams or more Protein - super important’ 20 grams is the baseline for Muscle Protein Synthesis which means you want your body to burn fat for energy, NOT muscle!

3) Be Organic, NonGMO, GF and have DF options if you need that.

you don’t want to undo all your hard work at the gym and you want as many muscle gains as you can, especially as you age. Interesting fact, many seniors cannot eat enough protein so doctors suggest they use a protein shake to help boost their levels and keep bone loss and muscle loss at bay. I love Life Shake and it’s served our family well even though we have different goals between my high school rugby player, my 10 yr old son, my husband and I. I love that there are so many proteins to choose from and Whey, Soy or Plant Based sourses. Let me know if you have any questions!

Which recipe is your favorite??

Setting SMART goals

Complete this for FREE, download here and we can discuss!

When it feels like too much and you want to throw in the towel, move away, sell everything and / or start a new life - teach your inner child to take a deep breath and know 1) that you are loved, 2) you are good enough and 3) you are safe to relax. Your brain and body will remember these queues if you adopt this thought process and continually practice this. Studies show it takes 21 days for a new habit to become solid enough to not have to think before leaning in on it. Hopefully you don’t experience negativity every day, so assume this could take 2-3 months.

When something negative happens, it triggers an emotional reaction based on experiences in the past and sends a signal to our nervous system that we don't trust ourself, or the situation, so we self medicate with unhealthy habits (alcohol, excessive work, sex, food cravings, binging, insert others here _____).

Recognizing this and creating a healthy habit to replace the unhealthy habit will significantly change your life. For example, giving up alcohol will likely add another negative habit unless replaced with something at the same time of change. (ie giving up wine and replacing w/ tea doesn’t create a void in that space).

2023 was a year of searching, prayer and becoming a new version of myself, The healthy, happy, strong person ‘I thought I was,’ got buried by an injured shoulder requiring Cortisone shots, an injured hip requiring surgery and 6 month recovery, Shingles on my face and Pififormis Syndrome w/ 6 months of no weight lifting. I felt anything but strong, happy or sexy, I gained weight, my mood was low and I literally couldn’t do “fun mom” things anymore. I HATE saying “I can’t do that”, but that was my new life. I had to pivot, lean in on journaling, prayer, my small group at SBPC and cry a lot.

This prayer-filled journey led me to exactly where I'm supposed to be, turning my pain into my purpose, being a more empathetic trainer, prioritizing protein and macros to lose the weight and helping others do the same and growing my Shaklee business in ways I never dreamed! I earned a 2024 Kia SUV, earned multiple all expense paid trips (w/ car, meals, lodging, airfare, tips all included) and incredible gifts from Apple, Lululemon, and more.

We all have greatness within, your body has infinite potential, it's our mind we have to convince.

Healing is open to all of us, it won't be perfect, it's a life long journey, BUT FRIEND, IT IS POSSIBLE!!

Exercising / moving daily, eating whole foods, eliminating alcohol, sugars and toxins, setting boundaries, getting quality sleep, learning to say NO to what doesn’t serve you are all KEY. Progress is often slow, but with consistency, our actions will produce the desired outcomes,

Small achievements turn into BIG success.

Using the SMART method you will be able write goals that meet all of these criteria, and push you towards living your best life.


S: Specific

M: Measurable

A: Achievable

R: Relevant


Learn more about SMART GOALS in my FREE workbook above.

YOU are in the drivers seat, do not let the cruise control take over. The windshield is bigger than the rearview mirror for a reason, we're not looking back, FULL STEAM AHEAD!

Pumpkin Baked Oatmeal for the fam!

Ohhhhh if you like pumpkin , or fall , or happiness … you’ll be making these STAT!!! The best part of this is you can make it ahead of time and it serves a crowd. This would be perfect on Thanksgiving morning to start the day with a high protein breakfast, that’s also healthy. Remember, all high protein isn’t a good option, look at the rest of the macros!

