
Surviving the Holidays + Fun Workout Challenge!

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Can you believe we're talking about the holidays? Thanksgiving, Halloween, Christmas and New Years are all going to be here before you know it! Here's my Holiday Survival Guide with lots of ideas for healthier holiday recipes and tips for staying on track and enjoying every minute. I've got you covered this holiday season!

Bonus, I included 8 different workouts to help get you moving, even as the weather gets colder. These are some of our newest programs and they are all so good! If you are looking for a new full program or just a few workouts to try out, press play and try them out. I would love to hear what you think of them, so if you try one out, send me your thoughts!

Pumpkin Spice Breakfast Yogurt

It’s time for a tasty treat … and this time of year is perfect for Pumpkin Spice! You may have seen a wonder whip recipe from 2B Mindset but this one is made for October!



  1. Mix pumpkin puree, pumpkin pie spice, Greek yogurt, and honey together in a bowl. Top with granola and enjoy!

Yield: 1 serving.

Ultimate Portion Fix Containers: 1 Red, ½ Yellow, 1½  tsp
2B Mindset Plate It: Eat as a healthy breakfast option!

Baked Donut Holes - Yes, please!

✨ Baked Donut Holes ✨

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I’ve got an end of summer treat that is going to make your stomach happy… without throwing off all your results!

* 1 cup gluten-free all-purpose flour
* 1½ tsp xanthan gum
* ¾ cup coconut sugar
* 1½ tsp gluten-free baking powder
* ½ tsp ground cinnamon
* ¼ tsp ground nutmeg
* ¼ tsp sea salt
* 1 large egg
* ¾ cup + 1 tbsp coconut milk beverage, divided use
* 2 tbsp extra-virgin organic coconut oil, melted
* 1¼ tsp pure vanilla extract, divided use
* ½ cup powdered sugar


1) Preheat the oven to 350º F. Lightly coat two mini-muffin pans with spray. Set aside.
2) Place flour, xanthan gum, sugar, baking powder, cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt in a food processor (or blender). Pulse to blend. Set aside.
3) Combine egg, ¾ cup coconut milk, oil, and 1 tsp. extract in a medium mixing bowl; whisk to blend.
4) Add egg mixture to flour mixture. Process for 30 to 60 seconds, scraping sides occasionally, until a smooth batter forms.
5) Fill prepared pan with approx. 1 Tbsp. batter per muffin cup. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes, or until tops of donuts are golden brown and a toothpick inserted into the center of one comes out clean. Set aside to cool.
6) To make glaze, combine powdered sugar, remaining 1 Tbsp. coconut milk, and remaining ¼ tsp. extract in a small bowl; whisk to blend.
7) Dip top of each cooled donut hole into glaze and place on a serving plate.

For vegan donut holes, substitute 1 tbsp ground flaxseed + 2 tbsp water for egg. Mix flaxseed and water; set aside while combining dry ingredients.

Check your GF flour for xanthan gum; some contain it and some don’t! If yours does, you can omit that.

Portion Fix Containers: 1 donut hole = 1 Yellow
2B Mindset Plate It: Enjoy as occasional treat, be sure to track

Margarita Smoothie - deliver poolside STAT!

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Who doesn’t enjoy a refreshing ice cold beverage on the patio in the sun?? That has to be one of the best parts of summer! So often, our favorite drinks are filled with sugar and empty calories… but I’ve got a great recipe for you (that can be made with or without alcohol) — the Frozen Margarita Superfoods Smoothie! Yum-O!

* 1 cup unsweetened coconut milk beverage
* 1 cup ice 1 scoop Vanilla Shakeology
* ½ cup frozen pineapple ¼ cup fresh lime juice
* 2 tsp finely chopped lime peel
* 1 dash sea salt

Place coconut milk beverage, ice, Shakeology, pineapple, lime juice, and lime peel in blender; cover and blend until smooth!

Portion Fix Containers: ½ Purple, 1 Red, 1 tsp
2B Mindset Plate It: Makes a great protein + FFC as part of breakfast.

What is your go-to beverage in the summer? Mocktail or cocktail?

The best pancakes ever!


If you’re not Vegan, sometimes you don’t take to the dairy free, egg free, gluten free taste, but these pancakes will prove otherwise. For $19.95 a bag, I was hesitant to try them in fear we wouldn’t be a fan. But the conversation about these pancakes was hilarious and told that this purchase was one I’ll be making over and over again.

