
Day 14: Stretch & Release

Ahhh, Rest Day! I'm starting to look forward to this day. It's not as hard as it was week 1 because my body is like...GIVE ME REST ;) 

Have you tried Roll & Release or Stretch & Release yet? They're only 15 minutes and a great way to stretch sore, tired muscles. They need a break, and your body deserves self-care so it's ready to tackle Week 3!

CHECK-IN: Remember what I said in the beginning of this program—the scale should not be your only tool to measure progress. You’re building muscle, which means your body is changing in a way that may not show up on the scale. Are your clothes fitting differently? Do you feel stronger? Be proud of your hard work, and be patient—the results will come if you’re sticking to the program!  Autumn chatted with coaches in the Test Group and said she didn't even want us to weigh ourselves for the first two weeks because your body is adjusting to a different workout, different way of eating and with all those changes, it might be holding on to fluff that will soon get shredded.  I didn't see any results till week three and then I was a fan and a believer.  Don't give up before you get there!

On Sundays, make sure you watch the Weekly Obsession episode to see what the cast is up to. I look forward to these snippets and sometimes there are changes from how the program was originally planned out.  I don't like surprises so tune in.  You also can subscribe to Autumn's You Tube channel so you don't miss out on anything 80 Day Obsession.  I love the Fixate tips she shares too!

Day 10: Cardio Core

Here's Courtney's results in just TWO WEEKS y'all!  Stick with it!

Here's Courtney's results in just TWO WEEKS y'all!  Stick with it!

Remember, this workout alternates one cardio interval with one HIIT interval and one core move for 35 minutes. You’ll need your Beachbody strength slides for the core work and Beachbody Performance Energize!  I can totally feel the difference on cardio and leg days!

How are you feeling so far? Are you committed to your workouts and nutrition? I want you to make a promise to give it your all every day. This is for YOU, not anyone else. So if you don’t do your very best, you’re only cheating yourself. Who has time for that? Not me and NOT YOU!

Day 9: Booty

Photo Feb 20, 11 55 51 AM.jpg

Hello, Booty!

For today’s workout you’re going to need your Beachbody Resistance Loops, a mat, and a chair for balance (those last two are optional). Again, you’ll be doing 3 sets of 10 reps, so be prepared to work hard and feel that booty burn!

Ok lets get real today.  How’s your digestion? Are you regular or constipated?  I noticed in eating more carbs than I was previously used to that I got a tad constipated.  A new nutrition program takes getting used to!  But the amount on energy I feel is UNREAL!  Eating more regularly and eating foods together that are absorbed into my body differently has been a noticeable change for me. 

If you are experiencing any discomfort you might try introducing new foods slowly, especially if you're not used to eating fruits or veggies. Consider eating similar foods for a few days before adding anything new. Also, Shakeology helps support healthy digestion, so be sure you're incorporating it into your day.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Pumpkin Cookies

These taste like warm oatmeal cookies with a creamy pumpkin filling you'd find in a donut. Yes I said the word donut on my blog ;)  The fat content is minimal because we use organic extra-virgin coconut oil, plus they’re gluten-free!  It's always a win if you can stay on target with your goals and please the whole family, while indulging. You don't have to disown sweets to tone and lose weight and these are in line with 21-Day Fix container system.  

SERVES: 9 (1 pie each)


I served these with creamy peanut butter on top and they were delicious too. I stored in the fridge and we used them in school lunches, breakfast with yogurt, dessert with cream filling or like this (above). You can't go wrong.

  • 1 cup dry old-fashioned rolled oats

  • ½ cup gluten-free all-purpose flour

  • ½ tsp. ground cinnamon

  • ¼ tsp. baking powder

  • ¼ tsp. sea salt (I prefer Himalayan salt)

  • ¼ cup extra-virgin organic coconut oil

  • ¼ cup coconut sugar

  • 1 large egg

  • ½ tsp. pure vanilla extract

  • ½ cup chopped raw walnuts (opt)


  • ¼ cup heavy whipping cream

  • ½ tsp. unflavored gelatin (preferably from grass-fed cows)

  • ½ cup 100% pure pumpkin puree (this is hard to find in Australia)

  • 2 Tbsp. coconut sugar

  • 1 pinch sea salt (I prefer Himalayan salt)

  • ¼ tsp. ground cinnamon

  • ¼ tsp. ground ginger

  • ¼ tsp. ground nutmeg

  • 1 dash ground cloves

  • ½ tsp. pure vanilla extract


  1. Preheat oven to 350º F or 160º C

  2. Line baking sheet with parchment paper and lightly coat with spray (I prefer Olive Oil spray).

  3. Combine oats, flour, cinnamon, baking powder, and salt in a large bowl; mix well. Set aside.

  4. Combine oil and sugar in a medium bowl. Using electric mixer beat until light and fluffy.

  5. Add egg and extract; beat until well blended.

  6. Gently fold in oat mixture and mix until just blended.

  7. Fold in walnuts (if desired) and mix until just blended.

  8. Spread 18 rounded Tbsp. of dough onto lined baking sheet.

  9. Bake 6 to 8 minutes, rotating baking sheet once halfway through, or until golden brown.

  10. Cool cookies completely before filling (hot cookies will melt the cream filling).


  1. While cookies are baking, combine cream and gelatin in a large mixing bowl; whisk to blend. Let stand for 5 minutes.

  2. Add pumpkin, sugar, salt, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, cloves, and extract to cream mixture; whisk to blend.