Pumpkin Baked Oatmeal

½ tsp Ginger, ground
1 cup Pumpkin puree
1 Egg
1½ c cups Rolled oats
4 scoops pumpkin plant based life shake
¼ cup Maple syrup
1 tsp Baking powder
¼ tsp Cloves, ground
¼ tsp Nutmeg, ground
½ tsp Salt
1 tsp Vanilla extract
¼ cup Pecans (opt, I omitted b/c my son & I don’t like the texture)
1 tbsp unsweetened apple sauce (replaces butter )
2 cups of choice (we use unsweetened almond SILK milk)

let me know if you’ll make this and report back how you liked it! I love feedback!

Chocolate PB Protein Pie

Here’s another great recipe! 💝 This one is ALL the chocolate (you’re welcome) and won’t break the meal plan bank. Let’s try it!

Servings: 12


2 Tbsp. reduced-fat milk

1 container firm (or silken) tofu

4 scoops chocolate Life Shake

½ cup peanut butter

2 large bananas, cut into chunks

1 Tbsp. honey

1 whole-wheat graham cracker pie crust


Place milk, tofu, protein powder, peanut butter, bananas, and honey in a blender; cover. Blend until smooth. Pour tofu mixture into pie crust; refrigerate for at least one hour, or until firm. Cut into 12 servings. Serve immediately, or store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours.

Banana Cream Chia Pudding

Ready to eat more dessert? This is a recipe you definitely want to save because it is great to prep in bulk to enjoy all week long!

Made with banana, chia seeds, vanilla protein powder, almond milk, and Greek yogurt, this Banana Cream Chia Pudding will keep you full for hours.

…and is the perfect recipe to use up that random, half-banana laying on your countertop! 🍌

Servings: 1


1 cup unsweetened almond milk

2 scoops vanilla Life Shake

2 Tbsp. chia seeds

½ cup reduced-fat plain Greek yogurt

½ large banana, sliced


Add almond milk, protein powder, and chia seeds to a 16-oz. jar (or sealable container); stir until well mixed and no lumps remain. Seal jar. Refrigerate at least 4 hours (or overnight). Top with yogurt and banana just before serving. Store refrigerated in an airtight container for up to 24 hours.

Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream!

I’m so excited to share sweet treats that are nutritious and delicious this month! A sweet treat, a chocolate moment, and a scoop of goodness that feels like a warm hug… all here and all a part of your meal plan!

First up, chocolate peanut butter ice cream! Yup, believe it. 🍫

This is the ice cream you’ve been waiting for — rich, creamy, with just the right amount of sweetness, made from just four ingredients that get smooth and creamy just like the soft-serve ice cream of your dreams!

Servings: 2


1 large banana, cut into chunks

½ cup unsweetened almond milk

2 scoops chocolate protein powder

2 Tbsp. all-natural smooth peanut butter


Place the banana in a plastic bag; freeze for 4 hours, or until completely frozen. Place almond milk, protein powder, banana, and peanut butter in a blender (or food processor); cover and blend until smooth.

Divide ice cream evenly between 2 serving bowls; serve immediately.

Dreamy Creamy Chocolate Pie

Here is a new dessert that is protein packed, but no one will know.  The name alone piqued my curiosity! 

Dreamy Creamy Chocolate Pie

Servings: 4


6 pitted dates

⅓ cup quick oats

⅓ cup unsalted pistachios


2 cups reduced-fat plain Greek yogurt

¼ cup + 1 Tbsp. chocolate Life Shake (soy or plant based will do)

3 Tbsp. cornstarch

1 Tbsp. liquid stevia

¼ tsp. sea salt / Himalayan salt

½ cup sliced strawberries

2 Tbsp. chopped cacao nibs


1. To make the crust, add dates, oats, and pistachios to a food processor; pulse until well combined. Texture will be crumbly but should hold together when pinched. Use fingertips to press mixture into the bottom of an 8-inch springform pan; set aside.

2. To make filling, add yogurt, protein powder, cornstarch, stevia, and salt to a food processor; blend on high, scraping down sides once, for 2 minutes, or until super-smooth.

3. Spread yogurt mixture over crust. Press strawberries into top; sprinkle with cacao nibs.

4. Refrigerate for 2 hours, or up to overnight.

5. To serve, run hot water over a butter knife; slide the butter knife around the edge of the springform pan to release the pie. Release springform ring; slice pie into 4 equal pieces. Refrigerate leftovers in an airtight container for up to 4 days.

