
What I eat in a day...

I get asked what I eat A LOT…

So here’s a random day with a picture of part of it.

Brekky - Blueberries , Life Shake (20g protein) & Collagen-9 (10g protein - this is a complete collagen so you can count it towards your protein goals) Life Shake can be found HERE, and Collagen-9 HERE.

*Beachbody, Isogenix, and Vital Proteins DO NOT COUNT towards protein goals, they are incomplete proteins

1st snack - Shaklee Peanut Butter Crisp Snack Bar (10g protein, 130 calories, enough to hold me over between meals, but not too much that I’m too full for the next meal)

Lunch - Calamari (22g protein) salad w/ balsamic (Calamari steaks from Costco and $4.99 / pound )

Dinner - Beyond Meat Burger (20g protein) (purchased from Costco) & Zucchini (purchased from Trader Joe’s)

2nd snack - veggies & ⅓ avocado

Beverages - Water only! It’s been said, if you water has calories in it, it doesn’t count towards you water intake, but if you’re reaching ½ your body weight in ounces, I’m not worried about this. For example, I weight 128 lbs so I need to drink at least 64 oz of water a day, factoring in more if it’s really hot, or if I exercised.

So that’s about 80+ grams protein which is reasonable, but could be higher. Veggies and carbs have protein too, you just have to choose wisely. I love Dave’s Killer Bread for this reason; especially with my son Matthew because all he wants are carbs - rice cakes, tortillas, cereal, bread .

8 yrs ago I started supplementing with protein shakes at the suggestion of my doctor because I wasn’t getting enough. I find this to be the case with 95% of the people I train. How’s your protein intake??? Reach out with questions!

What breakfast looks like for my 13 yr old

A few days ago I posted Tyler's brekky in my stories because I get tons of questions about what I feed my kids for breakfast. Matthew is 9 yrs old and my carb kid...he could live on bread, pasta, cereal, oats (this is a new addition) and tortillas forever and life would be good (do we fault him???), so it's a struggle to sneak protein in. I will always opt for high protein options for this reason.

He picked out these “Egg’Wich” bun-less sandwiches at Costco and when I saw they had 17 grams protein, I BOUGHT TWO! However, when it came time to eating them, he realized it’s not a McDonald's Egg McMuffin (with bread on both sides) and can't be bothered to eat it. But, those that know me know we don’t waste food and I don’t make different meals for each family member, my motto is “Eat it or Starve”. Might sound harsh, but my pediatrician taught me this early on in motherhood and Bless Her. I’m so thankful she did.

Tyler (my 13 yr old) loves these and will happily eat the entire box if I let him. I would choose these for my pwn breakfast except "spices" as an ingredient is too vague and could have garlic and onion, which I’m allergic to.

Here's what I look at... NOT THE PICTURE (although that sold Matthew ). Flip it around and see that the first ingredient is EGG and second is Sausage. YAY for both of those being "whole ingredients" and not Sugar or Starches.

Then, the macros. If you're following portion fix containers (if you aren't message me and I can get you started, it makes things super simple and it's how I coach ALL my nutrition clients - macro eating) these are 1R, 1B. 17g protein, 3g carbs, 12g fat, only 1g sugar (and it's not "added sugar" - WIN) and 190 calories. Still low enough calorie to put this on top of Dave's Killer "thins" which gives you another 80 cal, 4g protein, 3g fiber, 3g sugar and only 2g fat. This is a solid breakfast choice and can be ready in 3 min flat from freezer to plate! No one is too busy for that and you're only adding 1Y to the combination!

Life Shake is always a great option and both my boys drink it, but make sure you add additional food to it so you get more calories. Generally you want to eat at least two, or more, containers together for a meal. So adding ½ a banana (I add a full for my 13 yr old and my husband), frozen zucchini, frozen cauliflower, PB2, etc will make it more calorie dense to hold you over. With 20 grams protein, you don’t need to focus on more of that.

Make sure your brekky is enough calories to sustain you until lunch with at least 300 calories.

Summer Road Trip Food ideas...

Planning a quick weekend road trip, or venturing back into the world of travel?? Wherever this summer takes you, make sure that your snack game is strong so your nutrition and health can still have priority! Road, air or sea - travel always has unexpected surprises and delays!

Here’s a list of healthy, portable snack options to hold you over until your next meal. My top 5 are:

1) Hard-Boiled Eggs
With 77 calories and 6 grams of protein per egg, hard-boiled eggs are an easy travel snack you can eat with your bare hands in a pinch. Try sprinkling an umami seasoning, everything bagel salt or another flavored topping for some extra pizazz (at home), or save salt and pepper packets form gas stations or takeaway orders.

2) Jerky
Beef jerky provides protein along with micronutrients. To reduce the sodium try turkey, chicken, or plant-based options! There are so many varieties to try; this is an easy to eat, easy to pack must have and plenty of flavor! We always have this in our backpack when we hike!

