
Maple Cinnamon White Chocolate Chip Donuts!


Omgggg, don’t walk, run! Or click, in this case. You want these. You NEED these. You will not regret these! How often can you say that about donuts?? And they’ll satiate your sweet tooth and indulgence desires. We enjoyed them on a Sunday before church and I was worried the kids would struggle through an hour of church and being well behaved. Anyone else get me? My belly was very happy and there was ZERO sugar spike so everyone sat still and stayed focused on the message. Yes!!! We will be having these again!

Servings: 1 jumbo donut

Macros: 145 cal, 8 g protein, 3 g fat, 20 g carbs, 1.5 g fiber, 6 g sugar
Portion Fix Containers: 1Y, .5R
2B Mindset “Plate-It”: Great FFC and add 1-2 eggs for a well rounded breakfast

Even the dough was yummy.  I mean, I think it was ;) Quality control is a thing you know?

Even the dough was yummy. I mean, I think it was ;) Quality control is a thing you know?

You’re supposed to let them sit 2-3 min so they aren’t too hot to eat. This was torture waiting.

You’re supposed to let them sit 2-3 min so they aren’t too hot to eat. This was torture waiting.

Added 2 eggs for more protein to make sure I was full till lunch, but one egg would have been plenty.

Added 2 eggs for more protein to make sure I was full till lunch, but one egg would have been plenty.

10 Minute abs on Stability Ball

Don’t be intimidated by Stability Balls. They are a great modality to take your workout up a notch and you’ll increase balance and stability at the same time as working your core. Who doesn’t love multi-tasking in the gym!!??! If you can do over a 2 minute plank, it’s worth going out and buying one of these because you’re wasting time on the floor in ISO prone plank position, when you could be challenging yourself more in the same time, or even half! Trust me, you’ll feel it.

My personal challenge to you — try this today and keep at it for 30 days. Then try it again and see how much strength you’ve gained in your core. I’d take pictures too, if you’re planking every day, there’s going to be some visible changes :)

Back to School Snacks

Whether your kids are going back to school, staying home, or you just want some awesome snack options, these are some of my go-to favorites! They keep me full for more than 5 minutes, they are super easy to prep, so I can whip up a batch on the weekend, and there are enough options so that I don’t get bored! 

I like to pick 2 and prep them on Sundays - then throughout the week I have 3 different options to choose from: my two prepped snacks or a Beachbar! And it makes fitting them into my meal plan even easier when I know exactly what my options are.

What are your go to snacks? Click here to download and happy snacking!

Pre & Post Natal Fitness is here!!!

Pre & Post Natal Channel

Did you know we have an entire channel dedicated to preparing your body for carrying a baby, labor and postpartum recovery??? Beachbody on Demand keeps adding amazing programs and all these resources are included in your membership, at no extra charge! Elise Joan, Super Trainer behind Pre & Post Natal Barre series (20+ videos), Barre Blend (Barre, Pilates & Yoga blend), and 3-Week Yoga Retreat, Autumn Calabrese, Super Trainer behind 21-Day Fix, Country Heat and Active Maternity series (5 videos), and Desai Bartlett Super Trainer behind Pre & Post Natal Yoga series (6 videos) break down workouts between 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters, postpartum recovery and even a Diastasis Recti 101 video.

Why perform specific workouts for this stage of life?

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Prenatal and postnatal workouts are designed for the extra weight around your midsection, the increased pressure to your pelvis and back, posture and stability challenges, and omit contraindicated positions during pregnancy. You don’t want to hurt yourself or cause undo pressure or stress to your baby. These workouts improve your health while helping build strength and endurance before, during, and after pregnancy, while also preparing your body for labor too. Beachbody also has videos on breath work and ADLs (Activities of Daily Living).

If you don’t have Beachbody on Demand, message me.

Shift Shop Proving Ground launches Oct 22!

Yall, you want to watch this video. YOU DO! I love that the modifier in here is a coach friend of mine, a plus size model, a super successful woman and has a goal of losing over 100 lbs. And she knows it’s not easy, but her arse is not going to give up or cheat. Believe me, I know her and she has willpower like I’ve never seen!

Shift Shop is a “bootcamp-like” workout and It's pretty rad and more "bootcamp-ish" which is fun. I love to do this outside in the yard or on my patio and my kids LOVE joining in! I was fortunate to be in the Elite Coach Test Group when the original program launched last May and now the super motivating, Chris Downing has added 4 new videos. We are going to re-shuffle it all so be ready to shock your body and lean it out, build it up and start from the inside out!

The other exciting part is Chris’s meal plan works well with Whole30, Keto and Paleo diets because it’s low carbs (week 3 is no grains all together) and it is delicious! It’s one of my top favorite plans so far! Check out my Shift Shop approved recipes here!

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