
Power Muffins - prep ahead ;)


I’ve written about these before, but they’ve been so popular amongst my challengers, that I was to share about them again. And there are so many ways to modify these Superfood / Power muffins, that I don’t want you to limit yourself to the recipe I shared HERE. Try adding 1 packet / scoop Vegan Vanilla Shakeology, or chopped apples / pears . When I made these this time I used liners to save on dishes and it made 14 instead of 12, so I’ll change the serving to 4.5 muffins for 3 days with an extra .5 muffin on a hungry day or later for snack.

These are great for any day, but I esp love them for 80-Day Obsession, LIIFT4 and Transform 20 where I find containers more helpful to follow. As written it’s 1R, 1G, 1Y and whether or not you use liners, the oil spray would be negligible so don’t count a tsp. If you add 1 fruit add .5P to each serving, or if you add Shakeology, add .5 R (rounding). I love warming them and adding 1 tsp peanut butter across the top. YUMMMM ;)

Let me know what you think! Here’s the batch I made today while on the phone…talk about multi-tasking! And it prevented me from tossing veggies we wouldn’t be able to eat before they were over due! #winning

NOTE - If you’re following 2B Mindset nutrition this would be a great breakfast with your FFCs and protein being equal and veggies for extra credit. Remember to drink 16 oz water first. :) #2bunnies

LIIFT4 | Week 8 | Recovery Day 3

THANK YOU for being on this journey with me and each other! Take a look in the mirror. Read through these last 8 weeks of posts, shares, pics, cheers, and motivation. THAT’S what this Challenge Group has been about. Your results are all yours. You deserved them and worked hard for them.

You’ve accomplished so much beyond transforming your body and hopefully had a blast doing it. One of the big questions I get is, “Should I keep drinking my Shakeology?” And the short answer is YES! As Joel and I’ve both said throughout these 8 weeks, it really is a potent part of your daily nutritional intake. It’s packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber, high-quality protein, and tons of other amazing things you just can’t find anywhere else. So YES. Keep going with that. And nutrition is 70-80% of your results!


Although we are done with LIIFT4, your journey doesn’t stop here…it’s time to think about the future! What’s next? Maybe you’re ready to jump in and do another full round of LIIFT4, or want to try another Beachbody program.  Message me so we can chat about your new goals and time commitments. 

Until next time! WELL DONE!


LIIFT4 | Week 8 | Recovery Day 2

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Alrighty, superstars. You are done. But in a lot of ways, you’re not FINISHED. Because Joel and I both hope that LIIFT4 has given you a true transformation, both the kind you can see and the kind you feel inside.

Now comes the fun part. Today’s the day to take those "after" pictures and write down your new measurements. You’ve earned your progress and it’s time to show off to others! You can enter the Beachbody Challenge contest and you’ll not only have the chance to win big cash prizes, but you will even receive a free gift while supplies last. Go to for details.

LIIFT4 | Week 8 | Day 4 | FULL BODY (HIIT)

Final. Workout. Can you believe it?

Yes I am leaning on the wall to take a photo :)

Yes I am leaning on the wall to take a photo :)

I know you’ve been working hard but I really want you to think about today’s workout from a different angle—FUN. Every single move, every single rep is built on 8 weeks of sheer grunt, determination, and commitment. So, let’s go.

The last workout means you give it your all. It’s Full Body HIIT. Make this your celebration workout for all of your hard work and transformations up to this point. With 6 HIIT moves for 3 sets, a burnout set, and an extra core move, let’s just say I hope you took your Energize. Finish LIIFT4 strong and give it your all today.

What’s also fun is that Joel, along with everyone we’ve seen in the cast, does the full workout all the way through. I know a lot of you have wished he worked out with us in each video.  Here you go :) So much energy, so much sweat. It’s an amazing way to end this program!

But don’t forget! Tomorrow is PICTURE DAY! So, you’ll want to continue to stay on point! I like to take my pictures first thing in the morning, so I have the rest of the day to celebrate!


LIIFT4 | Week 8 | Day 3 | SHOULDERS/ARMS (Circuit)

Finish line ahead.jpg

Today is Shoulders/Arms – Circuit. There are 3 blocks of 4 moves each, with a strong core routine to bring us past the finish line.

Push yourself to the max. This is it. One last workout tomorrow and we are done.

Before we head into tomorrow, today is another great day to think back and really reflect on what you’ve done. Pull out your Weight Progression Tracker and look at all those days where you showed up and didn’t give up. I’m so proud of you! Let’s hear you guys share some motivation and congrats with each other.


LIIFT4 | Week 8 | Recovery Day 1


So it’s been an incredible journey so far and we’ve been through a lot together in these 8 weeks. I’m so proud of what you and the group have accomplished.

Often in my groups, I see people comparing their progress to someone else’s. Please don’t do that. Understand that everyone transforms at a different rate and in different ways and we all have different goals, metabolisms and weight to lose. This journey is for you, and you ONLY…the only person you should be comparing yourself to is YOU on Day 1.  Look in the mirror...THAT'S YOUR COMPETIITON!

