
Taco Tuesday, Taco Thursday, any day is Taco day!!

I mean, really, why do we restrict tacos to days that start with “T”??? I want to break this habit and start new memes that say “every day is taco day!!!!” ha! So, I’ve complied my favorite recipes together and shared them with you for free! ;) You’re welcome in advance because your mouth is going to water and your friends are going to be impressed!!! Enjoy! I’d love to hear what your favorite recipe is!

Another burnout - this time I'm focusing on triceps!!!

Lets get tank top ready because ready or not, summer is coming!!! Nobody wants their arms flapping in the wind, so try these moves with the suggested repetition range and see how many sets you can do. Aim for at least two sets, but if you can do more, DO IT!!! You’ll tank me, and be even more proud of yourself, tomorrow. You might not like me today, but I’m ok with that. I’d love to hear your feedback! Subscribe to my channel so you don’t miss any more challenges!

Time to burn out our ARMS!!!

Zero weights, all on the floor, and still 100% burn. Throw away old thoughts that you have to be lifting heavy to get results! That can be the case if you’re going for Muscle Strength or Hypertrophy, but you can gain Muscle Endurance by high repetitions of low to medium weights! Trust me on this and lets get to work :) Please share your comments on You Tube so I know how it felt and what you’d like more of! I’m here to help you!

Legs for DAYS!!!

Try these moves and let me know what you think. As you start repeating them over the weeks / months to come, you could add ankle weights to make it a little harder, but please don’t start there. Master the moves first, and then we can intensify later! Message me with form questions please and leave feedback on You Tube so I know what you’d like to see next!

J. Lo Booty - YES PLEASE!!

Who knew how large our Glute muscles were? We have Glute Medius, Glute Minimus, and Glute Maximus. Plus your thighs and Hip Flexors are just as important in the “view” we see in the mirror. While you’re doing this video, don’t be afraid to grab your booty to make sure you’re feeling it where intended (YOU BUM!) plus, if you don’t want to grab your own butt, why would anyone else?? :o)

Pilates Move of the Day - Pendulum Abs

Friend, you are building some serious strength here! I’m so proud of you for sticking with it so far. If you' started at the beginning with me, you’re on the 4th “Pilates Move of the Day”. How are you feeling? Challenged? Easy? Wanting more? Just let me know which body part you want to focus on (ie light on fire!!) and I’ll send you 1-3 moves stat! Have a great day and lets get after it!!

New piece of paper to hang on my wall!!!


Big shout out and THANK YOU to everyone that pushed me, encouraged me, knew I could do it even before I believed (and listened to me complain) ... I DID IT!

Most don't know this about me, but I went to college with dreams to work for the Big 4 accounting firms (was the "Big 6" when I started at Elon University) and I did it!! I thrived at KPMG, had success, money, and passion, but was missing "helping people".

Fast forward 10 yrs, when Tyler was born, I stayed home 7 yrs before doing a complete career change, one that I never saw coming! I started a health and fitness business over 5 yrs ago, which stemmed from my mom being diagnosed with Breast Cancer. You can say my perspectives changed quite A LOT!

Then I wanted more! I didn't want to have only 1 way to help people or just be a motivational coach (although I hope I'm motivating), but I wanted to have answers for specific questions and really BE THE CHANGE for people. Personal Training seemed the solution, but it was expensive to obtain, a long process, and intimidating -if I'm being honest. But, as the saying goes, "suck it up buttercup!"

I'm stoked to announce I'm a Certified Personal Trainer with National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) and am proud as hell.

I hope if you're still reading this and thinking about something you've always wanted to do, but said you didn't have time because you're a parent, caregiver, spouse, whatever... I HOPE YOU DO IT! It feels so rewarding on the other side and I still parented, honored my spouse, did all the things, but instead of TV , movies , scrolling FB or Insta , I studied . I studied a lot. My butt got sore from studying more than it did from exercise, but I'm all the wiser for it now.

What's on your bucket list that if you had more time you'd ______?

Pre & Post Natal Fitness is here!!!

Pre & Post Natal Channel

Did you know we have an entire channel dedicated to preparing your body for carrying a baby, labor and postpartum recovery??? Beachbody on Demand keeps adding amazing programs and all these resources are included in your membership, at no extra charge! Elise Joan, Super Trainer behind Pre & Post Natal Barre series (20+ videos), Barre Blend (Barre, Pilates & Yoga blend), and 3-Week Yoga Retreat, Autumn Calabrese, Super Trainer behind 21-Day Fix, Country Heat and Active Maternity series (5 videos), and Desai Bartlett Super Trainer behind Pre & Post Natal Yoga series (6 videos) break down workouts between 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters, postpartum recovery and even a Diastasis Recti 101 video.

