
Café Latte Coconut Popsicles 

Café Latte Coconut Popsicles 

1 cup unsweetened almond milk
2 scoops Café Latte Vegan Shakeology
½ large banana
Popsicle sticks
Parchment paper
⅓ cup semi-sweet (or dark) chocolate chips, no dairy added (approx. 2½ oz.)
2 tsp. extra-virgin organic coconut oil
¼ cup unsweetened shredded coconut
2 Tbsp. finely grated orange (or lemon) peel (orange zest) (optional)

1. Place milk, Shakeology, and banana in blender; cover. Blend until smooth.
2. Pour evenly into four ice pop molds; insert a popsicle stick into each pop. Freeze for 3 hours, or until hard.
3. Line baking sheet with parchment paper. Set aside.
4. Place chocolate chips and oil in microwave-safe container. Microwave on 50% power for 30 seconds; stir. Microwave for an additional 30 to 45 seconds, or until just melted. Do not overcook. Place in small re-sealable plastic bag. Squeeze out most of the air; seal top. Set aside.
5. Place frozen pops on prepared baking sheet.
6. Cut off a tiny corner of plastic bag containing chocolate. Evenly pipe chocolate over pops.
7. Sprinkle evenly with coconut and orange peel (if desired).
8. Freeze for 15 minutes.Your text caption goes here. You can change the position of the caption and set styles in the block’s settings tab.  
Yield: 4 servings, 1 pop each

80 Shift Shop recipes that are to DIE FOR!!

I was reviewing these tonight and seriously, my mouth was watering!  These sound amazing and there are desserts, snacks and meals all included, with container counts. You might wonder why I'm sharing all this info that requires a Beachbody on Demand membership, but it's because I know those that get the results are the ones that are all in... diet (clean eating), portion control (depends on the program...for 21 day fix I will get 2 carbs / day and Body Beast I will get 10!  and that changes throughout the program), exercise (streaming or DVDs) and Shakeology.  

If you skimp on any one of those, you're cheating yourself and not getting the most results out of your 21 day effort. Why waste your time?!?  You wouldn't brush your teeth with 1/2 the amount of toothpaste to save money and risk getting a cavity, so why would you drink 1/2 the serving of Shakeology to make it last longer?  First of all, you won't get the same nutrition out of it so you'll be lacking on some vitamins and you'll be hungry faster so there go your cravings, snacking and calories.  So I'm not worried with all these recipes that you won't need me.  YOU NEED ME and I NEED YOU :)   I do these programs too and your posts and encouragement is a two way street. 

So, who is going to help hold me accountable for round two of Shift Shop starting on Monday?  What you do in your house is your business till you make it out business.  These private groups in the My Challenger App are the secret sauce :) 

HERE are all 80 recipes, divided by week 1, 2, and 3. 

Pineapple Mango Shakeology

My boys saw this email from Beachbody today and requested I make this for breakfast. Boy have things changed since asking for fruit loops and chocolate chip pancakes.  I do love me some chocolate chip pancakes though and Beachbody even has a 21-day fix approved recipe for them so I can stay on track and still indulge. Nothing makes you feel like you're acing it more than fueling your kids with 70 superfoods and vitamins and heading off for a fun family day!  

1 cup water
1 scoop vegan or regular Vanilla Shakeology
¼ cup cubed fresh pineapple
¼ cup cubed mango
1 Tbsp. finely grated orange peel (orange zest)
1 cup ice

1. Place water, Shakeology, pineapple, mango, orange peel, and ice in blender; cover. Blend until smooth.

Check out the diets HERE. 21 day containers: 1/2 purple, 1 red

Chocolate Shakeology Energy Balls

We are back at our corporate apartment for 1 last week before we can move into our house. I cannot wait to have SPACE!! I’m so excited that I started nesting and bought this second-hand Kitchenaid mixer from a professional chef on Gumtree (the “Craigslist” of Australia) and its in like-new condition.  YAY!

Here's the best part of the sale 😂😂...she said, "I'm selling it because I used to be a pastry chef, but now I'm into clean eating and there's NOTHING HEALTHY YOU CAN MAKE with it!!" 😳😱 ummmmm...Yeahhhhhhhhh right!!!

I make tons of recipes ALL THE TIME in my mixer!! Pumpkin muffins (to die for), granola bars (my kids hate pre-packaged ones now and mine are cleaner / cheaper), and my new Shakeology energy many options!! But I didn't elaborate on all that, I shared a little of my story, my website, smiled, and happily took my $750 mixer for $400 and marched right out.  No need to convince her. 😂😂

Here's the recipe, but feel free to tweak it as desired. I've made them a few times and make them different each time. 

-1 scoop / packet of vegan chocolate Shakeology (Vegan is richer in flavor, but either are fine)
-1.5 cup nut butter (make sure it’s “clean” The label should just be nuts, and possibly salt. No added sugar or oils ever!)
-1 cup honey (use your favorite day-to-day honey). Always try to buy local honey so it helps with allergies
-5 1/2 cups quick oats (cheapest brand will do). * I don’t use Old Fashioned Oats because it makes them to dry.

21-Day Fix container equivalents: serving size 1 heaping TBSP rolled into a ball = 1 yellow, 2 tsp

You can freeze these for weeks, maybe even longer, they've just never lasted that long in our house.  I always keep them in the fridge / freezer though because otherwise they get too sticky.  But they won't spoil, it's just a cleanliness issue. ** you don't need a fancy mixer for this, but your wrist might get tired. ha! ENJOY!!!

Chocolate Hazelnut Acai Bowl

Acari bowls are both fun to create and enjoy!  Try getting your kids involved!  And try other flavors besides just Acai berries.  Here's one of my favorites!

