
The best pancakes ever!


If you’re not Vegan, sometimes you don’t take to the dairy free, egg free, gluten free taste, but these pancakes will prove otherwise. For $19.95 a bag, I was hesitant to try them in fear we wouldn’t be a fan. But the conversation about these pancakes was hilarious and told that this purchase was one I’ll be making over and over again.

My 11 yr old came downstairs and said, "Mom, what’s for breakfast, something smells good! Wait, are we eating that? How can pancakes be egg free? That doesn't even sound right?” He threw out a lot of questions before I could even respond! ha! I explained that I'm lactose intolerant so I need dairy free and since these are vegan, they're egg free too. I convinced him to have an open mind and forget the “egg-free” part and see if he liked them. Not even three bites later, he said, "Shut up and take my money. These are the best pancakes ever. Can we hide the batter in the pantry mom? I’ll want more later." So there you have it, from the mouth of babes. ;)

My takeaways: Almond flavoring was prefect and sweet enough that they didn't need maple syrup (I won’t complain at omitting sugar!). I love the macros and the protein kept me full till lunch vs most pancakes which are just carbs and you're hungry two hours later. Even “protein pancakes” haven’t had enough. I've already purchased another bag for when this one runs out! Can’t risk the pantry being empty :)

Macros: serving size 3-5 pancakes (75g) 270 cal, 20g protein, 42g carbs, 11g sugar, 3g fiber, 2g fat
Portion FIx Containers: 1R, 2Y
2B Mindset Plate-It: Great breakfast!

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