
Autumn Date Night Ideas

Autumn is here (per the calendar, sure doesn't feel that way).  With all the time we've spent at home lately, getting out and having some (safe) fun can be rejuvenating.  Grab your partner, friends, kids, or even pets, and pick an idea from the list I shared.  Let me know what was the most fun and tag me on Insta @eat.sweat.pray! 

We've started doing “day dates” so it isn't just movies and dinner all the time, so corn maze, apple picking, and carving pumpkins look fun to me.  Normally I'd chose baking, but with all the sugar this season, I'm not brave enough to test my willpower!!

Cocoa Nut Butter Protein Balls


These are sooo easy and can be modified however you want if there are allergies!

- 5 cup QUICK oats (old fashioned requires more sweetener IMO)

- 1 cup any Creamy nut 🥜 butter (just make sure it’s clean and there’s no added sugar or oil)

Yogurt, Shakeology powder, loose granola on top!  1.5R, 2Y, 2 tsp

Yogurt, Shakeology powder, loose granola on top! 1.5R, 2Y, 2 tsp

- ¾ cup sweetener of choice (I combined local Honey🍯 and Pure Maple Syrup)

- ½ cup cocoa

- 2 scoops / packets Shakeology (any flavor and either whey or vegan will do)

** if for a kids’ class, you could switch 1 cup of Oats with 1 cup Rice Krispies for a crunch

**other modifications can be diced cranberries, nuts, coconut or chocolate chips. These will require more sweetener to make it sticky enough to hold, so instead swap out ½ cup Oats for these modifications.

1. Mix together with a mixer or you’ll get an arm workout too. It doesn’t matter which order you add ingredients, I mix once all are in the bowl.
2. Roll into balls (24-30), or put in a 13x9 pan and make bars (yields ~20-22 bars depending on thickness).

Serve with plain greek yogurt for breakfast (see above) with 2 - 3 balls (these are sweet enough so you don’t need a sweetened yogurt like Vanilla, and then you forgo the additives that aren’t great for you anyways). You can also put additional Shakeology in your yogurt and stir together before topping with loose granola, or crumble a few balls.

For lunch these can be a healthy carb (2-3 balls), or for snack (kids 4-5 balls, adults 2). These are heavier than my 21-Day Fix Granola Balls so I limit these to heavy fitness days like training, or days I work out for longer than 40 minutes.

Let me know how you like them! I find them very kid friendly!

Avocado Smash


In Australia we call it Avocado Smash and it’s just about as good as gold! So delicious and filling. I chose this, with wholemeal sourdough and add 2 poached eggs on top. The macros are perfect for a balanced breakfast and if they have rocket on the menu, add that for flavor and spice!

Ultimate Portion Fix = 1R (with opt 2 eggs), 1Y, 1G (with opt rocket), 2B (chose ¼ avocado for just 1B and stir with lime juice and it will cover more area!). I never get more than 1B so I get creative!

BEACHBAR snack bars ARE HERE!!!

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Do you love snack bars like my family does?  They are SUPER convenient and a filling snack, so often we find ourselves grabbing one as we run out the door to soccer, beach, run errands, etc.  Since I'm allergic to coconut, my options are very limited, but for my kids, I usually buy RX bars, Kind bars, Larabars or Clif Bars (FYI - I've found the kids version to be the same as the adult version.  It's just more expensive when you say it's specialized for "kids" - smart marketing ;) ) 

But, y'all, they are LOADED with hidden sugars and definitely aren’t considered whole foods or clean eating. I’m stoked Beachbody is launching their OWN line of nutrition bars, called the BEACHBAR!!  YAYYYYYY!!  They are packed with 10 grams and protein, only 150 calories, no artificial flavors or preservatives, and they’re gluten-free.

BEACHBARs will be offered in two flavors: Peanut Butter Chocolate and Chocolate Cherry Almond. And my customers are most excited that they work with our Portion Fix containers - .5 R, .5 Y, 1 tsp.  I am way to excited about these and I'm not the only one. I bet these will sell out in the first month!!

BEACHBARs are a crunchy, chewy snack bar that is protein dense, fruit base packed with nut pieces, nut butters, real chocolate chips, and whey protein crisps – but only 5-6g of sugar per bar. That means they have a better protein-to-sugar ration that most other leading snack bars! Whoo-hoo!! 