3) Protein Bars
Protein bars are a quintessential travel snack, but the sugar and artificial flavoring can really kill your clean eating plans. Look for bars that have 6g of sugar or less and an ingredients list that you can actually read! (If you can’t pronounce it, you probably shouldn’t be eating it) #truth Granola and Protein Bars can be sneaky and have the nutrients of a Snickers candy bar so for sure READ THE LABEL. I love Beachbody’s Beachbars and there are 3 delicious options: Chocolate Cherry Almond, Chocolate Peanut Butter (both whey) or Chocolate Almond Crunch (vegan and tastes like a s’mores).

4) Nuts
Nuts are a nutrient-dense snack, so pack some before you go! Pistachios are a great option because they can be considered a complete protein, meaning they contain all nine essential amino acids in one little snack! If you like flavored nuts, skip the store-bought version and try making your own, you’ll thank yourself! You’ll be able to control the sodium levels and notice that a sprinkling of seasoning goes a long way. WATCH YOUR PORTIONS. Reasonable portion sizes are: 20 pistachios, 12 almonds, 8 cashews or walnuts, 10 pecans or 14 peanuts. Shocking how little right? I bet we are all thinking “woah, I had a week’s worth in one sitting”. That’s why portion sizes matter. We might not be getting results because we don’t know any better :) I’m here to help!

5) Cheese Sticks
Snack cheeses like string cheese and Babybel provide protein and calcium for under 100 calories per serving. These are great to pair with a piece of fruit to offset the sugar content. They are best, however, for short trips - like most perishable foods, you’ll want to eat cheese within two hours of taking it out of the fridge. Don’t overdue it or have this every single day because cheese can also stop you up in the toilet area :) That’s no fun on road trips.

Best advice when you travel and something I ALWAYS do - add veggies to EVERY SINGLE MEAL; even brekky! I find vegetables super hard to find when I’m traveling and I never get enough fiber (women want 25 grams a day and men, 35 grams) so if I eat then when they’re available, I don’t pay the price later when options are sparse.

What other tips do you have?

Summer Potluck Recipes

Click to download!

Click to download!

There’s nothing like the dreaded “Bring your own…” at the end of a summer invite to really get you sweating! What does the host like? What is the theme of the party? Should I bring hot or cold?

Look no further because the ultimate Potluck Recipe Guide is here! Flip through the PDF below to get my favorite summer recipes to serve a crowd. Whether it’s a cookout, birthday party, barbecue or beachy lunch - I think you will find something that you love!

Open the PDF and let me know, what recipe are you excited to try?

Taco Tuesday, Taco Thursday, any day is Taco day!!

I mean, really, why do we restrict tacos to days that start with “T”??? I want to break this habit and start new memes that say “every day is taco day!!!!” ha! So, I’ve complied my favorite recipes together and shared them with you for free! ;) You’re welcome in advance because your mouth is going to water and your friends are going to be impressed!!! Enjoy! I’d love to hear what your favorite recipe is!

Spicy Butternut Squash Soup

13. September 13 - Sunday.jpg

I love a good soup for meal prep and this one makes enough for the whole family or a week of lunches! You can whip up a pot of this Spicy Butternut Squash Soup on the weekend and then look forward to eating this flavorful, rich soup all morning 😉 If you don’t love spicy foods, just omit the red pepper flakes, it’s super easy to modify!


  • 2 tbsp olive oil

  • 3 medium onions, chopped

  • 4 garlic cloves, finely chopped

  • 1 medium butternut squash, peeled and seeded, cut into 1” pieces

  • 5½ cups low-sodium organic vegetable broth

  • 1 tsp crushed red pepper flakes

  • 3 fresh thyme sprigs, leaves removed and chopped, stem discarded (divided use)

  • 6 tsp reduced-fat (2%) plain yogurt 


  1. Heat oil in a large saucepan over medium-high heat.

  2. Add onions; cook, stirring frequently, for 8-10 minutes or until onion is translucent.

  3. Add garlic and cook, stirring frequently, for 1 minute.

  4. Add squash, broth, and red pepper flakes; bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and gently boil, covered, for 25-30 minutes or until squash is soft. Remove from heat.

  5. Place soup in a blender or food processor in 4 or more batches, as necessary; cover with lid and kitchen towel. Blend until smooth.

  6. Return soup to saucepan over medium heat. Add 1 tsp thyme and cook, stirring constantly, until soup is hot.

  7. Season with salt and pepper if desired.

  8. Ladle soup into 6 serving bowls. Garnish each with 1 tsp yogurt and sprinkle all bowls with remaining 2 tsp of thyme.

Yields: 6 servings.

Ultimate Portion Fix Containers: 3 Green, 1 tsp

2B Mindset Plate It: A great FFC as part of lunch

How to easily cut the sugar

too sweet.jpg

🍬 Let’s talk sugar 🍬

You might think you’re avoiding it, but sugar can be sneaky! Low-fat and “diet” foods often contain extra sugar to help improve their taste and to add texture in place of fat. It’s in everything! I’m talking breads, cereals, sauces, salad dressings, yogurts, soups, crackers… the list goes on.

