Welcome to Eat.Sweat.Pray. Fitness!
I'm glad you’re here and hope you enjoy my website! I love sharing my passion with others. You’ll learn all kinds of things here about my family (my boys always push me to the limit), nutrition (I’m a foodie at heart, I share desserts too), and fitness (it’s fitting as a Personal Trainer).
For 7+ years, clean eating, exercise, all-natural supplements and portion control have been my lifestyle. I don’t exclude any food groups, or shame myself for eating a donut, but I also don’t let one cheat day turn into a cheat week (easy to do, trust me), and my annual check-ups only get better as I get older! It’s great not dreading my annual physical anymore!
My health & fitness passion started from being an "exercise anorexia" survivor. When I look back my high school years, I wish I could give myself a big hug (and maybe a slap), and say, "God isn't finished with you yet." The food I ate was all “fat free, light, reduced fat, sugar free” (and any other modifications you can think of)”; which I now know, were chemically laden processed foods. Back then I thought they’d give me the physique I was after.
I wrecked my GI system, lost hair, stopped having a period for over 6 months; I was missing so many nutrients. I was a competitive athlete in both swimming and soccer, so the calories out, far exceeded the calories in. At the threat of being hospitalized to be forced to gain weight, my entire life changed, for the better. In grade eight, my mother innocently told me,
"obesity runs in our family and is something you'll always have to be conscious of."
Wow. Those words were so impactful; life-changing. From college to my young-adult life, my weight fluctuated as I jumped from one fad diet to the next; you name it, I tried it (Weight Watchers, Atkins Diet, Keto, etc). I never felt confident in my body even when I was skinny; it all felt wrong. Living at the beach where I felt pressure to be in a bathing suit all the time made things even harder.
After giving birth to my second son, I was depressed about the way my body looked, how it felt, and how it moved. I was spending hours at the gym, planning my days around the fitness class schedule, without focusing on the heart of the problem - my nutrition being whole.
“Being overweight is HARD, eating right is HARD, choose your HARD!”
I discovered clean eating and all-natural supplements, and my body felt so much better! My hair grew, my period resumed, I gained confidence, new habits, stopped calorie counting (talk about FREEDOM), stopped obsessing about “steps”, and other GI issues I had (gas, bloat, sleeplessness) were gone. I have come so far and am excited to help you live a life of freedom, confidence and strength. We deserve the very best and the starts with nutrition!
2015: weight 138, size 8/10, exercised 1-2 hrs 6 x week, avg 22k steps / day
2022: weight 124, size 4, exercise 30-45 min 5 x week, avg 7k steps / day