
Day 36: Leg Day

Legs…and the day after Refeed Day.  How are you feeling after Refeed Day? Do you notice a difference in your energy? How did you like eating more carbs? Does your body look any different today?

We have Legs today for 40 minutes (love that it's less) and we will use weights, Beachbody Strength Slides, mat and a chair (if modifying). Remember  2 things today as you workout (1) we are doing 3 sets of 10 reps so you can usually push harder and lift more on these days and (2) legs are the biggest muscle so they can handle much more weight.  Don't be afraid to bulk up; that won't happen on this program. 

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I want to chat about expectations for Refeed Day. As you know, the purpose is to refuel your body and give you a little break, mentally and physically. You may see some people showing off a sudden six-pack, or bragging about how much energy they have. If you don’t have the same results, don’t worry! This Refeed Day is a chance for you to see how your body reacts and what works for you. Pay attention to how you look and feel. You can always choose different foods next Refeed Day and see if you notice a difference. Don’t get discouraged by other people’s results—just focus on you!  My favorite quote is "Comparison is the thief of joy!" - CS Lewis

BEACHBAR snack bars ARE HERE!!!

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Do you love snack bars like my family does?  They are SUPER convenient and a filling snack, so often we find ourselves grabbing one as we run out the door to soccer, beach, run errands, etc.  Since I'm allergic to coconut, my options are very limited, but for my kids, I usually buy RX bars, Kind bars, Larabars or Clif Bars (FYI - I've found the kids version to be the same as the adult version.  It's just more expensive when you say it's specialized for "kids" - smart marketing ;) ) 

But, y'all, they are LOADED with hidden sugars and definitely aren’t considered whole foods or clean eating. I’m stoked Beachbody is launching their OWN line of nutrition bars, called the BEACHBAR!!  YAYYYYYY!!  They are packed with 10 grams and protein, only 150 calories, no artificial flavors or preservatives, and they’re gluten-free.

BEACHBARs will be offered in two flavors: Peanut Butter Chocolate and Chocolate Cherry Almond. And my customers are most excited that they work with our Portion Fix containers - .5 R, .5 Y, 1 tsp.  I am way to excited about these and I'm not the only one. I bet these will sell out in the first month!!

BEACHBARs are a crunchy, chewy snack bar that is protein dense, fruit base packed with nut pieces, nut butters, real chocolate chips, and whey protein crisps – but only 5-6g of sugar per bar. That means they have a better protein-to-sugar ration that most other leading snack bars! Whoo-hoo!! 

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--Nut Butters
 – protein, fiber, and adds a creamy texture
--Dried Cherries – dietary fiber & phytonutrients
--Whey and Pea Protein Crisps – 9 of the essential amino acids
--Real Chocolate Chips – phytinutrients known as flavonoids, but y'all...CHOCOLATE (need I say more about this???)
--Diced Peanuts & Almonds – beneficial monounsaturated fats, protein, and fiber
--Pomegranate Juice – tart, fruity sweetness

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Who will enjoy BEACHBARs?

  • People with a busy lifestyle, eat on the go, have lots of surprises in their day and find they might skip meals
  • People who want more protein and fiber in their diet, while reducing their sugar intake
  • People who are GF, have a sweet tooth, snack between meals, or follow the Portion Fix nutrition plan

Do ANY of these sound like you? I can relate to almost all of them except that I don't eat GF.  Beginning of April, you can order these, so let me know now which flavors you want to try and I'll place a pre-order as soon as they launch! Each box contains 15 bars and you will be able to purchase bundles of 1, 2, or 3 boxes through ME!  As long as we are connected, they'll be linked you your customer account and I'll remain your coach and accountability leader.  

2B Mindset is launching May 2nd!!

To say I'm excited about this is a major understatement!  Who wants to STOP counting calories, STOP avoiding certain food groups, STOP stressing about dining out or gaining weight on vacation???  If you said yes to any ONE of these, you will want to join me May 2nd and change your lifestyle FOREVER!!  

We are going to learn how to eat whatever we want, whenever we want and the food groups that work best for us might shift from what we expect.  I just cannot wait!  The transformation stories are so inspiring and I've seen all ages, brand new nursing moms, etc make this work for them and lose the weight they just couldn't before and in a safe, longterm manner. Most said you wouldn't even know they were doing any program by the way they ate and their food triggers were a thing of the past. HELLO!!! Over here please! #EmotionalEater #AnyAndAllEmotions

2B Mindset was created by Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Ilana Muhlstein, and it's a practical, simple weight loss solution that Ilana herself used to lose 100 pounds after years of obesity and yo-yo dieting. With Ilana’s advice and real-world experience including her meal and food prep ideas, even tips for conquering emotional eating-you’ll have all the tools you need to live your life, eat food you love…and still lose weight. This is launching in just 4 WEEKS!!!

“Do you feel like dieting is a constant war between your desire to get the lean, healthy body you want…and eating the food you actually enjoy? I know EXACTLY how that feels. Because I used to be 100 pounds heavier. Until it finally hit me that what “diet” really means is deprivation. That was when I realized that any eating program based on deprivation would never work for me.

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Ilana Muhlstein. I was 8 years old when my doctor told me I needed to go on a diet. Not knowing what to do, my parents sent me to a weight-loss camp (“FAT CAMP”) every summer.  I’d lose weight, then …

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Ilana Muhlstein. I was 8 years old when my doctor told me I needed to go on a diet. Not knowing what to do, my parents sent me to a weight-loss camp (“FAT CAMP”) every summer.  I’d lose weight, then gain it all back when I returned to school in the fall. I yo-yo dieted through my childhood and teen years, until at my heaviest, I weighed 215 pounds and wore a size 20. Talk about devastating patterns. 

You see, I’ve always loved food and I love to eat large portions. What I needed was a diet that would let me eat and feel satisfied, while still helping me lose weight. There was no diet on the market like that…so I decided to create it myself. I not only invented a solution to solve my own weight problem, so I could lose 100 lbs, I made it my career as a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist—so I could help anyone lose weight happily and learn how to keep it off for good—with a healthy approach to eating that lets you feel full and satisfied, while arming you with proven strategies that will help you co-exist with food in real-world situations, satisfy cravings, and anticipate setbacks before they happen — so you can WIN the weight-loss struggle every single time.

That’s why I say it’s not a diet. It’s a mindset.


Who should consider 2B Mindset?

  • Those wanting to lose weight and keep it off for good!
  • Those frustrated with the deprivation of traditional diets.
  • Those overwhelmed with all the weight-loss products out there and in need of something that really works in a healthy way.
  • Those challenged by junk-food cravings or a sweet tooth (H-E-L-L-O!! MEEEEEE).
  • Those for whom other diets have not been successful in the past (we are going to change that).