
Maple Cinnamon White Chocolate Chip Donuts!


Omgggg, don’t walk, run! Or click, in this case. You want these. You NEED these. You will not regret these! How often can you say that about donuts?? And they’ll satiate your sweet tooth and indulgence desires. We enjoyed them on a Sunday before church and I was worried the kids would struggle through an hour of church and being well behaved. Anyone else get me? My belly was very happy and there was ZERO sugar spike so everyone sat still and stayed focused on the message. Yes!!! We will be having these again!

Servings: 1 jumbo donut

Macros: 145 cal, 8 g protein, 3 g fat, 20 g carbs, 1.5 g fiber, 6 g sugar
Portion Fix Containers: 1Y, .5R
2B Mindset “Plate-It”: Great FFC and add 1-2 eggs for a well rounded breakfast

Even the dough was yummy.  I mean, I think it was ;) Quality control is a thing you know?

Even the dough was yummy. I mean, I think it was ;) Quality control is a thing you know?

You’re supposed to let them sit 2-3 min so they aren’t too hot to eat. This was torture waiting.

You’re supposed to let them sit 2-3 min so they aren’t too hot to eat. This was torture waiting.

Added 2 eggs for more protein to make sure I was full till lunch, but one egg would have been plenty.

Added 2 eggs for more protein to make sure I was full till lunch, but one egg would have been plenty.

Which veggie replaces bananas in smoothies?


I read an article in Rachel Ray Magazine regarding cauliflower vs bananas in smoothies. It peaked my curiousity. Not enough to TRY it, but enough to share it with my clients and hope someone decided to try it. NO TAKERS. After sitting on this idea for a YEAR, I decided to try it (see article below).

First, make sure you cook it! Raw cauliflower in a smoothie is no bueno! Add 4-5 florets in your blender and any other veggies, free toppings (cinnamon, vanilla, mint / almond extracts are all freebies), ice and liquid of choice (water is free, soy milk, coconut milk and unsweetened almond milk are 1 tsp, milk is 1 yellow) and BLEND! Sit, relax, think how hard you just worked (ha!), and ENJOY!


Day 25: Legs

Whose got strong LEGS?  We do, we do!!!  Is leg day a love it or hate it deal for you? I personally love it (AFTER THE FACT EVEN MORE), because even though it’s hard it makes me feel strong. 

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BEACHBODY ON DEMAND APP: Have you tried it yet? If not, do it today and thank me later.  Or don't bother, we can agree you'll be grateful :) I love it most because I can do my workouts wherever I am, whatever time, and chose a length video that works with the limitations I have. And if I don't have wifi, I can save workouts ahead of time to view offline later.  Yes, so I'm basically saying, no excuses missing a day of 80 Day Obsession, get er done :)  All you need is your phone, tablet, computer or smart TV and you can do your workout. 

Ok, we only need weights today for 50 minutes of fun, sweat and a few lunges.  2 sets of 15 reps...ready...set...go!

Day 22: Booty

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This is our last Booty day before we start adding weights to it!  Y-I-K-E-S!  Time to grab your Beachbody Resistance Loops, mat, and press play for 55 minutes.  We are back to 2 sets of 15 reps.  I love this quote!  Don't we all want that!  Time to turn on some gangster rap and handle it.  Time to work the BOOTY!

BEACHBAR snack bars ARE HERE!!!

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Do you love snack bars like my family does?  They are SUPER convenient and a filling snack, so often we find ourselves grabbing one as we run out the door to soccer, beach, run errands, etc.  Since I'm allergic to coconut, my options are very limited, but for my kids, I usually buy RX bars, Kind bars, Larabars or Clif Bars (FYI - I've found the kids version to be the same as the adult version.  It's just more expensive when you say it's specialized for "kids" - smart marketing ;) ) 

But, y'all, they are LOADED with hidden sugars and definitely aren’t considered whole foods or clean eating. I’m stoked Beachbody is launching their OWN line of nutrition bars, called the BEACHBAR!!  YAYYYYYY!!  They are packed with 10 grams and protein, only 150 calories, no artificial flavors or preservatives, and they’re gluten-free.

BEACHBARs will be offered in two flavors: Peanut Butter Chocolate and Chocolate Cherry Almond. And my customers are most excited that they work with our Portion Fix containers - .5 R, .5 Y, 1 tsp.  I am way to excited about these and I'm not the only one. I bet these will sell out in the first month!!

BEACHBARs are a crunchy, chewy snack bar that is protein dense, fruit base packed with nut pieces, nut butters, real chocolate chips, and whey protein crisps – but only 5-6g of sugar per bar. That means they have a better protein-to-sugar ration that most other leading snack bars! Whoo-hoo!! 

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--Nut Butters
 – protein, fiber, and adds a creamy texture
--Dried Cherries – dietary fiber & phytonutrients
--Whey and Pea Protein Crisps – 9 of the essential amino acids
--Real Chocolate Chips – phytinutrients known as flavonoids, but y'all...CHOCOLATE (need I say more about this???)
--Diced Peanuts & Almonds – beneficial monounsaturated fats, protein, and fiber
--Pomegranate Juice – tart, fruity sweetness

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Who will enjoy BEACHBARs?

  • People with a busy lifestyle, eat on the go, have lots of surprises in their day and find they might skip meals
  • People who want more protein and fiber in their diet, while reducing their sugar intake
  • People who are GF, have a sweet tooth, snack between meals, or follow the Portion Fix nutrition plan

Do ANY of these sound like you? I can relate to almost all of them except that I don't eat GF.  Beginning of April, you can order these, so let me know now which flavors you want to try and I'll place a pre-order as soon as they launch! Each box contains 15 bars and you will be able to purchase bundles of 1, 2, or 3 boxes through ME!  As long as we are connected, they'll be linked you your customer account and I'll remain your coach and accountability leader.