3 Day Refresh

7 ingredients to Yumminess!

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This is one of the easiest, tastiest muffins and it’s so dense, you will be full! I love this as a side to breakfast with Ultimate Portion Fix or 2B Mindset!! it’s also a great snack during the day!

2 ripe bananas, the riper, the sweeter
2 extra-large eggs (large will do, but I like the extra protein)
2 c old-fashioned oats
1 c plain greek yogurt (look at protein and sugar on the side, you want high protein, low sugar)
½ c maple syrup or honey (if you use vanilla yogurt, or extra ripe bananas then cut this to ⅓ c)
1 ½ tsp baking powder
¼ c chai seeds (you do not need to soak these, just dump them in)
** top with nuts, seeds, oats, chocolate chips, or nothing, they’re pretty as is. I chose chocolate chips as my topping, but once I made these, the batter was plenty sweet so I never added them. If you know me, you’re probably questioning my mental health or thinking someone took over my blog. It’s true, I passed on chocolate. Don’t expect me to do it again :)
** I wish I added Vanilla Whey Shakeology, I will in the next batch. It’ll help sweeten it if you’re cutting the sugar (which I always encourage)

1) In no particular order, dump everything in the blender! Don’t you love that, easy as can be! Get your kids involved, this is that simple.

The order doesn’t matter, i did bananas, eggs, oats, yogurt, seeds

The order doesn’t matter, i did bananas, eggs, oats, yogurt, seeds

How beautiful if this?  I hate waiting for chai seeds to soak.  Glad that’s not involved!

How beautiful if this? I hate waiting for chai seeds to soak. Glad that’s not involved!

2) Blend 2 minutes or until it looks very well mixed. If you have some on the edges that didn’t get mixed in, you can stir it and blend again, or grab a spoon and eat it. I opted for the second options. YUM!

3) Pour in 12 lined muffin cups, or straight into silicone muffin holders. Anyone ever used these? Thoughts? I’m nervous to try, I don’t have a lot of faith in the sides not to go limp and spill batter.

I could have easily eaten this whole thing and never cooked them.  No one would know expect you and I!

I could have easily eaten this whole thing and never cooked them. No one would know expect you and I!

But, I poured 12 muffins and opted to pass on chocolate chips since it was plenty sweet. This is why it’s important to taste your batter :)

But, I poured 12 muffins and opted to pass on chocolate chips since it was plenty sweet. This is why it’s important to taste your batter :)

If your blender looks like this, you know it was DAMN DELICIOUS!!!

If your blender looks like this, you know it was DAMN DELICIOUS!!!

My kitchen smells good and before I had a chance to portion out breakfast for tomorrow and freeze the rest, my kids ate 4.  Gone in 5 minutes flat.  Glad this was simple since I’ll likely be making more in 2 days!

My kitchen smells good and before I had a chance to portion out breakfast for tomorrow and freeze the rest, my kids ate 4. Gone in 5 minutes flat. Glad this was simple since I’ll likely be making more in 2 days!

4) Cook at 175 celsius for 20 minutes. Stay near by so you can keep an eye on them and enjoy all the smells!
**Bananas can be replaced with sweet potatoes or pumpkin. Both would be delicious year-around, but especially in the fall.

3 Day Refresh - Day 3!

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OMGGGGGG how is this the final day already?  I really like the Vanilla Fresh shake and so many ask if they can buy those al-a-carte, but the sad answer is...you can't.  Sorry!  It's only sold as a kit and only has 3 Shakeology packets, the rest are special formulated shakes with plant based protein so you stay full, but still detox.  Let me know if you want to try it and join my next accountability group on April 16th!  I run groups every month if that week doesn't work for you. 