My 11 yr old came downstairs and said, "Mom, what’s for breakfast, something smells good! Wait, are we eating that? How can pancakes be egg free? That doesn't even sound right?” He threw out a lot of questions before I could even respond! ha! I explained that I'm lactose intolerant so I need dairy free and since these are vegan, they're egg free too. I convinced him to have an open mind and forget the “egg-free” part and see if he liked them. Not even three bites later, he said, "Shut up and take my money. These are the best pancakes ever. Can we hide the batter in the pantry mom? I’ll want more later." So there you have it, from the mouth of babes. ;)

My takeaways: Almond flavoring was prefect and sweet enough that they didn't need maple syrup (I won’t complain at omitting sugar!). I love the macros and the protein kept me full till lunch vs most pancakes which are just carbs and you're hungry two hours later. Even “protein pancakes” haven’t had enough. I've already purchased another bag for when this one runs out! Can’t risk the pantry being empty :)

Macros: serving size 3-5 pancakes (75g) 270 cal, 20g protein, 42g carbs, 11g sugar, 3g fiber, 2g fat
Portion FIx Containers: 1R, 2Y
2B Mindset Plate-It: Great breakfast!

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7 ingredients to Yumminess!

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This is one of the easiest, tastiest muffins and it’s so dense, you will be full! I love this as a side to breakfast with Ultimate Portion Fix or 2B Mindset!! it’s also a great snack during the day!

2 ripe bananas, the riper, the sweeter
2 extra-large eggs (large will do, but I like the extra protein)
2 c old-fashioned oats
1 c plain greek yogurt (look at protein and sugar on the side, you want high protein, low sugar)
½ c maple syrup or honey (if you use vanilla yogurt, or extra ripe bananas then cut this to ⅓ c)
1 ½ tsp baking powder
¼ c chai seeds (you do not need to soak these, just dump them in)
** top with nuts, seeds, oats, chocolate chips, or nothing, they’re pretty as is. I chose chocolate chips as my topping, but once I made these, the batter was plenty sweet so I never added them. If you know me, you’re probably questioning my mental health or thinking someone took over my blog. It’s true, I passed on chocolate. Don’t expect me to do it again :)
** I wish I added Vanilla Whey Shakeology, I will in the next batch. It’ll help sweeten it if you’re cutting the sugar (which I always encourage)

1) In no particular order, dump everything in the blender! Don’t you love that, easy as can be! Get your kids involved, this is that simple.

The order doesn’t matter, i did bananas, eggs, oats, yogurt, seeds

The order doesn’t matter, i did bananas, eggs, oats, yogurt, seeds

How beautiful if this?  I hate waiting for chai seeds to soak.  Glad that’s not involved!

How beautiful if this? I hate waiting for chai seeds to soak. Glad that’s not involved!

2) Blend 2 minutes or until it looks very well mixed. If you have some on the edges that didn’t get mixed in, you can stir it and blend again, or grab a spoon and eat it. I opted for the second options. YUM!

3) Pour in 12 lined muffin cups, or straight into silicone muffin holders. Anyone ever used these? Thoughts? I’m nervous to try, I don’t have a lot of faith in the sides not to go limp and spill batter.

I could have easily eaten this whole thing and never cooked them.  No one would know expect you and I!

I could have easily eaten this whole thing and never cooked them. No one would know expect you and I!

But, I poured 12 muffins and opted to pass on chocolate chips since it was plenty sweet. This is why it’s important to taste your batter :)

But, I poured 12 muffins and opted to pass on chocolate chips since it was plenty sweet. This is why it’s important to taste your batter :)

If your blender looks like this, you know it was DAMN DELICIOUS!!!

If your blender looks like this, you know it was DAMN DELICIOUS!!!

My kitchen smells good and before I had a chance to portion out breakfast for tomorrow and freeze the rest, my kids ate 4.  Gone in 5 minutes flat.  Glad this was simple since I’ll likely be making more in 2 days!

My kitchen smells good and before I had a chance to portion out breakfast for tomorrow and freeze the rest, my kids ate 4. Gone in 5 minutes flat. Glad this was simple since I’ll likely be making more in 2 days!

4) Cook at 175 celsius for 20 minutes. Stay near by so you can keep an eye on them and enjoy all the smells!
**Bananas can be replaced with sweet potatoes or pumpkin. Both would be delicious year-around, but especially in the fall.

Meal Prep Tips!!

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Meal prepping is all about creating a method to the madness that is life and making things a little bit simpler for yourself. If your days are busy or you’re always on the go, having go-to snacks that you can take to work, the beach, on a road trip… well, it’s pretty much crucial!

Here are some high-protein snacks that you can prep ahead for the week!

✨ Hard-boiled eggs - here’s a ink that shows you how to make ‘em

✨ Canned fish - yeah, you probably love it or hate it. But if you’re in the former category, grab the portable, resealable pouches so there’s basically no prep involved - just grab and go! And most have seasoning and are still “clean” so it doesn’t have to be bland like we had as kids :)

✨ Nuts and seeds - make your own trail mix, making sure to pay attention to your meal plan! It’s easy to go overboard with portion control when it comes to nuts.

