
Summer Road Trip Food ideas...

Planning a quick weekend road trip, or venturing back into the world of travel?? Wherever this summer takes you, make sure that your snack game is strong so your nutrition and health can still have priority! Road, air or sea - travel always has unexpected surprises and delays!

Here’s a list of healthy, portable snack options to hold you over until your next meal. My top 5 are:

1) Hard-Boiled Eggs
With 77 calories and 6 grams of protein per egg, hard-boiled eggs are an easy travel snack you can eat with your bare hands in a pinch. Try sprinkling an umami seasoning, everything bagel salt or another flavored topping for some extra pizazz (at home), or save salt and pepper packets form gas stations or takeaway orders.

2) Jerky
Beef jerky provides protein along with micronutrients. To reduce the sodium try turkey, chicken, or plant-based options! There are so many varieties to try; this is an easy to eat, easy to pack must have and plenty of flavor! We always have this in our backpack when we hike!

3) Protein Bars
Protein bars are a quintessential travel snack, but the sugar and artificial flavoring can really kill your clean eating plans. Look for bars that have 6g of sugar or less and an ingredients list that you can actually read! (If you can’t pronounce it, you probably shouldn’t be eating it) #truth Granola and Protein Bars can be sneaky and have the nutrients of a Snickers candy bar so for sure READ THE LABEL. I love Beachbody’s Beachbars and there are 3 delicious options: Chocolate Cherry Almond, Chocolate Peanut Butter (both whey) or Chocolate Almond Crunch (vegan and tastes like a s’mores).

4) Nuts
Nuts are a nutrient-dense snack, so pack some before you go! Pistachios are a great option because they can be considered a complete protein, meaning they contain all nine essential amino acids in one little snack! If you like flavored nuts, skip the store-bought version and try making your own, you’ll thank yourself! You’ll be able to control the sodium levels and notice that a sprinkling of seasoning goes a long way. WATCH YOUR PORTIONS. Reasonable portion sizes are: 20 pistachios, 12 almonds, 8 cashews or walnuts, 10 pecans or 14 peanuts. Shocking how little right? I bet we are all thinking “woah, I had a week’s worth in one sitting”. That’s why portion sizes matter. We might not be getting results because we don’t know any better :) I’m here to help!

5) Cheese Sticks
Snack cheeses like string cheese and Babybel provide protein and calcium for under 100 calories per serving. These are great to pair with a piece of fruit to offset the sugar content. They are best, however, for short trips - like most perishable foods, you’ll want to eat cheese within two hours of taking it out of the fridge. Don’t overdue it or have this every single day because cheese can also stop you up in the toilet area :) That’s no fun on road trips.

Best advice when you travel and something I ALWAYS do - add veggies to EVERY SINGLE MEAL; even brekky! I find vegetables super hard to find when I’m traveling and I never get enough fiber (women want 25 grams a day and men, 35 grams) so if I eat then when they’re available, I don’t pay the price later when options are sparse.

What other tips do you have?

Summer Potluck Recipes

Click to download!

Click to download!

There’s nothing like the dreaded “Bring your own…” at the end of a summer invite to really get you sweating! What does the host like? What is the theme of the party? Should I bring hot or cold?

Look no further because the ultimate Potluck Recipe Guide is here! Flip through the PDF below to get my favorite summer recipes to serve a crowd. Whether it’s a cookout, birthday party, barbecue or beachy lunch - I think you will find something that you love!

Open the PDF and let me know, what recipe are you excited to try?

Another burnout - this time I'm focusing on triceps!!!

Lets get tank top ready because ready or not, summer is coming!!! Nobody wants their arms flapping in the wind, so try these moves with the suggested repetition range and see how many sets you can do. Aim for at least two sets, but if you can do more, DO IT!!! You’ll tank me, and be even more proud of yourself, tomorrow. You might not like me today, but I’m ok with that. I’d love to hear your feedback! Subscribe to my channel so you don’t miss any more challenges!

Strawberry Watermelon Shakeology!

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There’s something about watermelon that just says summer and simple. This is the perfect way to add smooth summer vibes to your day!

* ½ cup water
* ½ cup cubed watermelon
* 1 cup ice
* 1 scoop Strawberry Shakeology
* 2 tbsp chopped fresh mint

Place water, watermelon, Shakeology, mint, and ice in a blender; cover and blend until smooth.

Portion Fix Containers: ½ Purple, 1 Red
2B Mindset Plate It: A great snackional or enjoy as part of breakfast!

10 Minute abs on Stability Ball

Don’t be intimidated by Stability Balls. They are a great modality to take your workout up a notch and you’ll increase balance and stability at the same time as working your core. Who doesn’t love multi-tasking in the gym!!??! If you can do over a 2 minute plank, it’s worth going out and buying one of these because you’re wasting time on the floor in ISO prone plank position, when you could be challenging yourself more in the same time, or even half! Trust me, you’ll feel it.