Vanilla Oatmeal Protein Cookie Sandwiches

Here’s a Life Shake makeover? A few of you reached out to share how much you love LIfe Shakes, and you only add water and shake it up.  While that is fine, you are missing out friend.  Blending your shakes is a whole other level and if you’re worried about drinking it later, rest assured it’ll still be good hours later if you store it in a Yeti or Stanley insulated container. This cookie recipe is DELICIOUS and nutritious - Yes, please!

Vanilla Oatmeal Protein Cookie Sandwiches

Servings: 15


1 cup dry instant oats

½ cup GF all-purpose flour

2 scoops Vanilla Chai Life Shake (or Vanilla if you have that!)

1½ tsp. baking powder

¼ tsp. sea salt (or Himalayan salt)

1 large egg

¼ cup + 1 Tbsp. unsweetened almond milk

2 Tbsp. coconut oil

1 tsp. pure vanilla extract

¼ cup pure maple syrup

3 Tbsp. dark chocolate mini-chips

Homemade coconut whip cream or low-fat, light whipped topping (opt, I omit this)


1. Preheat the oven to 325˚ F and line the baking sheet with parchment paper.

2. In a medium bowl, whisk together oats, flour, protein powder, baking powder, and salt.

3. In a separate bowl, whisk together egg, almond milk, oil, and extract. Stir in maple syrup.

4. Add liquid mixture to dry mixture, stirring just until incorporated. Gently fold in chocolate chips.

5. Drop cookie dough into 15 round scoops and flatten to desired thickness.

6. Bake for 11 to 14 minutes.

7. Cool on sheet for 1 minute before transferring to wire rack.

8. Eat a cookie as is or sandwich two together with whipped cream in the middle for a really tasty treat!

Chicken Spinach Scramble

Here is a quick recipe perfect for your busiest morning! Scrambled eggs are a quick morning classic, and a lot of these ingredients are great to prep the night before. Chicken, spinach, and avocado make for a high-protein meal with a whopping 48 grams of protein to help you build and repair muscle.

Chicken Spinach Scramble

Servings: 1


1 large egg

4 large egg whites (½ cup)

Sea salt (or Himalayan salt) and ground black pepper to taste; optional

Nonstick cooking spray

1 cup raw baby spinach

3 oz. cooked chicken breast, chopped

1/4 medium avocado, thinly sliced


1. Combine egg and egg whites in a medium bowl; whisk to blend. Season with salt and pepper, if desired; whisk to blend. Set aside.

2. Heat medium nonstick skillet lightly coated with spray over medium-low heat. Add spinach; cook, stirring frequently, for 3 to 4 minutes, or until wilted.

3. Add egg mixture; cook, stirring constantly, for 3 to 4 minutes, or until almost set.

4. Add chicken; cook, stirring frequently, for 2 to 3 minutes, or until eggs are set.

5. Top with avocado; serve immediately.

Vegan Sugar Cookies

You asked for a vegan cookie recipe, so here it is! You can use clean ingredients and they taste GOOD too!

Here’s a remix of the traditional sugar cookie recipe, without the heaps of white sugar, butter, and wheat flour. They have only 7 ingredients and are super easy to make!

Vegan Sugar Cookies

Servings: 12 cookies


Nonstick cooking spray

1 cup almond flour, sift after measuring

1 dash sea salt (or Himalayan Salt)

1 dash baking soda

2 Tbsp. pure maple syrup

1 Tbsp. extra virgin organic coconut oil, melted

1 tsp. pure vanilla extract

2 tsp. unsweetened almond milk

Parchment paper


1. Preheat the oven to 325° F. Lightly coat a large baking sheet with spray. Set aside.

2. Combine almond flour, salt, and baking soda in a medium bowl; mix well. Set aside.

3. Combine maple syrup, oil, and extract in a small bowl; mix well.

4. Add maple syrup mixture to almond flour mixture. Add milk slowly; mix to break up clumps of dough. Form dough into a ball with clean hands. Place on parchment paper. Roll into a 7-inch long log. Freeze for 50 to 60 minutes, or until firm. Cut the log into twelve slices. Spread slices out on a prepared baking sheet.

