LIIFT4 | Week 7 | Recovery Day 1

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OK, so let’s check in on your nutrition; there is one thing we haven’t yet addressed, which can sometimes derail your best efforts. It’s called “emotional eating” and you’ve probably done this before. I know I have.

It’s eating as a way to cope with the overwhelming feelings you have going on, or if you’re feeling like you’re trying to balance lots of things at once. It’s something you may not recognize until you really understand where it’s coming from. One way to get out of this trap is to delay eating, even for just 10 minutes. Put the food down and collect your thoughts. Check in with yourself and see if you can get to the root of what’s going on. Think it through. And realize that maybe you don’t want to eat that thing in your hand, but rather just need to take care of those emotions, or what’s putting you in this mood.  

A lot of times, you're just bored, dehydrated or it's habit!  Also try drinking 16 oz of water. I love the 3-Day Refresh for this. It works perfectly with LIIFT4 because you can move your rest days to be consecutive and knock it out and not miss any of this program. 3 days is long enough to break habits, cravings, etc, but short enough it's doable and you move on with your fitness regimen.