My personal challenge to you — try this today and keep at it for 30 days. Then try it again and see how much strength you’ve gained in your core. I’d take pictures too, if you’re planking every day, there’s going to be some visible changes :)

Salmon + Grilling = Best summer niiiiiiights!


✨Honey Mustard Salmon with Roasted Veggies✨

This is a salmon lovin’ recipe 😂 Anyone else obsessed with Salmon? I’m fine if it’s just me, leaves me with more food to eat and leftovers for tomorrow! ha!

Ingredients Parchment paper Olive oil Cooking spray
* 2 lbs mini bell peppers, assorted colors
* 1 lb medium asparagus spears, ends trimmed (approximately 30 spears)
* 1 tsp seasoning blend of your choice
* 1 tsp fresh lemon juice
* 2 (6 oz each) raw salmon fillets
* 1 tsp garlic powder
* 2 tsp Dijon mustard
* 2 tsp raw honey

1) Preheat the oven to 400° F. Place parchment paper on one large baking sheet and one small baking sheet. Lightly coat with spray. Set aside.
2) Spread bell peppers and asparagus spears evenly on the large baking sheet. Season with seasoning blend and drizzle asparagus with lemon juice.
3) Lightly coat veggies with spray. Bake veggies for 10 minutes. While veggies are baking, top the small baking sheet with salmon and sprinkle with garlic powder.
4) Spread mustard evenly over salmon and drizzle with honey. Place salmon in the oven.
5) Bake veggies for an additional 10 to 20 minutes, or until tender-crisp.
6) Bake salmon for 15 to 20 minutes, or until salmon flakes easily when tested with a fork. Serve salmon with veggies.

Portion Fix Containers: 2 Green, 1½ Red
2B Mindset Plate It: A great dinner option

What is your favorite veggie to roast for a tasty summer evening dinner?

Eat like your life depends on it!

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The color of your veggies means something!

Our bodies are pretty amazing things and do so much for us, we owe it to our bodies not to fill it with crap! Did you know that the color of food actually tells you something? It’s like a fortune cookie :)

Blue/Purple: Lower risk of certain cancers, urinary tract health, memory function, healthy aging. Ex: purple cabbage & eggplant.

White: Heart health, healthy cholesterol levels, natural detoxifiers, lower risk of some cancers. Ex: Cauliflower, artichoke, garlic, onion, mushrooms, parsnips, turnips.

Red: Heart health, lower risk of some cancers, memory function, urinary tract health. Ex: Beets, red peppers, radishes, red onion, rhubarb, tomatoes.

Orange/Yellow: Heart health, vision health, healthy immune system, lower risk of some cancer. Ex: Butternut squash carrots, peppers, pumpkin, sweet potato.

Green: Lower risk of some cancers, vision health, strong bones and teeth. Ex: Arugula, asparagus, broccoli, green beans, leafy greens, spinach.

Which color do you tend to eat the most? What changes will you make after reading this?

Lemonade Popsicles

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Since it’s summer, what’s better than lemonade when you’re sweating outside or lounging by the pool? I’ve got a super easy lemonade popsicle recipe for you! And if simple isn’t your style and you want to elevate the flavor, add ¼ cup fresh herbs or seasonings wrapped tightly in cheesecloth to the water and honey mixture; boil for 5 minutes. Allow to steep for 1-2 hours and strain. Play around with this! Try ginger, rosemary, thyme, basil… you do you!

* 1½ cups water, divided use
* 3 tbsp raw honey
* ½ cup fresh lemon juice

1) Heat ½ cup of water and honey in a small saucepan over medium-high heat; cook, stirring frequently, for 5 minutes or until well-blended. Cool to room temp.
2) Combine honey mixture and lemon juice in a bowl or pitcher. Gradually add the remaining water, to desired taste.
3) Pour evenly into 4 ice pop molds; freeze for at least 4 hours, or until set.

Portion Fix Containers: ½ Yellow
2B Mindset Plate It: Enjoy as an occasional treat - be sure to track!

What’s your go-to summer snack?

3 Day Refresh - Day 3!

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OMGGGGGG how is this the final day already?  I really like the Vanilla Fresh shake and so many ask if they can buy those al-a-carte, but the sad answer can't.  Sorry!  It's only sold as a kit and only has 3 Shakeology packets, the rest are special formulated shakes with plant based protein so you stay full, but still detox.  Let me know if you want to try it and join my next accountability group on April 16th!  I run groups every month if that week doesn't work for you. 