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--Nut Butters
 – protein, fiber, and adds a creamy texture
--Dried Cherries – dietary fiber & phytonutrients
--Whey and Pea Protein Crisps – 9 of the essential amino acids
--Real Chocolate Chips – phytinutrients known as flavonoids, but y'all...CHOCOLATE (need I say more about this???)
--Diced Peanuts & Almonds – beneficial monounsaturated fats, protein, and fiber
--Pomegranate Juice – tart, fruity sweetness

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Who will enjoy BEACHBARs?

  • People with a busy lifestyle, eat on the go, have lots of surprises in their day and find they might skip meals
  • People who want more protein and fiber in their diet, while reducing their sugar intake
  • People who are GF, have a sweet tooth, snack between meals, or follow the Portion Fix nutrition plan

Do ANY of these sound like you? I can relate to almost all of them except that I don't eat GF.  Beginning of April, you can order these, so let me know now which flavors you want to try and I'll place a pre-order as soon as they launch! Each box contains 15 bars and you will be able to purchase bundles of 1, 2, or 3 boxes through ME!  As long as we are connected, they'll be linked you your customer account and I'll remain your coach and accountability leader.  

Day 13: Cardio Flow

My little cutie and my favorite shakeo recipe.

My little cutie and my favorite shakeo recipe.

Back to Cardio Flow today!  Who's excited???  It’s only 30 minutes, so give it all you’ve got then go have a fun, active weekend! You know the moves and know what to expect so I like to turn Autumn down and crank the music up!  If you still need her cues, then listen up! Form is always most important!

Do you know how to integrate Shakeology into your meal plan? Timed-Nutrition takes dedication, so it’s great to know that at least one of my meals — the one I fill with Shakeology— is going to be super-easy, and delicious.  On crazy busy days, I drink two.  I'll have one as a post workout meal (I add spinach to get my veggies in) and then for “Meal #1”. I mix: 1 scoop vegan vanilla or vegan chocolate, 1 purple of berries, 1 C unsweetened almond milk and 1 C ice. Thats 1 red, 1 purple, 1 tsp. ENJOY!

Pumpkin Muffins (from WW)

spice cake mix

Let me start by saying, I "try" to make clean food as much as possible, but there are times when you're at a crossroads... semi-processed at home, or completely processed at the store.  This recipe allows you to still bring a homemade treat with similar, or better, nutrients than the store and your house will smell delicious in the process.  And it is SIMPLE - only three ingredients!  Get ready for this...cake mix, water, canned pumpkin.  Bam. Easy right? 

I prefer Duncan Hines SPICE cake mix.  I love the flavor it brings out and it's always a hit.  But, Duncan Hines doesn't state that they are a nut free factory so if I'm making this for a party or school, I always use Betty Crocker who I've been told, is safe for nut allergies.  **My family only has coconut allergies so I'm going off what I've been told.   

US version:
1 box Duncan Hines spice cake mix
1/2 c water
1 15 oz Libby's canned pumpkin

Australia version:
1 box vanilla cake mix
1/4 c water
1 15 oz Libby's canned pumpkin
1-2 TBSP Pumpkin Spice***, to taste (the batter doesn't have eggs so you won't get sick tasting it, but don't eat it ALL! speaking from experience here) ;)

*For a party, sift powdered sugar on top for that extra WOW factor. You could ice them, but I find them sweet enough and powered sugar really is impressive enough without hiding the flavor of everything else.

**I usually double this recipe when I make it because my kids seriously go through this super quick and I can spread the love to teachers, neighbors, church morning tea, etc. or freeze them.  They are great frozen and then reheated once they thaw. 

***if you don't have Pumpkin Spice on hand, save your money and make it. It's super simple and I make it in large batches so it lasts for month.  I use it in a lot of things so it's handy to have around and no need to spend $4-5 on a small jar: 1.5 TBSP ground cinnamon, 1 tsp ground ginger, 1 tsp ground allspice, 1 tsp ground nutmeg, 1 tsp ground cloves. 

DO NOT MISS THIS!  You do not make the recipe with the instructions on the box...disregard that, you only use water and canned pumpkin so this is egg free, nut free, butter free, and oil free too.  Also, this is not 21-Day Fix approved, but again, one of those splurges where you want to bring homemade, have people talk about you for days and make everyone in your house think you are AMAZING!