Meals today:
breakfast: vegan vanilla Shakeology w/ blueberries & strawberries
am snack: fiber sweep
lunch: vanilla fresh w/ strawberries, celery & PB
pm snack: tomatoes w/ avocado
dinner: vanilla fresh, spinach salad w/ lemon & olive oil dressing (yes I did this all 3 nights. it's that good)

This was pretty easy and I'M ON VACATION! Most people wouldn't do a clean on vacation and if they did, they wouldn't follow through with it, but when you want a system reset and to change your habits, you just grit your teeth and push through.  Too bad this is so easy that it didn't require teeth gritting, but I was ready just in case :) 

We've talked about sugar cravings and water intake and how important drinking enough water is, but we didn't talk about emotional eating or GRAZING.  I hate that word because I do it all the time and it sounds like you're referring to a cow.  Right?  I mean I'm not in a pasture constantly eating, but it seems that way when I walk around the kitchen nibbling on this, finishing that, tasting this... you get the point.  Do you do this?  Those calories all add up.  Do you know the average Costco shopping trip costs a customer 400+ calories in just those tiny swish containers.  I mean, they are so tiny...how is that possible??  BECAUSE IT ALL ADDS UP! 

So, breaking habits is a huge reason to do the reset.  In 3 days it will be quite evident where you are gaining the extra calories. It might be finishing your kids plate, because really, it's a kids' meal so it's already small, can't hurt?  WRONG!  Or sampling food while cooking and getting almost a meals worth of food before you even plate it and sit down.  Yeah, that's happened in my house once, or ten times.  NOT GREAT!  I hope you reap all the benefits I did because in three days, even if the scale doesn't move, I've had huge take aways, and feel better, more rested, and more focused on FOOD = FUEL, not emotions.  And I want to change how I reward my kids from ice cream and sugary treats, to non-food items.  They are not dogs.  I don't know how that habit started, but I know how it will end.  I feel in control again!

3 Day Refresh- Day 2

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Was super excited to have my son join me again fro Day 2 of 3 Day Yoga!  He practiced yoga in Kindergarten back in CA and loves to show me how well he knows the poses.  He also has other names for them like "sitting in chair" is "sitting on the potty going #2" but he's 8 yrs old, all boy and pretty darn cute, so I let it slide. 

I made it out in the rain to get groceries, YAY!  We have variety now :)  We also endured an Urgent Care stop because as we walked in, my 4 yr old tripped and fell on a huge shard of glass that got stuck in his arm and as blood went everywhere, he was crying and my 8 yr old was about to throw up.  I hope you're laughing and saying to yourself "it's always something with little ones, right?" because that's what I said. really....just a grocery store run in the rain.  Why?!  Did I tell you he JUST got his stitches out last night from falling out of the tree and landing on a stick?!  This one.  Sigh.  

Anyways, so far so good.  Still not starving and finding this very doable!  Yay for that.  I'm more than half way through too!  One thing I want to make sure and stress is how much water you need.  DRINK ALL THE WATER! Your body is trying to rest, recover and release toxins so help flush them out with the correct amount of water.  If you get bored, add some lime, lemon, cucumbers or mint to it and it will make it more flavorful.  

Meals today:
breakfast: vegan chocolate Shakeology w/ 1/2 banana
am snack: fiber sweep
lunch: vanilla fresh w/ strawberries, 2 stalks celery w/ PB
pm snack: tomato w/ avocado
dinner: vanilla fresh, spinach salad w lemon & olive oil dressing

Tomorrow is Day 3! I can't believe how fast this is flying by and how great I feel.  Y'all, I even resisted BACON this morning after cooking it for my kids. I mean, that is the true test for me!  Don't even show up with dark chocolate chips or I might have to ask you to leave :) Just. Don't.

3 Day Refresh - Day 1

Have you ever heard of a cleanse where you EAT?  yeah I never had either so when I heard of this, my first reaction was, "no thanks, don't want to be glued to the potty all day! and don't want to drink all my food," but y'all, that is not the case at all!  I've done the 3 Day Refresh probably 10+ times and I've never been restricted to the house or had irregularities.  