5. Bake for 8 to 10 minutes, or until set.

6. Cool for 10 minutes on a baking sheet. Loosen with metal spatula, remove from sheets and cool completely on a wire rack (or on parchment paper).

Chocolate Eggnog Shake

How are your 2023 resolutions going? This is a great way to indulge and stay on task with your goals. If you’re part of my Jan 9th Cleanse group, this fits the bill. Totally approved!

Chocolate Eggnog Shake

Servings: 1


1 cup unsweetened almond milk

1 cup ice

2 scoops chocolate Life Shake

½ tsp. ground allspice

1 tsp. pure rum extract


Place almond milk, ice, Life Shake, allspice, and extract ice in a blender; cover. Blend until smooth.

No-Bake Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Bites

Ready for a trip down memory lane? Oatmeal raisin cookies are like taking a bite of nostalgia; so let’s give them a healthy holiday spin by using vanilla Life Shake in this recipe!

Instead of a ton of sugar and butter, our oatmeal raisin cookies contain pure maple syrup for a subtle sweetness and almond butter and Life Shake for creaminess. And of course, oatmeal and raisins remain the stars of the show.

No-Bake Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Bites

Servings: 24 cookies


Parchment paper

1½ cups dry rolled oats

½ cup all-natural almond butter

4 scoops vanilla Life Shake

⅓ cup unsweetened almond milk

2 Tbsp. pure maple syrup

1 tsp. pure vanilla extract

½ cup raisins


1. Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper; set aside.

2. Add oats, almond butter, Life Shake, almond milk, maple syrup, and extract to a large mixing bowl; stir until cookie dough consistency is reached.

3. Add raisins; gently fold to incorporate.

4. Form dough into 24 (1-inch) balls; place on parchment paper. Flatten into cookie shape. Refrigerate in an airtight container for up to 4 days, or freeze for up to 2 weeks.

Cinnamon Coffee Cake

Whenever I tried to lose weight in the past, the first thing that would go would be my sweets, breads, cake, etc. Typically these contain highly processed ingredients and lots of sugar, so it’s a good move. But, cutting them out completely left me with even MORE cravings, ultimately feeling like I had to go “all or nothing”, and… fail again.

Here’s to NO RESTRICTIONS and choose delicious treats we love AND are good for us in 2023!

Cinnamon Coffee Cake

Servings: 6


Nonstick cooking spray

1½ cups all-purpose gluten-free flour

½ cup coconut flour

2 Tbsp. brown sugar (or coconut sugar)

1½ tsp. baking soda

2 tsp. ground cinnamon, divided use

¼ tsp. sea salt (or Himalayan salt)

3 cups reduced-fat cottage cheese

8 large egg whites (approx. 1 cup)

2 tsp. pure vanilla extract

1 tsp. liquid stevia (optional)

1 Tbsp. unsweetened cocoa powder


¼ cup rolled oats

3 Tbsp. chopped unsalted pecans

2 Tbsp. brown sugar (or coconut sugar)

2 Tbsp. unsalted organic butter (or coconut oil), melted

1 tsp. ground cinnamon


1. Preheat the oven to 350° F.

2. To make coffee cake, lightly coat an 8 x 8-inch baking dish with spray; set aside.

3. Add gluten-free flour, coconut flour, brown sugar, baking soda, 1 tsp. cinnamon, and salt to a medium mixing bowl; stir to combine.

4. Add cottage cheese, egg whites, extract, and stevia (if desired) to a blender; cover. Blend until smooth.

5. Pour cheese mixture into flour mixture; mix until a thick batter forms.

6. Pour half of the mixture into the prepared baking dish; use a spatula to spread evenly into corners.

7. Add cocoa powder and remaining 1 tsp. cinnamon to a sifter (or wire mesh strainer) held over the baking dish; sift to evenly coat.

8. Spoon remaining batter over top, using a spatula to spread evenly into corners.

9. To make topping, add oats, pecans, brown sugar, butter, and cinnamon to a small mixing bowl; stir to combine. Sprinkle evenly over batter.

