80 Shift Shop recipes that are to DIE FOR!!

I was reviewing these tonight and seriously, my mouth was watering!  These sound amazing and there are desserts, snacks and meals all included, with container counts. You might wonder why I'm sharing all this info that requires a Beachbody on Demand membership, but it's because I know those that get the results are the ones that are all in... diet (clean eating), portion control (depends on the program...for 21 day fix I will get 2 carbs / day and Body Beast I will get 10!  and that changes throughout the program), exercise (streaming or DVDs) and Shakeology.  

If you skimp on any one of those, you're cheating yourself and not getting the most results out of your 21 day effort. Why waste your time?!?  You wouldn't brush your teeth with 1/2 the amount of toothpaste to save money and risk getting a cavity, so why would you drink 1/2 the serving of Shakeology to make it last longer?  First of all, you won't get the same nutrition out of it so you'll be lacking on some vitamins and you'll be hungry faster so there go your cravings, snacking and calories.  So I'm not worried with all these recipes that you won't need me.  YOU NEED ME and I NEED YOU :)   I do these programs too and your posts and encouragement is a two way street. 

So, who is going to help hold me accountable for round two of Shift Shop starting on Monday?  What you do in your house is your business till you make it out business.  These private groups in the My Challenger App are the secret sauce :) 

HERE are all 80 recipes, divided by week 1, 2, and 3.