✨ Hummus - try making your own and snacking with carrots or other sliced veggies:

Beachbody also shares fully-created meal plans, and they’re even tailored to calorie levels if you’re following UPF - amazing right?! My husband loves these great lunch ideas so he can save money 2-3 times a week instead of eating out. I know, who is this guy???

Don’t forget about breakfast, which “breaks the fast” and energizes and fuels us for our day. Eating within 2 hours of waking up can help minimize temptations and you’re less likely to overeat later in the day. Try these 15 healthy breakfast ideas!

What snacks do you always prep to have on hand for when life gets a little crazy?

Help chose my business logo; vote below!!

So, I did a thing!! I got Certified as a Personal Trainer with NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine) and am starting my own business focusing on nutrition (also got certified with NASM as a Nutrition Coach) and fitness. Not just fitness though, doing functional assessments (via Zoom thanks to Covid) so we can create your training program around muscles that are short and overactive; thus need to be stretched, and muscles that are long and underactive; therefore, need to be strengthened. No one program suits everyone! I’m loving this because my first four clients are already seeing weight loss and strength gains which his a double W I N !!!

My business name is following my Instagram Handle (@eatsweatpray) so Eat. Sweat. Pray Fitness. These are transparent so they can be placed on trucker hats, muscle t’s and documents / letterhead. I’d love your opinion. The ones in teal would remain that way, the ones in all black could be changed to teal writing or design so just go with design you like best. Maybe top 2?

Thanks for voting! I’ll choose a random comment to send a Herb Stripper to as a thank you! See what it is here! The kids use ours every week!

Power Muffins - prep ahead ;)


I’ve written about these before, but they’ve been so popular amongst my challengers, that I was to share about them again. And there are so many ways to modify these Superfood / Power muffins, that I don’t want you to limit yourself to the recipe I shared HERE. Try adding 1 packet / scoop Vegan Vanilla Shakeology, or chopped apples / pears . When I made these this time I used liners to save on dishes and it made 14 instead of 12, so I’ll change the serving to 4.5 muffins for 3 days with an extra .5 muffin on a hungry day or later for snack.

These are great for any day, but I esp love them for 80-Day Obsession, LIIFT4 and Transform 20 where I find containers more helpful to follow. As written it’s 1R, 1G, 1Y and whether or not you use liners, the oil spray would be negligible so don’t count a tsp. If you add 1 fruit add .5P to each serving, or if you add Shakeology, add .5 R (rounding). I love warming them and adding 1 tsp peanut butter across the top. YUMMMM ;)

Let me know what you think! Here’s the batch I made today while on the phone…talk about multi-tasking! And it prevented me from tossing veggies we wouldn’t be able to eat before they were over due! #winning

NOTE - If you’re following 2B Mindset nutrition this would be a great breakfast with your FFCs and protein being equal and veggies for extra credit. Remember to drink 16 oz water first. :) #2bunnies

Day 36: Leg Day

Legs…and the day after Refeed Day.  How are you feeling after Refeed Day? Do you notice a difference in your energy? How did you like eating more carbs? Does your body look any different today?

We have Legs today for 40 minutes (love that it's less) and we will use weights, Beachbody Strength Slides, mat and a chair (if modifying). Remember  2 things today as you workout (1) we are doing 3 sets of 10 reps so you can usually push harder and lift more on these days and (2) legs are the biggest muscle so they can handle much more weight.  Don't be afraid to bulk up; that won't happen on this program. 

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I want to chat about expectations for Refeed Day. As you know, the purpose is to refuel your body and give you a little break, mentally and physically. You may see some people showing off a sudden six-pack, or bragging about how much energy they have. If you don’t have the same results, don’t worry! This Refeed Day is a chance for you to see how your body reacts and what works for you. Pay attention to how you look and feel. You can always choose different foods next Refeed Day and see if you notice a difference. Don’t get discouraged by other people’s results—just focus on you!  My favorite quote is "Comparison is the thief of joy!" - CS Lewis

3 Day Refresh- Day 2

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Was super excited to have my son join me again fro Day 2 of 3 Day Yoga!  He practiced yoga in Kindergarten back in CA and loves to show me how well he knows the poses.  He also has other names for them like "sitting in chair" is "sitting on the potty going #2" but he's 8 yrs old, all boy and pretty darn cute, so I let it slide. 

I made it out in the rain to get groceries, YAY!  We have variety now :)  We also endured an Urgent Care stop because as we walked in, my 4 yr old tripped and fell on a huge shard of glass that got stuck in his arm and as blood went everywhere, he was crying and my 8 yr old was about to throw up.  I hope you're laughing and saying to yourself "it's always something with little ones, right?" because that's what I said. really....just a grocery store run in the rain.  Why?!  Did I tell you he JUST got his stitches out last night from falling out of the tree and landing on a stick?!  This one.  Sigh.  

