
Day 14: Stretch & Release

Ahhh, Rest Day! I'm starting to look forward to this day. It's not as hard as it was week 1 because my body is like...GIVE ME REST ;) 

Have you tried Roll & Release or Stretch & Release yet? They're only 15 minutes and a great way to stretch sore, tired muscles. They need a break, and your body deserves self-care so it's ready to tackle Week 3!

CHECK-IN: Remember what I said in the beginning of this program—the scale should not be your only tool to measure progress. You’re building muscle, which means your body is changing in a way that may not show up on the scale. Are your clothes fitting differently? Do you feel stronger? Be proud of your hard work, and be patient—the results will come if you’re sticking to the program!  Autumn chatted with coaches in the Test Group and said she didn't even want us to weigh ourselves for the first two weeks because your body is adjusting to a different workout, different way of eating and with all those changes, it might be holding on to fluff that will soon get shredded.  I didn't see any results till week three and then I was a fan and a believer.  Don't give up before you get there!

On Sundays, make sure you watch the Weekly Obsession episode to see what the cast is up to. I look forward to these snippets and sometimes there are changes from how the program was originally planned out.  I don't like surprises so tune in.  You also can subscribe to Autumn's You Tube channel so you don't miss out on anything 80 Day Obsession.  I love the Fixate tips she shares too!

Day 7: Roll & Release

foam roller.jpg

Here’s your much-needed first Rest Day!  How do you feel about this?  Are you feeling "YAHOO" or more like "BOO-HOO"?  It sounds funny to say and I'm not a workout-a-holic, but rest day is hard for me!  I like to stay consistent and it keeps me in check.  When my exercise goes out the door, my nutrition is usually just a few steps behind it.  If you're like me, listen to your body and push past this!  Remember, we are doing a program and to get the intended results, we MUST TRUST THE PROGRAM AND DO THE PROGRAM.  All in, even rest days!

I also want to stress the importance of self-care. You’ll hear Autumn talk about it a lot in during 80 Days Obsession.  Here's why - we are training like an athlete y'all.  We really are!   These are not beginner workouts! You need to stretch, relax, and let your body recover from what you’re putting it through, plus, your muscles will have a chance to lengthen out and be ready for what they next 6 days have in store for them. Autumn created two bonus workouts that you can use anytime (but especially on rest day) which are Roll & Release and Stretch & Release.  You'll need a foam roller for this and at first, it might hurt.  But that's good pain and you're getting all the lactic acid out and increasing circulation to help relieve muscle soreness and restore mobility. Push past any pain and you'll feel better in the long run.