Meals today:
breakfast: vegan vanilla Shakeology w/ blueberries & strawberries
am snack: fiber sweep
lunch: vanilla fresh w/ strawberries, celery & PB
pm snack: tomatoes w/ avocado
dinner: vanilla fresh, spinach salad w/ lemon & olive oil dressing (yes I did this all 3 nights. it's that good)

This was pretty easy and I'M ON VACATION! Most people wouldn't do a clean on vacation and if they did, they wouldn't follow through with it, but when you want a system reset and to change your habits, you just grit your teeth and push through.  Too bad this is so easy that it didn't require teeth gritting, but I was ready just in case :) 

We've talked about sugar cravings and water intake and how important drinking enough water is, but we didn't talk about emotional eating or GRAZING.  I hate that word because I do it all the time and it sounds like you're referring to a cow.  Right?  I mean I'm not in a pasture constantly eating, but it seems that way when I walk around the kitchen nibbling on this, finishing that, tasting this... you get the point.  Do you do this?  Those calories all add up.  Do you know the average Costco shopping trip costs a customer 400+ calories in just those tiny swish containers.  I mean, they are so is that possible??  BECAUSE IT ALL ADDS UP! 

So, breaking habits is a huge reason to do the reset.  In 3 days it will be quite evident where you are gaining the extra calories. It might be finishing your kids plate, because really, it's a kids' meal so it's already small, can't hurt?  WRONG!  Or sampling food while cooking and getting almost a meals worth of food before you even plate it and sit down.  Yeah, that's happened in my house once, or ten times.  NOT GREAT!  I hope you reap all the benefits I did because in three days, even if the scale doesn't move, I've had huge take aways, and feel better, more rested, and more focused on FOOD = FUEL, not emotions.  And I want to change how I reward my kids from ice cream and sugary treats, to non-food items.  They are not dogs.  I don't know how that habit started, but I know how it will end.  I feel in control again!

Roasted Asparagus Recipe with Feta and Pistachios

This is Shift Shop approved and delicious!

1/4 cup olive oil
4 cloves garlic, pressed
Zest from 1 lemon
1 tsp oregano
1/4 tsp red pepper flakes
1/2 cup pistachios, shelled and unsalted
1 lb. asparagus, ends trimmed
1/4 cup feta cheese
Juice from 1 lemon

Directions can be found HERE.

Strong is the new sexy!

Look at the two beautiful women, Rebecca & Tamara. They were perfect already; both amazing, busy moms with too much on their plate to add one-more-thing! It's ok to want more though and put yourself first! They both knew they wanted a change and believed in themselves enough to take the plunge! 21 days is long enough to break any habits / lifestyle you've become accustomed to and discover a new you!! 

I'd rather my kids get 95% of "me" and be focused, energized, happy, than them get 100% of the warn down, exhausted, unhealthy and depressed version of "me". 

Think about it...what makes you the best version of yourself?? Is it when your clothes fit and you're more confident? Is it eating clean so your body doesn't crash at 2pm and snack or need a nap? Having enough energy to chase your kids / grandkids or play tag? You can so all those things and IT'S OK TO WANT TO BE BETTER!! Don't feel guilty!

I'm most proud of myself on days that I exercise 30 min (2% of the day y'all), eat clean and spend quality family time. That's a good day for me!! We have one more round of 21-Day Fix before SHIFT SHOP IS RELEASED with all new meal plans. Start now. Don't wait. And don't do it for the bikini; do it for YOU!! We start June 26!!! Order now so you get everything in time and can ask any questions you have!

 Tamara & Rebecca I couldn't be more proud of your transformations. And I know you're still going because results and feeling amazing is addicting. You both inspire me and I'm cheering you on 100%, as you do the same for me. Strong is the new sexy!!

End of summer party treats!


True story (why do I always feel the need to say that?? it's so annoying, but for some reason I think no one believes me, that KIDS DIG SHAKEOLOGY!!!) For regular meals I enforce the motto, "eat it or starve" but not with shakeology because I am not in the business of giving it away. If they fight or tattle (insert loud sigh and eye roll) NO ONE gets Shakeology...but ME :) 

Anyhow, back to this post...If you've been following me on Facebook, you know I throw a bus stop party the last weekday before any holiday, and on any kids birthday on our street. That's how we build community with our Grace Table from the church. I made this Shakeology Brownie Batter snack the other day and Tyler asked if I could serve this at the bus stop for our going away party (yes, we are throwing ourselves an "end of 2nd grade and Vinings leaving for the summer" party :) ) I had to die laughing. I don't think I'm cheap, but I'm not serving this to 10-12 kids :( I know "sharing is caring" and stuff, but this is ALL MINE :) 

Instead, I'll serve my 21-day fix pumpkin muffins which I've seen challengers serve as birthday cupcakes for their kids parties, Mom's Nights Out and holiday celebrations. How awesome that it's one of our breakfast staples that fills so many different needs. I can't wait, and I'd be lying if I didn't wish it was tomorrow, just so I can have one now. here’s the recipe!