
Summer Potluck Recipes

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There’s nothing like the dreaded “Bring your own…” at the end of a summer invite to really get you sweating! What does the host like? What is the theme of the party? Should I bring hot or cold?

Look no further because the ultimate Potluck Recipe Guide is here! Flip through the PDF below to get my favorite summer recipes to serve a crowd. Whether it’s a cookout, birthday party, barbecue or beachy lunch - I think you will find something that you love!

Open the PDF and let me know, what recipe are you excited to try?

Cleanse Day 3 - FINAL DAY!!!

From top to bottom, left to right:
1) Breakfast - Water first + Shakeology with your favorite fruit, or if you’re blending it, ½ banana makes it soooo creamy. Did you know, cauliflower can replace banana in shakes and still give it creaminess without sugar and you can save a purple container for later? I learned this fact watching Rachel Ray on tele :)

2) Fiber sweep (am snack) - I swear they’ve made this more lemon-y. This used to be my least favorite part and I don’t mind it at all!

3) Lunch - I’m consistent, what can I say?? Vanilla-nutter bowl with blueberries (1 fruit) and red peppers & cherry tomatoes (1 veggie). Had trouble eating all this in one sitting so saved ½ my bowl for post-nap. Maybe my tummy is shrinking because I can out eat my husband sometimes. ha! It’s amazing how tired I feel when I’m cleansing. 1) it’s less calories so I don’t have the same fuel for my body, but 2) my body is cleansing and working hard so I tend to listen up and nap. One-and-a-half hour nap felt AH-MAZ-ING!

4) Beet the Clock juice (pm snack) - Day 3 and this is the one recipe I was most looking forward to! Enjoyed it with a cup of cherry tomatoes on the side (1 veggie). I’m ready to pack this juicer away though; I’m sick of cleaning this machine. Tried all 3 juices in the booklet and this was my favorite; however, my husband enjoyed them all way more than I did. Macros and juicing details are here. Are you a fan? See 3-Day Refresh recipes here.

5) Dinner - Last Vanilla Fresh of the cleanse; pretty sad about this. :o( I seriously love it y’all and would buy it if the packets were sold separately. Went back to the spinach salad because it’s a lot of food so it takes just as long to eat as the family, especially with the incision in my mouth. But I love all these veggies and it’s a favorite to finish with. I went out with a bang!

Well, that’s a wrap! Looking forward to my results tomorrow!! I can already tell I’m sleeping better, but excited to see what the scale says. You can read about Day 1 here, and day 2 here.

1st cleanse in 2020! Day 1 is in the books!

Timing is everything, isn’t that what they say? Well, I didn’t nail the timing on this one, but I also don’t back down on a commitment so here I am, crushing day one and already looking forward to tomorrow!

A little background, yesterday I had oral surgery and had a tooth removed, yeah, GONE! Nothing was put in it’s place and this is the first smile since surgery. I’m delightfully surprised that ½ my face isn’t drooping. They suggested meals that are “mushy” or can be sipped through a straw, so I thought this would be the perfect timing for a 3-Day Refresh. Right? Wrong! ha!

From top to bottom, left to right:
1) Breakfast - I started with water and added a squeeze of lemon to make it more exciting, followed by Pumpkin Spice Shakeology. Note - this is a vegan cleanse so you can chose pumpkin spice, vanilla, chocolate, cafe latte, peppermint mocha, or salted caramel, but it needs to be the vegan formula.

2) Fiber sweep (am snack) - just the name makes me want to visit the toilet, but this cleanse does not have you glued to the bathroom one bit. In fact, I don’t notice any changes in my bathroom habits except possibly more peeing from drinking extra water to cleanse my body. Fiber sweep is lemony and gets quite thick, very fast, so I pour it in a breakfast glass + add 10 oz water and chug! (think back to your college days, down the hatch!)

3) Lunch - so delicious and oh so filling. I mean, seriously, this is a cleanse yall?!?! Look at all this food while others are fasting, juicing, or starving themselves. I choose to “eat” Vanilla Fresh protein shake rather than “drink” it, I just think it’s that good and want to savor it. Clean dark roasted peanut butter (1 healthy fat) is pretty damn delicious swirled in I must say, but you get a few healthy fat options (avocado, hummus, etc) if you aren’t feeling nut butter. Tip —> Almond butter is preferred over peanut butter because it has less bloating effects. I had a side of blueberries (1 fruit) and red peppers & cherry tomatoes (1 veggie) for a great combo!

4) Zing juice (pm snack) - I can’t believe I’m 42 yrs old and this is my 1st time juicing?!?! My 7 yr old even knew how to do it so he showed me. Any chance I have to get my kids in the kitchen is a win in my book. Of course after making my “juice” we needed to make some fresh lemonade. Cheeky monkey. Juicing is an option so if you don’t have a juicer, no dramas, you can do 1 veggie and 1 healthy fat (think celery and PB, cucumber, tomatoes and avocado salad, etc) and stick with the plan. I think I prefer the raw food over juicing, I just hate to see all that fiber being tossed out, but with my dental situation, I’ll try to juice each day. See 3-Day Refresh recipes here.

5) Dinner - Last Vanilla Fresh of the day and I was missing my peanut butter, but still delicious. I was worried about my teeth and thought about blending my salad, but thought I’d tough it out and see how things go. Delicious although I ate like a bird being very cautious of my stitches. That salad is huge and should have salt and pepper on it, along with pumpkin seeds, but I chose to add extra olive oil instead in fear a pumpkin seed might get stuck in one of my stitches. So many veggies, I love it!

The last beautiful picture is me winding down for the night with my ice pack strapped on my face and I was trying to drink water when it dawned on me, I couldn’t do both. Ha! I have ice for 5 days and then heat for a week. Wish me luck, this is going to be a long recovery! Read about Day 2 and Day 3 too!

Do you like vegetables? if not, what’s the hang up for you? If so, what’s your favorite?

Help chose my business logo; vote below!!

So, I did a thing!! I got Certified as a Personal Trainer with NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine) and am starting my own business focusing on nutrition (also got certified with NASM as a Nutrition Coach) and fitness. Not just fitness though, doing functional assessments (via Zoom thanks to Covid) so we can create your training program around muscles that are short and overactive; thus need to be stretched, and muscles that are long and underactive; therefore, need to be strengthened. No one program suits everyone! I’m loving this because my first four clients are already seeing weight loss and strength gains which his a double W I N !!!

My business name is following my Instagram Handle (@eatsweatpray) so Eat. Sweat. Pray Fitness. These are transparent so they can be placed on trucker hats, muscle t’s and documents / letterhead. I’d love your opinion. The ones in teal would remain that way, the ones in all black could be changed to teal writing or design so just go with design you like best. Maybe top 2?

Thanks for voting! I’ll choose a random comment to send a Herb Stripper to as a thank you! See what it is here! The kids use ours every week!