
3 Day Refresh - Day 3!

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OMGGGGGG how is this the final day already?  I really like the Vanilla Fresh shake and so many ask if they can buy those al-a-carte, but the sad answer can't.  Sorry!  It's only sold as a kit and only has 3 Shakeology packets, the rest are special formulated shakes with plant based protein so you stay full, but still detox.  Let me know if you want to try it and join my next accountability group on April 16th!  I run groups every month if that week doesn't work for you. 

Meals today:
breakfast: vegan vanilla Shakeology w/ blueberries & strawberries
am snack: fiber sweep
lunch: vanilla fresh w/ strawberries, celery & PB
pm snack: tomatoes w/ avocado
dinner: vanilla fresh, spinach salad w/ lemon & olive oil dressing (yes I did this all 3 nights. it's that good)

This was pretty easy and I'M ON VACATION! Most people wouldn't do a clean on vacation and if they did, they wouldn't follow through with it, but when you want a system reset and to change your habits, you just grit your teeth and push through.  Too bad this is so easy that it didn't require teeth gritting, but I was ready just in case :) 

We've talked about sugar cravings and water intake and how important drinking enough water is, but we didn't talk about emotional eating or GRAZING.  I hate that word because I do it all the time and it sounds like you're referring to a cow.  Right?  I mean I'm not in a pasture constantly eating, but it seems that way when I walk around the kitchen nibbling on this, finishing that, tasting this... you get the point.  Do you do this?  Those calories all add up.  Do you know the average Costco shopping trip costs a customer 400+ calories in just those tiny swish containers.  I mean, they are so is that possible??  BECAUSE IT ALL ADDS UP! 

So, breaking habits is a huge reason to do the reset.  In 3 days it will be quite evident where you are gaining the extra calories. It might be finishing your kids plate, because really, it's a kids' meal so it's already small, can't hurt?  WRONG!  Or sampling food while cooking and getting almost a meals worth of food before you even plate it and sit down.  Yeah, that's happened in my house once, or ten times.  NOT GREAT!  I hope you reap all the benefits I did because in three days, even if the scale doesn't move, I've had huge take aways, and feel better, more rested, and more focused on FOOD = FUEL, not emotions.  And I want to change how I reward my kids from ice cream and sugary treats, to non-food items.  They are not dogs.  I don't know how that habit started, but I know how it will end.  I feel in control again!

Day 7: Roll & Release

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Here’s your much-needed first Rest Day!  How do you feel about this?  Are you feeling "YAHOO" or more like "BOO-HOO"?  It sounds funny to say and I'm not a workout-a-holic, but rest day is hard for me!  I like to stay consistent and it keeps me in check.  When my exercise goes out the door, my nutrition is usually just a few steps behind it.  If you're like me, listen to your body and push past this!  Remember, we are doing a program and to get the intended results, we MUST TRUST THE PROGRAM AND DO THE PROGRAM.  All in, even rest days!

I also want to stress the importance of self-care. You’ll hear Autumn talk about it a lot in during 80 Days Obsession.  Here's why - we are training like an athlete y'all.  We really are!   These are not beginner workouts! You need to stretch, relax, and let your body recover from what you’re putting it through, plus, your muscles will have a chance to lengthen out and be ready for what they next 6 days have in store for them. Autumn created two bonus workouts that you can use anytime (but especially on rest day) which are Roll & Release and Stretch & Release.  You'll need a foam roller for this and at first, it might hurt.  But that's good pain and you're getting all the lactic acid out and increasing circulation to help relieve muscle soreness and restore mobility. Push past any pain and you'll feel better in the long run.