Why perform specific workouts for this stage of life?

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Prenatal and postnatal workouts are designed for the extra weight around your midsection, the increased pressure to your pelvis and back, posture and stability challenges, and omit contraindicated positions during pregnancy. You don’t want to hurt yourself or cause undo pressure or stress to your baby. These workouts improve your health while helping build strength and endurance before, during, and after pregnancy, while also preparing your body for labor too. Beachbody also has videos on breath work and ADLs (Activities of Daily Living).

If you don’t have Beachbody on Demand, message me.

Rest Day

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Technically, today is a rest day, but I encourage you to do either Roll & Release or Stretch & Release. You’ll thank me for it and next week will be easier since you'll be more flexible and mobile and they're super short.

If you can swing it, get a massage. I find using Groupon allows me to get massages more frequently because I can get them super cheap.

Sundays are for watching the next Weekly Obsession episode on Beachbody On Demand and for food prep.  It is a million times worth it to spend 1-2 hours on Sunday making sweet potato pancakes, carrot cake, boiling eggs, grilling chicken breasts, slicing veggies, etc to make your week super fast!  Being able to grab and go with healthy choices will make timed nutrition so much easier and keep you on the right tracks when the course gets bumpy or windy.  Let me know what you prepped for the week ahead!  And share any new recipes with me! I'm always excited to try new things!

Day 14: Stretch & Release

Ahhh, Rest Day! I'm starting to look forward to this day. It's not as hard as it was week 1 because my body is like...GIVE ME REST ;) 

Have you tried Roll & Release or Stretch & Release yet? They're only 15 minutes and a great way to stretch sore, tired muscles. They need a break, and your body deserves self-care so it's ready to tackle Week 3!

CHECK-IN: Remember what I said in the beginning of this program—the scale should not be your only tool to measure progress. You’re building muscle, which means your body is changing in a way that may not show up on the scale. Are your clothes fitting differently? Do you feel stronger? Be proud of your hard work, and be patient—the results will come if you’re sticking to the program!  Autumn chatted with coaches in the Test Group and said she didn't even want us to weigh ourselves for the first two weeks because your body is adjusting to a different workout, different way of eating and with all those changes, it might be holding on to fluff that will soon get shredded.  I didn't see any results till week three and then I was a fan and a believer.  Don't give up before you get there!

On Sundays, make sure you watch the Weekly Obsession episode to see what the cast is up to. I look forward to these snippets and sometimes there are changes from how the program was originally planned out.  I don't like surprises so tune in.  You also can subscribe to Autumn's You Tube channel so you don't miss out on anything 80 Day Obsession.  I love the Fixate tips she shares too!

Day 11: AAA


Be on your AAA game today! 

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Today we're using weights, Beachbody resistance loops, Beachbody strength slides, and a mat. It’s 55 minutes of focus on the hardest ares for most women and we're doing 3 sets of 10 reps.  We can do this and at min 56 we are going to feel on top of the world!  

HYDRATION CHALLENGE: We haven’t talked about drinking enough water yet, but it is SO IMPORTANT!  How much do you drink each day? Here's a calculation to help you figure out what the right number is for you, but basically you want to drink 1/2 your body weight. So, if you weigh 140 pounds you should drink at least 70 ounces of water each day. Lets challenge each other to drink more water!

Being well hydrated is also important to your energy levels and endurance. Dehydration can make you feel tired, rundown, hungry and cause headaches. If you want a good source of hydration during your workouts, try Beachbody Performance Hydrate. It has electrolytes to help replenish what you lose during your workouts and can help improve your endurance better than more sugary sports drinks. It's like a healthy version of Gatorade and my kids drink it for sporting events too.  Our entire family loves this and it's a lemony flavor. 

3 Day Refresh - Day 1

Have you ever heard of a cleanse where you EAT?  yeah I never had either so when I heard of this, my first reaction was, "no thanks, don't want to be glued to the potty all day! and don't want to drink all my food," but y'all, that is not the case at all!  I've done the 3 Day Refresh probably 10+ times and I've never been restricted to the house or had irregularities.  

I've had a few ask me why I do the refresh if I'm already at my goal weight and here's why...I FEEL GOOD DOING IT!  It's a Vegan diet (so plant based, no eggs, no dairy, no grains, no meat) and my Houston GP recommended I do it every one-two months so my body could REST!  What a concept???  Reward our body for all the hard work it does every day?  Digesting food isn't easy and it's been proven that drinking a shake during the day actually makes it easier to digest your food.