Love yourself. Believe in yourself. And stay committed to a healthy, fit lifestyle. That’s the recipe for success.


LIIFT4 | Week 8 | Day 2 | LEGS (LIIFT 50/50)

quick and easy pre or post workout meal

quick and easy pre or post workout meal

The LAST LEGS OF LIIFT4. (Say that 3 times fast.) It’s time to push yourself to the max. Don’t be afraid to give it all you’ve got, knowing that you’ve got tomorrow to recover.

This Legs – LIIFT 50/50 workout includes 9 lifting moves, 3 HIIT moves, and 2 core moves to finish us off. Remember that lower-body workouts burn more calories than any other type because the legs (quads, glutes, and hamstrings) are the largest muscle group and require the most energy.

If you have a favorite leg move you’d like to share, please take a photo of yourself doing it, and share it with us. Show off those legs!


LIIFT4 | Week 8 | Day 1 | CHEST/BACK (Circuit)

A little motivation for week 7.

Remember Chest/Back – Circuit from last week? Today will be the same format and moves, with a slight changeup in the order of those moves.

You’ve got 11 chest and back moves, 2 core moves, and 3 sets to get done, so get ready to work! Final note—as you go into this last chest and back workout, fuel up before and replenish after. By now we know what our body needs to perform at its best so have your food and/or Beachbody supplements ready.

LIIFT4 | Week 7 | Recovery Day 3

I am ready for this!  

I am ready for this!  

This. Is. It. Tomorrow kicks off our last week. It’s time to empty the tank on every single workout.

Please watch Joel in READY FOR LIIFT OFF: Week 8 for what to expect in this final week. We’ve been building and shredding and sweating and pushing and WORKING…and it’s time to commit again to finish strong.

We are in this together. We started together, and we finish together. If you need some motivation, or have some to share, do so below!

LIIFT4 | Week 7 | Recovery Day 2

A little motivation for week 7.

Congrats! You made it through 7 weeks of workouts, with only 1 week left to go. Can you believe it?! We are almost there y'all!

LIIFT4 is designed to constantly challenge you in new ways, so your progress continues forward. Check in with yourself. Can you add more weight in this last week, tighten up your nutrition? Don't finish it wishing you'd given it more!

Time to get things on point now as we head into Week 8.


LIIFT4 | Week 7 | Day 4 | FULL BODY (HIIT)

A little motivation for week 7.

Now we’re getting to what SHRED IT is all about.

This is the first time we are doing Full Body HIIT, which is 6 moves in 3 sets, plus a burnout set, that you will feel from head to toe. And there’s an extra core move! Since this is the last workout of the week, don’t hold back and give it all you got. Can you move faster, jump higher, do more push-ups in every round, or get in one extra core rep?

Think about the goals you set when you first started. Remind yourself of why you’re here and committed to seeing this program through. Don’t lose sight of those goals now—we’re getting close to the finish.

LIIFT4 | Week 7 | Day 3 | SHOULDERS/ARMS (Circuit)

A little motivation for week 7.

A little motivation for week 7.

People love this workout, so get super-excited for today. It's a fun one.

This Shoulders/Arms – Circuit has 13 lifting moves, 2 of which are for your core. Even though these moves are familiar, they are going to feel very different in this sequence. Your shoulders will be used to stabilize the biceps and triceps moves, and the biceps and triceps are used to push and pull every shoulder move. Think of it as extra muscle and calorie burn. I can’t wait to see if I can lift my arms tomorrow.  I might not be able to wash my hair?!??!

LIIFT4 | Week 7 | Recovery Day 1

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OK, so let’s check in on your nutrition; there is one thing we haven’t yet addressed, which can sometimes derail your best efforts. It’s called “emotional eating” and you’ve probably done this before. I know I have.

It’s eating as a way to cope with the overwhelming feelings you have going on, or if you’re feeling like you’re trying to balance lots of things at once. It’s something you may not recognize until you really understand where it’s coming from. One way to get out of this trap is to delay eating, even for just 10 minutes. Put the food down and collect your thoughts. Check in with yourself and see if you can get to the root of what’s going on. Think it through. And realize that maybe you don’t want to eat that thing in your hand, but rather just need to take care of those emotions, or what’s putting you in this mood.  

A lot of times, you're just bored, dehydrated or it's habit!  Also try drinking 16 oz of water. I love the 3-Day Refresh for this. It works perfectly with LIIFT4 because you can move your rest days to be consecutive and knock it out and not miss any of this program. 3 days is long enough to break habits, cravings, etc, but short enough it's doable and you move on with your fitness regimen. 

LIIFT4 | Week 7 | Day 2 | LEGS (LIIFT 50/50)

It’s a Legs – LIIFT 50/50 day, but it’s unlike any you have done before. We have 9 lifting moves, 3 HIIT moves, and 2 core moves, all in 3 intense sets. This is going to feel challenging, but I know you can do this. It’s days like this where sticking with your nutrition really pays off—you’re going to be burning calories and you’ll need your body performing at its absolute best.  Don't skip Performance Line.  These last 2 weeks you're going to need it all... Energize, Hydrate and Recover at a minimum!