  3. Add pumpkin mixture to a large skillet. Bring to a gentle boil, over medium heat, stirring constantly. Reduce heat to medium-low; cook, stirring constantly, for 3 to 5 minutes, or until mixture has thickened slightly.

  4. Place pumpkin mixture in heat-proof bowl, then place bowl in ice bath. Chill for 5 to 10 minutes, or until pumpkin mixture has set to the consistency of pudding.

  5. Transfer pumpkin filling to a large resealable plastic bag. Refrigerate until it’s time to fill the pies.


  1. Snip off one corner of plastic bag (containing pumpkin filling) with a pair of scissors.

  2. Pipe approx. 1 Tbsp. filling on the flat bottom of a cookie; press another cookie on top to form a sandwich. Continue with remaining cookies and filling until nine pies are complete.

  3. Whoopie pies may be enjoyed immediately or refrigerated in an air-tight container for up to 4 days.

21 Day Fix containers:  1.5 Y, .5 B, 1 tsp
80 Day Obsession containers:  use this for re-feed days only (always before leg day).  

Fixate Whoopie Pies can be found in Autumn Calabrese's Fixate cookbook, along with hundreds of other 21-Day Fix approved recipes.  You can buy it HERE

Fixate Peanut Peanut Butter Squares

Whenever I make something from "FIXATE" cookbook, written by Autumn Calabrese, I think "fixate it and forget about it!!" Sounds funny, but she is the one that designed the every popular "portion controller contain system" with Beachbody.  So when you make anything in her cookbook you have the exact container portions per serving.  She also lists the nutritional info (carbs, fat, etc) but if you're doing Beachbody programs popular....YOU WILL NEVER COUNT CALORIES AGAIN!  SERIOUSLY, you won't! I lived by My Fitness Pal app and scanned in all my food to be under 1300 calories a day and I never look at the label now exact to check that the ingredients are clean because I know I'll measure out what's right for my husband and I and it's no different than measuring for any other recipe.  So the stress is gone and it's super cheap ($20!)  You can get it HERE if interested.  

I made this yesterday with Matthew and I know I'm biased, but I think ours turned out even better... Here are my takeaways...

1) do this with your kids. Matthew made the whole thing. Is that bad I let him use the mixer? He knows to keep hands out and doesn't let it spin out of control and I'm right there, so I feel OK about it. He cracked the eggs and all and so far, we've found no shells!  Maybe I should eat a few more to make sure :)

2) Dark chocolate chips are fun add on.  White Chocolate chips could be good too, but dark chocolate is the best for you, so there you go, but we are eating

pb bar 1.jpg

3) Use creamy PB as instructed 🙄!!! I don't like to deviate from recipes and was stressed that all I had was crunchy so I went to Wooly's to get creamy and then grabbed my dark chocolate chips and left, totally forgetting the reason I went.  Chocolate has that effect on me :/  It's not bad, but I'd like it better without the crunch.

4) This would go great with ice cream, esp if slightly warm.  Of course you need to chose wisely if you're doing 21 day fix for restuls, but if you're on the 80 / 20 maintenance plan, then have a spoonful and call it a day. Otherwise, I think the tartness from plain .5%-2% fat Greek yogurt would be good and then you'd stay on track!

5) This makes 16 servings and they're big. Counts as 1 yellow & 2 tsp. Worth every bit of it!!  I think I could chose this over wine and live with myself. :) 

6) I undercooked them by 2-3 min. since I"m still getting adjusted to celsius vs fahrenheit and was so worried I'd burn them.  Nothing is worse than overcooked or burnt desserts, esp PB flavor, so these were extra gooey, but I'm ok with that. 


Fixate picture: as recipe is written (creamy PB and no chocolate chips)

Fixate picture: as recipe is written (creamy PB and no chocolate chips)

-Nonstick cooking spray (I prefer Olive Oil and it didn't change the flavor at all)
-1 1/2 C clean creamy peanut butter
-1/2 C honey or maple syrup (I chose honey, get the cheapest kind since you'll go through a lot if you follow my recipes, same with maple syrup. I prefer Costco for both of these staples)
-2 eggs
-2 tsp vanilla extract (if you don't have vanilla extract you can sub almond extract, but do not do 1 for 1 as Google says you can.  It's way too strong and overpowers it. I'd do 1/2-1 tsp tops!
-1/2 tsp baking soda

-mix everything together in a mixing bowl
-spread evenly into lightly coated 8x8 pan
-bake for 20-25 min in preheated oven (350 degrees).  it will continue cooking once you take them out and you can't cut them or remove them till they cool, so take out a little earlier than how you want them to look when done.  (esp if you added chocolate to them)
-cool and cut into 16 squares

21 day fix count: 1 yellow, 2.5 tsp, 182 calories, 7g protein, 1 g fiber, 10 g sugar, 13g fat