Anyways, so far so good.  Still not starving and finding this very doable!  Yay for that.  I'm more than half way through too!  One thing I want to make sure and stress is how much water you need.  DRINK ALL THE WATER! Your body is trying to rest, recover and release toxins so help flush them out with the correct amount of water.  If you get bored, add some lime, lemon, cucumbers or mint to it and it will make it more flavorful.  

Meals today:
breakfast: vegan chocolate Shakeology w/ 1/2 banana
am snack: fiber sweep
lunch: vanilla fresh w/ strawberries, 2 stalks celery w/ PB
pm snack: tomato w/ avocado
dinner: vanilla fresh, spinach salad w lemon & olive oil dressing

Tomorrow is Day 3! I can't believe how fast this is flying by and how great I feel.  Y'all, I even resisted BACON this morning after cooking it for my kids. I mean, that is the true test for me!  Don't even show up with dark chocolate chips or I might have to ask you to leave :) Just. Don't.

Homemade Sweet Potato Chips!

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Ok, let me start by saying this...I don't do fancy and I don't do hard.  But when you can find something easy, that looks fancy...well so be it!!!!  As my college professor used to say, "I"ll buy that!"  :)  

If you've never made sweet potatoes "chips" before, please try them tomorrow.  I got a bag of sweet potatoes at Costco because they are so expensive here in Brisbane and they stay good for a while so it seemed smart.  Another tip, use a better slicer than what I used below.  I was pretty close to losing a finger with every slice and thankful I finished this with all 10 fingers.  ha!  

Slice 2-3 small, or 1-2 large, sweet potatoes very thin. Try to be consistent with thickness so the thins ones don't burn and the large ones get soggy.  Put them all in a bowl and mix with whatever seasonings you like.  They absorb the flavor really well, so have fun with it. I've made these a few times now and tried garlic, salt, pepper the first time and Italian seasoning the second. Both were equally delicious and the kids liked them both ways.  Once you have potatoes seasoned in the bowl, spray, or drizzle, with olive oil (you really don't need much, just enough to lightly cover the potatoes).

If you have kids, everything except the slicing is PERFECT for them.  They can wash the potatoes, season them, mix them around in the bowl, and the next step which is to lay them in a single layer on a flat cookie sheet. I like to use aluminum foil so I don't have dishes to wash (#lazy), but that's personal preference. I know a lot don't like to cook with aluminum foil these days.  

Once they are spread evenly, put them in your preheated oven 160 degrees celsius (or 175 degrees Fahrenheit) till they start to dry out and crinkle a little.  If they start browning, take them out immediately.  I'm not giving a specific time because it all depends on the thickness of your potatoes and it will vary greatly. I tend to cook mine about 20 min. 

Here are 3 different ways I've used sweet potato chips to enhance a dish. I am currently obsessed with making hashes for breakfast.  You can top sweet potatoes with any kind of meat (I prefer seasoned ground turkey or bacon) and then add spinach, cheese (any kind, I prefer brie) and tomatoes (I forgot spinach when I made it) and top it with 2 over easy, or poached, eggs.  DE-ILC-IOUS!!  Prepare to get lots of compliments, impress and hear "thank you" for a while.  You can also serve as chips or on top of a salad.  I grew up HATING sweet potatoes and I now owe my parents a big apology for all those years and complaining. Because now, I am obsessed!!!  :) 

Daily Sunshine is here!!!

Samples of Daily Sunshine are finally IN! This is the new shake for kids! It's a 3-in-1 cup-o-yumminess 🙌🏻👅

What does it contain??
#1. Fruits and vegetables
#2. Organic pea protein
#3. Healthy fats

It covers the building blocks of nutrition that kids need every day- whole-food based carbs from veggies and fruit, protein, and healthy fats!

TWO FLAVORS which are both GF, soy free, casein free, and dairy free: Chocolate and Strawberry-Banana! Let me know which you'd like!  Side effects may be feeling awesome and like you're winning this parenting thing for the day!!

Zoodle Chicken Salad-In-a-Jar

4 cups spiralized zucchini
1 cup diced red bell pepper
2 cups cooked chicken breast, cubed
1/2 cup olives of your choice, pitted
4 Tbsp sliced green onions

Avocado Yogurt Dressing:
1 large ripe avocado
juice of fresh 1 lemon
2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1/3 cup Greek yogurt,
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/4 tsp freshly ground pepper
1/2 tsp garlic powder
2 Tbsp fresh cilantro or parsley

Instructions can be found HERE.

Cover and refrigerate. Lasts 3-4 days.  Once ready to eat, shake the jar vigorously, or stir then pour onto a plate.