10. Bake for 35 to 40 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into center comes out clean. Let cool for 5 minutes. Slice into 6 equal pieces.

11. Refrigerate leftover coffee cake in an airtight container for up to 4 days. Heat gently before serving, if desired.

Creamy Candy Cane Shake

Feeling like Christmas was already 9 months ago? I’m missing it too and the smells and sweetness of the season. Let’s take a trip down Candy Cane Lane with a sweet, creamy shake recipe! I love this recipe because it can use the seasonal flavor Peppermint Mocha or your classic Vanilla. The peppermint flavor will come through in a refreshing way, either way!

Creamy Candy Cane Shake

Servings: 1


1 cup unsweetened almond milk

1 cup ice

2 scoops vanilla or peppermint mocha Life Shake

½ tsp. pure peppermint extract


Place almond milk, ice, Life Shake, and extract in a blender; cover. Blend until smooth.

Raspberry Filled Cookie Bites

Christmas Day may be over, but the holiday season is still in full swing! Our final cookie recipe is perfect for any celebration, and would pair perfectly with a glass of sparkling tomorrow 🥂 These Raspberry-Filled Cookie Bites are based on the classic French macaron recipe, and feature all-natural ingredients with the taste of a French bakery!

Raspberry Filled Cookie Bites

Servings: 9 servings


1 cup fresh (or frozen) raspberries

¾ cup + 2 Tbsp. water, divided use

¼ cup raw honey

2 large egg whites (¼ cup)

½ tsp. pure vanilla extract

½ cup sifted almond flour


1. To make raspberry filling, combine raspberries and ¾ cup water in small saucepan; cook, over medium-high heat, stirring occasionally, for 10 to 12 minutes, or until berries have broken down and liquid becomes slightly thicker. Refrigerate to cool.

2. To make meringue, place honey and remaining 2 Tbsp. water in small saucepan; cook, over medium-high heat, stirring occasionally, until mixture reaches 240° F with a candy thermometer.

3. While honey mixture cooks, place egg whites in a clean, large metal mixing bowl; beat until soft peaks are formed. Set aside.

4. When the honey mixture reaches 240° F, transfer it into a clean, heat-resistant pouring vessel (like a glass measuring cup).

5. Slowly add honey mixture (in a thin stream) to egg whites, whisking vigorously until completely mixed.

6. Add extract; continue whisking vigorously until the meringue forms stiff, glossy peaks.

7. Gently fold in almond flour; mix until well blended. Set aside.

8. Preheat the oven to 300° F. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper. Set aside.

9. Transfer meringue mixture into a large resealable plastic bag (or pastry bag). Squeeze out any excess air and seal the bag. Cut off about ½-inch of the bottom corner of the bag.

10. Pipe out thirty-six 1-inch rounds, evenly spaced. Firmly tap each baking sheet against the kitchen counter a few times to release any air bubbles.

11. Let cookies rest for 30 minutes prior to baking.

12. Bake for 18 to 20 minutes, or until cookies have risen about an inch. Remove from the oven. Cool before removing from parchment paper.

13. Evenly divide raspberry filling on the flat side of eighteen cookies. Top each cookie with the flat side of a second cookie to make a sandwich.

Almond and Apricot Thumbprints

These delicious, bite-sized thumbprint cookies can be enjoyed all year long! This cookie recipe has a strong almond flavor and swaps out the traditional jellied center for a real, whole, dried apricot. Yum!

Almond and Apricot Thumbprints

Servings: 24 cookies


1 cup all-natural almond butter

1 tsp. pure almond extract

1 cup dry quick-cooking rolled oats

½ cup honey

1 cup vanilla Life Shake

24 dried apricot halves


1. Combine almond butter, extract, oats, honey, and Life Shake in a medium bowl; mix well with a spatula or clean hands.

2. Roll mixture into 24 balls, each about 1 inch in size. Flatten each slightly so that it is shaped like a traditional cookie. Make an indent in the middle of each of the cookies. Place one dried apricot in the center of each cookie before cooling in the refrigerator.

3. Refrigerate for at least one hour before serving.

4. Serve immediately, or store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to five days.

What other dried fruits would you think of using?