¾ cup unsweetened almond milk
1 scoop vegan or regular Chocolate Shakeology
2 TBSP chopped raw hazelnuts (no nutella y'all, that's NOT clean)
1 cup ice
1 1/2 tsp unsweetened shredded coconut
1 1/2 tsp sesame seeds
1 TBSP chopped dark chocolate

Blend all liquid, ice, Shakeology and hazelnuts together until completely smooth.  Then top with sesame seeds, coconut and dark chocolate.  Enjoy!  Makes 1 serving. 

Mango Margarita Shakeology

Here's a new trick...make healthy things taste good and like your favorite cheat, and you'll never miss them.  Cocktails, dessert, whatever your vice is, explore with Shakeology and try to replicate it and when you do...heaven :) 

1 cup unsweetened almond milk
2 Tbsp. fresh lime juice
1 cup ice
1 scoop regular or vegan Vanilla Shakeology
½ cup chopped mango
1 tsp. finely grated lime peel (lime zest)
1 Tbsp. hemp seeds

1. Place almond milk, lime juice, ice, Shakeology, mango, lime peel, and hemp seeds in blender; cover. Blend until smooth. Yield: 1 smoothie

Chia Seed Pudding Parfait 

Chia is so popular right now and there are tons of benefits to it! Here's a good article if you're not familiar with these seeds, click HERE. To be honest, it was an acquired taste to me, but now I've grown to like it. SHOCKINGLY, my kids liked it right away!  (I know, come on mom, get on board!?!?!)  I'd love to hear some of your favorite recipes. 

• 3 C nonfat milk (or unsweetened almond milk)
• 1½ scoops Vanilla Shakeology
• 1 Tbsp raw honey
• 1 tsp ground cinnamon
• 6 Tbsp chia seeds
• 1/4 C fresh blueberries
• 1/4 C fresh raspberries
• unsweetened coconut flakes (opt garnish)

Instructions can be found HERE

Berry Coconut Smoothie

1 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 scoop regular or vegan Strawberry (or Vanilla) Shakeology
¼ cup fresh or frozen raspberries
¼ cup Fresh or frozen blueberries (reserve a small amount for garnish)
1 Tbsp unsweetened shredded coconut (reserve a small amount for garnish)
1 cup ice

Place water, Shakeology, raspberries, blueberries, coconut, and ice in blender; cover. Blend until smooth. See full recipe HERE.

End of summer party treats!


True story (why do I always feel the need to say that?? it's so annoying, but for some reason I think no one believes me, that KIDS DIG SHAKEOLOGY!!!) For regular meals I enforce the motto, "eat it or starve" but not with shakeology because I am not in the business of giving it away. If they fight or tattle (insert loud sigh and eye roll) NO ONE gets Shakeology...but ME :) 

Anyhow, back to this post...If you've been following me on Facebook, you know I throw a bus stop party the last weekday before any holiday, and on any kids birthday on our street. That's how we build community with our Grace Table from the church. I made this Shakeology Brownie Batter snack the other day and Tyler asked if I could serve this at the bus stop for our going away party (yes, we are throwing ourselves an "end of 2nd grade and Vinings leaving for the summer" party :) ) I had to die laughing. I don't think I'm cheap, but I'm not serving this to 10-12 kids :( I know "sharing is caring" and stuff, but this is ALL MINE :) 

Instead, I'll serve my 21-day fix pumpkin muffins which I've seen challengers serve as birthday cupcakes for their kids parties, Mom's Nights Out and holiday celebrations. How awesome that it's one of our breakfast staples that fills so many different needs. I can't wait, and I'd be lying if I didn't wish it was tomorrow, just so I can have one now. here’s the recipe!

Shakeology for the win!


I know...rough life, right?  Losing weight while eating Shakeology in a bowl with fruit and 70 Superfoods + only exercising 25-35 min / day. So hard, amiright??? 🤗

When people ask me if they'll have to "choke down Shakeology", I can't help but wonder what they've been drinking?!!? No. Freaking. Way. ❤️🙌🏻🙋🏼

True story, I did a BLIND taste test between Shakeology and Wendy's Frosty last summer with both my boys (ages 3 & 7 at the time), and they both individually chose Vegan Chocolate Shakeology!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 I'll be honest, I was worried they’d chose the Wendy’s frosty because almost every kid loves sugar and with Shakeology only slightly above broccoli on the Glycemic Index, I was shocked! Matthew literally wouldn't drink his Frosty and this kid doesn’t refuse anything sugary! 

1 scoop / packet Vegan Chocolate Shakeology
⅓ C unsweetened Silk Almond Milk (water or other milk alternative will do).
¾ C berries (or ½ banana) **berries are less sugar, so lower on GI too

Stir Shakeology and liquid till you get desired consistency and then add fruit or nut butter. ENJOY!

Brownie nutter butter batter - aka healthy Reese's Cup!

It's movie night in the Vining household and daddy is away on a business trip, so the kids and I curled up watching Chicken Run and having Shakeology brownie-nutter batter (yes, it's clean) for dessert. I'm feeling generous tonight, so we each got our own! They better not expect that all the time!

Perfect Friday night with my boys while we wait for daddy to come home. 

1 scoop / packet Vegan Chocolate Shakeology
⅓ c water (to taste, for consistency)
1 ½ tsp creamy nut butter (I prefer dark roasted, make sure it’s clean!)

Stir together and add more water if it’s too think. This doesn’t turn out the same with Whey formula, so stick with Vegan. I mean, how can brownie batter be bad, but it’s just better with Vegan :)