But, regardless of weight, there are habits I want to break.  It only takes one vacation, birthday celebration, binge sugar fest for my taste buds to get excited and crave sugar again. I can avoid salty things easily (except BACON - all the bacon please!!), but sugar is my pitfall.  The refresh is short enough it's doable, but long enough that your tastebuds will react different so I'm trying to break habits and cravings. I'll chat about habits around eating tomorrow with Day 2 post.  If you want to know more about the refresh, I talked about it yesterday or you can purchase it HERE.  

Completed 3 Day Refresh Yoga today and it was an eye-opener. I am so inflexible.  Love that my 8 yr old son ASKED if he could join me?!  I will miss these moments when they return to school in another week :( 

Meals today:
breakfast: vegan vanilla Shakeology w/ blueberries
am snack: fiber sweep
lunch: vanilla fresh w/ PB and 1/2 banana, 2 stalks celery
pm snack: 2 stalks celery w/ PB (can you tell I need to go shopping) 
dinner: vanilla fresh, spinach salad (should have cucumbers, sprouts, pumpkin seeds in it, but I'm on vacation and had to make do) w/ lemon & olive oil dressing

Check out the promo this month!!  Instead of $80, it's only $30 when bundled with a new Shakeology order, but until April 9th, it's only $15 extra!  You will want this for summer, a wedding, pre / post vacation , etc.  Next group starts April 16th!

3 Day Refresh - starts tomorrow!

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Here’s the “skinny” on the 3-Day Refresh (pun intended). It is a gentle detox/cleanse, but you actually get to EAT real food all 3 days and multiple times each day!! You guessed it, that’s not typical with most cleanses; they make you stick to liquids only. But, it’s easier, safer and your results stick. Imagine if you only juiced for 3 days and then had your first normal day - you’d bloat up! Who wants that? Really?? Who wants that? 

Here's how it works: everything you see below (minus the food) is provided...

Breakfast: VEGAN Shakeology (this is a plant based cleanse, do not drink the regular whey formula during these 3 days)
AM Snack: Fiber sweep (no you’re NOT running to the potty, I don’t even notice it)
Lunch: Vanilla Fresh, plus a fruit, veggie, and healthy fat of your choice (you’re given options)
PM Snack: Veggie and heathy fat
Dinner: Vanilla Fresh, plus one of the meals options they provide

Most people aren't starving, and some days I struggled to eat it all, so it's doable for sure. And it’s only THREE DAYS!

They suggest no, or very low impact, exercise during your cleanse. Your body is working hard to release toxins and detox, you don’t want to overwork it. There’s a new Beachbody program, 3-Day Refresh Yoga 🧘🏼‍♀️ which pairs perfectly to this and is free to all BOD subscribers. If you don’t have streaming, we need to fix that!! 

Most people drop 3-6 pounds and keep it off. We do the group as a team challenge, which is really fun and makes it easier.   I lost 4# when I did it and absolutely loved the experience!

Watch for Day 1, 2, and 3 coming soon with results posted on Day 4!

Day 9: Booty

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Hello, Booty!

For today’s workout you’re going to need your Beachbody Resistance Loops, a mat, and a chair for balance (those last two are optional). Again, you’ll be doing 3 sets of 10 reps, so be prepared to work hard and feel that booty burn!

Ok lets get real today.  How’s your digestion? Are you regular or constipated?  I noticed in eating more carbs than I was previously used to that I got a tad constipated.  A new nutrition program takes getting used to!  But the amount on energy I feel is UNREAL!  Eating more regularly and eating foods together that are absorbed into my body differently has been a noticeable change for me. 

If you are experiencing any discomfort you might try introducing new foods slowly, especially if you're not used to eating fruits or veggies. Consider eating similar foods for a few days before adding anything new. Also, Shakeology helps support healthy digestion, so be sure you're incorporating it into your day.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Day 7: Roll & Release

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Here’s your much-needed first Rest Day!  How do you feel about this?  Are you feeling "YAHOO" or more like "BOO-HOO"?  It sounds funny to say and I'm not a workout-a-holic, but rest day is hard for me!  I like to stay consistent and it keeps me in check.  When my exercise goes out the door, my nutrition is usually just a few steps behind it.  If you're like me, listen to your body and push past this!  Remember, we are doing a program and to get the intended results, we MUST TRUST THE PROGRAM AND DO THE PROGRAM.  All in, even rest days!