Start checking your ingredients list for anything ending in “ose” - glucose, sucrose, fructose, lactose, maltose… These are all forms of sugar, as are syrups like corn and rice syrup. The closer to the front of the list, the more sugar the product contains. So, as we plan for the week and map out what our meal plans will look like, here are some small changes you can make that will have a BIG impact:
🍬 Skip sweetened yogurt and go with plain instead
🍬 Leave the sugar out of your morning coffee/tea - try a dash of cinnamon or unsweetened vanilla almond milk instead
🍬 Avoid anything that says “diet” on the label
🍬 Choose fruit when you’re feeling a craving for something sweet - I love apple slices with peanut butter and pumpkin seeds!

How do you make sure you’re skipping extra sugar? Do you need to incorporate any of these tips? Have any tips to share with us?

1st cleanse in 2020! Day 1 is in the books!

Timing is everything, isn’t that what they say? Well, I didn’t nail the timing on this one, but I also don’t back down on a commitment so here I am, crushing day one and already looking forward to tomorrow!

A little background, yesterday I had oral surgery and had a tooth removed, yeah, GONE! Nothing was put in it’s place and this is the first smile since surgery. I’m delightfully surprised that ½ my face isn’t drooping. They suggested meals that are “mushy” or can be sipped through a straw, so I thought this would be the perfect timing for a 3-Day Refresh. Right? Wrong! ha!

From top to bottom, left to right:
1) Breakfast - I started with water and added a squeeze of lemon to make it more exciting, followed by Pumpkin Spice Shakeology. Note - this is a vegan cleanse so you can chose pumpkin spice, vanilla, chocolate, cafe latte, peppermint mocha, or salted caramel, but it needs to be the vegan formula.

2) Fiber sweep (am snack) - just the name makes me want to visit the toilet, but this cleanse does not have you glued to the bathroom one bit. In fact, I don’t notice any changes in my bathroom habits except possibly more peeing from drinking extra water to cleanse my body. Fiber sweep is lemony and gets quite thick, very fast, so I pour it in a breakfast glass + add 10 oz water and chug! (think back to your college days, down the hatch!)

3) Lunch - so delicious and oh so filling. I mean, seriously, this is a cleanse yall?!?! Look at all this food while others are fasting, juicing, or starving themselves. I choose to “eat” Vanilla Fresh protein shake rather than “drink” it, I just think it’s that good and want to savor it. Clean dark roasted peanut butter (1 healthy fat) is pretty damn delicious swirled in I must say, but you get a few healthy fat options (avocado, hummus, etc) if you aren’t feeling nut butter. Tip —> Almond butter is preferred over peanut butter because it has less bloating effects. I had a side of blueberries (1 fruit) and red peppers & cherry tomatoes (1 veggie) for a great combo!

4) Zing juice (pm snack) - I can’t believe I’m 42 yrs old and this is my 1st time juicing?!?! My 7 yr old even knew how to do it so he showed me. Any chance I have to get my kids in the kitchen is a win in my book. Of course after making my “juice” we needed to make some fresh lemonade. Cheeky monkey. Juicing is an option so if you don’t have a juicer, no dramas, you can do 1 veggie and 1 healthy fat (think celery and PB, cucumber, tomatoes and avocado salad, etc) and stick with the plan. I think I prefer the raw food over juicing, I just hate to see all that fiber being tossed out, but with my dental situation, I’ll try to juice each day. See 3-Day Refresh recipes here.

5) Dinner - Last Vanilla Fresh of the day and I was missing my peanut butter, but still delicious. I was worried about my teeth and thought about blending my salad, but thought I’d tough it out and see how things go. Delicious although I ate like a bird being very cautious of my stitches. That salad is huge and should have salt and pepper on it, along with pumpkin seeds, but I chose to add extra olive oil instead in fear a pumpkin seed might get stuck in one of my stitches. So many veggies, I love it!

The last beautiful picture is me winding down for the night with my ice pack strapped on my face and I was trying to drink water when it dawned on me, I couldn’t do both. Ha! I have ice for 5 days and then heat for a week. Wish me luck, this is going to be a long recovery! Read about Day 2 and Day 3 too!

Do you like vegetables? if not, what’s the hang up for you? If so, what’s your favorite?

Help chose my business logo; vote below!!

So, I did a thing!! I got Certified as a Personal Trainer with NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine) and am starting my own business focusing on nutrition (also got certified with NASM as a Nutrition Coach) and fitness. Not just fitness though, doing functional assessments (via Zoom thanks to Covid) so we can create your training program around muscles that are short and overactive; thus need to be stretched, and muscles that are long and underactive; therefore, need to be strengthened. No one program suits everyone! I’m loving this because my first four clients are already seeing weight loss and strength gains which his a double W I N !!!

My business name is following my Instagram Handle (@eatsweatpray) so Eat. Sweat. Pray Fitness. These are transparent so they can be placed on trucker hats, muscle t’s and documents / letterhead. I’d love your opinion. The ones in teal would remain that way, the ones in all black could be changed to teal writing or design so just go with design you like best. Maybe top 2?

Thanks for voting! I’ll choose a random comment to send a Herb Stripper to as a thank you! See what it is here! The kids use ours every week!