3 Day Refresh- Day 2

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Was super excited to have my son join me again fro Day 2 of 3 Day Yoga!  He practiced yoga in Kindergarten back in CA and loves to show me how well he knows the poses.  He also has other names for them like "sitting in chair" is "sitting on the potty going #2" but he's 8 yrs old, all boy and pretty darn cute, so I let it slide. 

I made it out in the rain to get groceries, YAY!  We have variety now :)  We also endured an Urgent Care stop because as we walked in, my 4 yr old tripped and fell on a huge shard of glass that got stuck in his arm and as blood went everywhere, he was crying and my 8 yr old was about to throw up.  I hope you're laughing and saying to yourself "it's always something with little ones, right?" because that's what I said. really....just a grocery store run in the rain.  Why?!  Did I tell you he JUST got his stitches out last night from falling out of the tree and landing on a stick?!  This one.  Sigh.  

Anyways, so far so good.  Still not starving and finding this very doable!  Yay for that.  I'm more than half way through too!  One thing I want to make sure and stress is how much water you need.  DRINK ALL THE WATER! Your body is trying to rest, recover and release toxins so help flush them out with the correct amount of water.  If you get bored, add some lime, lemon, cucumbers or mint to it and it will make it more flavorful.  

Meals today:
breakfast: vegan chocolate Shakeology w/ 1/2 banana
am snack: fiber sweep
lunch: vanilla fresh w/ strawberries, 2 stalks celery w/ PB
pm snack: tomato w/ avocado
dinner: vanilla fresh, spinach salad w lemon & olive oil dressing

Tomorrow is Day 3! I can't believe how fast this is flying by and how great I feel.  Y'all, I even resisted BACON this morning after cooking it for my kids. I mean, that is the true test for me!  Don't even show up with dark chocolate chips or I might have to ask you to leave :) Just. Don't.