I also want to stress the importance of self-care. You’ll hear Autumn talk about it a lot in during 80 Days Obsession.  Here's why - we are training like an athlete y'all.  We really are!   These are not beginner workouts! You need to stretch, relax, and let your body recover from what you’re putting it through, plus, your muscles will have a chance to lengthen out and be ready for what they next 6 days have in store for them. Autumn created two bonus workouts that you can use anytime (but especially on rest day) which are Roll & Release and Stretch & Release.  You'll need a foam roller for this and at first, it might hurt.  But that's good pain and you're getting all the lactic acid out and increasing circulation to help relieve muscle soreness and restore mobility. Push past any pain and you'll feel better in the long run.  

Welcome to the official start of 80 Day Obsession!


Today is Day ONE!  I know 80 days sounds like "really?  EIGHTYYYYYY DAYS????" but I can tell you this... my current group is on Day 63 and we are all freaking out that it's so close to being over and sad!!  We've really formed relationships so if you like having workouts in community...you'll still get them here, but you have to check in!  I love our virtual community and it keeps the excitement and devotion going. I haven't missed a workout yet and I've traveled, had busy days and surprises (like ER visit for my kids).  

Today’s workout is Total Body Core (TBC). It’s under 60 minutes (not by much, but I'll take every minute I can), and we’ll do 2 sets of 15 reps.  You need weights and your Beachbody Resistance Loops. Buy these, don't try to save money getting them elsewhere, I promise, you'll regret it.  You get 2 sets of 3...yellow (easiest), green (middle), blue (hardest) and the different sets are based on your height. The longer ones are for those over 5' 11"  It will take time to get used to both the moves and putting the bands on.  If they roll up when you're doing the exercise, she says they're too light and you need to go up a band, or add a second if you're already using a blue band.  

Listen for Autumn’s form cues because 1) you don’t want you to hurt yourself and 2) you want to make sure you're doing it right. 

Don’t forget to use the Tracker Sheets to keep track of your weight selections. You can make notes about how it felt and whether you should go up or down in weights next time. I made a Tracker Sheet template HERE so each phase is on one page (4 total).  Or you can print out the Beachbody ones HERE.

Why do I need a foam roller?

Foam rolling is essentially a self-massage that allows you to apply deep pressure to certain points of the body to release tightness and muscular tension. Adding foam roller exercises into your workout routine can help prevent muscle soreness, tightness, and more.  So if your budget is tight, don't let your muscles be too!  Do this at home!  Keep reading for Do's and Don'ts!

Benefits of Foam Rolling

The idea behind foam rolling is that by applying a direct load to muscles and tissues, you stretch and massage the underlying tissues. This is believed to reduce fatigue and tension of the fascia [connective tissue] and muscle, enhance range of motion, promote blood flow, lengthen muscles, reduce pain and soreness, and aiding in recovery and relaxation. Ever see people who lift heavy weights look tense and like their arms can't relax or hang properly... this would help solve a lot of issues!

How Often Should You Use a Foam Roller?

Ideally, every day. “The more you foam roll, the more your muscles respond to it,” says Dipple. “Ideally, you should do it daily—as you would stretching—although ease yourself into it by gradually building up the number of sessions you do.”

He recommends dedicating 10 to 20 minutes per session to foam rolling exercises at least once a day to simply get out the kinks. “When you find an area of tension, work around it for about 30 seconds using short, slow rolls and follow this up with longer, slower (and more soothing) strokes over the whole length of the muscle.”  When you first start it might feel uncomfortable, or even hurt, but don't give up!  “When you’re working an area of tension, you’re applying your body weight to a tender area;" discomfort is ok, but excruciating pain is not. 

4 Foam Roller Mistakes to Avoid

1. Avoid rolling directly onto your lower vertebrae. Dipple says, “Your lower back muscles will contract to help protect the spine which can cause discomfort or injury.”

2. Do not hold your breath, though it’s tempting when discomfort hits. Instead, says Dipple, take long deep breaths as you roll in order to increase blood flow to the working muscles and derive more of the benefits of foam rolling exercises.

3. Stop rolling evenly on each side. “If it’s your right leg that has an issue, spend more time on that side,” says Dipple. This isn't like lifting weights, you don't need to be completely even on each side.  The next time, your other side might need more time.

4. Avoid rolling too quickly! Long and slow rolls while taking deep breaths, will cause your brain to send a message to your muscles to relax.  Think ... at home massage ... and ENJOY!

Click HERE for 8 easy foam-rolling exercises.