I've had a few ask me why I do the refresh if I'm already at my goal weight and here's why...I FEEL GOOD DOING IT!  It's a Vegan diet (so plant based, no eggs, no dairy, no grains, no meat) and my Houston GP recommended I do it every one-two months so my body could REST!  What a concept???  Reward our body for all the hard work it does every day?  Digesting food isn't easy and it's been proven that drinking a shake during the day actually makes it easier to digest your food.

But, regardless of weight, there are habits I want to break.  It only takes one vacation, birthday celebration, binge sugar fest for my taste buds to get excited and crave sugar again. I can avoid salty things easily (except BACON - all the bacon please!!), but sugar is my pitfall.  The refresh is short enough it's doable, but long enough that your tastebuds will react different so I'm trying to break habits and cravings. I'll chat about habits around eating tomorrow with Day 2 post.  If you want to know more about the refresh, I talked about it yesterday or you can purchase it HERE.  

Completed 3 Day Refresh Yoga today and it was an eye-opener. I am so inflexible.  Love that my 8 yr old son ASKED if he could join me?!  I will miss these moments when they return to school in another week :( 

Meals today:
breakfast: vegan vanilla Shakeology w/ blueberries
am snack: fiber sweep
lunch: vanilla fresh w/ PB and 1/2 banana, 2 stalks celery
pm snack: 2 stalks celery w/ PB (can you tell I need to go shopping) 
dinner: vanilla fresh, spinach salad (should have cucumbers, sprouts, pumpkin seeds in it, but I'm on vacation and had to make do) w/ lemon & olive oil dressing

Check out the promo this month!!  Instead of $80, it's only $30 when bundled with a new Shakeology order, but until April 9th, it's only $15 extra!  You will want this for summer, a wedding, pre / post vacation , etc.  Next group starts April 16th!

3 Day Refresh - starts tomorrow!

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Here’s the “skinny” on the 3-Day Refresh (pun intended). It is a gentle detox/cleanse, but you actually get to EAT real food all 3 days and multiple times each day!! You guessed it, that’s not typical with most cleanses; they make you stick to liquids only. But, it’s easier, safer and your results stick. Imagine if you only juiced for 3 days and then had your first normal day - you’d bloat up! Who wants that? Really?? Who wants that? 

Here's how it works: everything you see below (minus the food) is provided...

Breakfast: VEGAN Shakeology (this is a plant based cleanse, do not drink the regular whey formula during these 3 days)
AM Snack: Fiber sweep (no you’re NOT running to the potty, I don’t even notice it)
Lunch: Vanilla Fresh, plus a fruit, veggie, and healthy fat of your choice (you’re given options)
PM Snack: Veggie and heathy fat
Dinner: Vanilla Fresh, plus one of the meals options they provide

Most people aren't starving, and some days I struggled to eat it all, so it's doable for sure. And it’s only THREE DAYS!

They suggest no, or very low impact, exercise during your cleanse. Your body is working hard to release toxins and detox, you don’t want to overwork it. There’s a new Beachbody program, 3-Day Refresh Yoga 🧘🏼‍♀️ which pairs perfectly to this and is free to all BOD subscribers. If you don’t have streaming, we need to fix that!! 

Most people drop 3-6 pounds and keep it off. We do the group as a team challenge, which is really fun and makes it easier.   I lost 4# when I did it and absolutely loved the experience!

Watch for Day 1, 2, and 3 coming soon with results posted on Day 4!

Vanilla Fresh shake recipes

Vanilla Fresh is one of our most popular shakes and is completely vegan, so it works for everyone.  Sadly, it's not avail for purchase by itself, but it's a vital part to the 3 Day Refresh.   I love it with just water and shaken very well, but some prefer drinking it with their fruit serving from lunch, or add extra 'free' seasonings.  Check these out to add some variety to your day! Let me know which is your favorite!