LIIFT4 | Week 7 | Day 1 | CHEST/BACK (Circuit)

BUILD IT is done, and today we begin to SHRED IT. Who is freaking excited???  Since we spent the first 6 weeks focusing on building muscle and getting our core in crazy-good shape, now it’s time to burn through calories, shred fat, and get ripped.  Yes Joel, I am ready for this!!!!

Today’s workout is Chest/Back – Circuit. Working your chest and back together has some incredible advantages—they are “opposing” muscles, which means when one is contracting, the other is lengthening. Combining the two muscles groups in one workout helps create good muscle balance, which can help overall flexibility and strength. Working them together, in a single intense format, means they stay balanced and efficient working together. Additionally, it means the muscle group at rest is ready to go when you switch over to it.  Simplify all that??? YOU'LL LOOK DAMN GOOD WHEN THIS IS OVER! 

Also, pushing and pulling are two of the most basic movement patterns the body can perform. When performing them with free weights, you are also forced to stabilize the rest of your body, which means a stronger core!

Ready to shred?! I AM!

LIIFT4 | Week 6 | Recovery Day 3

This is our LAST recovery day before we head into the last 2 weeks…here comes SHRED IT! This means the workouts will be more HIIT cardio-focused, to get us burning more calories, shredding the fat, and looking lean. If you did 80 Day Obsession prior to this program, basically we've been doing Phase II, for 6 weeks.  You have seen muscles you might not have had before, you've burned fat, but you might not have seen the crazy sculpting you were hoping for.  Well, welcome to SHRED :) 

We are going to see some familiar moves, some new moves, and similar formats that will feel very different. These workouts are a little longer, which means you’ll have to push a little bit more. So get excited and get ready to work. READY FOR LIIFT OFF: Week 7 has a nice peek into the week ahead.

LIIFT4 | Week 6 | Recovery Day 2

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I’m so proud of you. As we head into our recovery days, I want you to take an honest assessment of your last 6 weeks. Remember—no judgment, no pressure. Like I posted on Day 1, this group is all about celebrating victories, big and small, and acknowledging that every day doesn’t always go as planned. But when it does and you’re firing on all cylinders…nothing can stop you, right? It’s such an incredible feeling of accomplishment when you look back and think about all you’ve done.

This would be a great opportunity to give me some feedback on how you’re doing so far. How’s your body feeling? How’s the nutrition going? What kind of changes are you seeing? Are your clothes fitting differently? Tell me what’s going on; I’m here to help!

LIIFT4 | Week 6 | Day 4 | LEGS (HIIT)

this hurts!  

this hurts!  

Our last Legs — HIIT day. This is gonna burn sooooo good. Joel will get us moving our body to blast those glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves, ALL with no weights. This workout is full of all the moves you love to hate—Triple Bear, Squat Jumps, Side Planks, and a couple of other surprises.

Remember, good form also applies to weightless HIIT moves…sink deep during those Squat Jumps! And keep your knees only two inches off the ground during Triple Bear. Joel is always talking about “form” because it’s so important to getting great results. When you’re doing a move the right way, your body is getting the maximum muscle burn.  I can't imagine you'll need any weights for this, but if you do, remember, never use more than 5 lbs.

LIIFT4 | Week 6 | Day 3 | SHOULDERS (LIIFT Intervals)

Love my ENERGIZE!!

Love my ENERGIZE!!

It’s our final day of Shoulders —LIIFT Intervals. Today includes 6 lifting moves, 3 HIIT moves, 2 core moves, and a bunch of sweat. We are getting closer to the end, so think about what you’ve learned about your body, and what you’re capable of achieving. There’s a lot of benefit in taking credit for your hard work.

As you know, Joel loves Beachbody Performance. It’s given him incredible results and he never does a workout without replenishing his body with his go-to supplements.  Did you know that Iron Man partnered with Beachbody and uses our Performance Line at all their events? Pretty rad since other companies have been in the market way longer.  Hey, when you're good, you're good!  :) 

What do you think about Beachbody Performance? What’s your favorite? Personally, mine is Energize because it helps me get going in the morning. I add 16 oz to it, stir, chug and hit the mat 30 minutes later. 

LIIFT4 | Week 5 | Recovery Day 3


Yesterday I posted about a taking quick nap. Now let’s talk about a full night’s sleep. Make sure you’re getting 7-8 hours a night of good sleep. I always recommend turning off the TV an hour before bedtime, so you can start to really relax your brain and prepare for bed. I've been leaving my phone upstairs at night so I'm not tempted to get on it and check Facebook or emails.  Adequate sleep is crucial to muscle growth and repair, so make it a goal this week to focus on getting enough z’s.

Also, don’t forget to watch Joel’s latest READY FOR LIIFT OFF: Week 6 episode on Beachbody On Demand. This next week is going to be intense!!