
Shift Shop Proving Ground launches Oct 22!

Yall, you want to watch this video. YOU DO! I love that the modifier in here is a coach friend of mine, a plus size model, a super successful woman and has a goal of losing over 100 lbs. And she knows it’s not easy, but her arse is not going to give up or cheat. Believe me, I know her and she has willpower like I’ve never seen!

Shift Shop is a “bootcamp-like” workout and It's pretty rad and more "bootcamp-ish" which is fun. I love to do this outside in the yard or on my patio and my kids LOVE joining in! I was fortunate to be in the Elite Coach Test Group when the original program launched last May and now the super motivating, Chris Downing has added 4 new videos. We are going to re-shuffle it all so be ready to shock your body and lean it out, build it up and start from the inside out!

The other exciting part is Chris’s meal plan works well with Whole30, Keto and Paleo diets because it’s low carbs (week 3 is no grains all together) and it is delicious! It’s one of my top favorite plans so far! Check out my Shift Shop approved recipes here!

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Day 12: Legs

Lean, strong LEGS—here we come!

Today we are doing 3 sets of 10 reps for 50 minutes. HOLY HECK I'm overwhelmed just readying that!!  But we can do tough things right and you have to HUSTLE FOR THAT MUSCLE!  Make sure you track your weights each week so you know where you left off and can try to push yourself at least 2 lbs more every week.  Remember you had 6 days of hour long strength training, you are stronger than you once were, even just a week ago!  

Remember to use Beachbody Performance Recover after each of your workouts. With timed-release protein, carbs, and pomegranate extract, it’s shown to help accelerate muscle recovery and reduce exercise-induced muscle soreness. That’s a good thing on leg day! If you don’t have Recover, let me know and I’ll show you how to get it and you can save money and shipping by bundling it with Energize!  Whoop whoop! 

According to your Timed-Nutrition plan, you’ll be having Recover plus a fruit after your workout. Feel free to enjoy them separately, or blend them together.  Banana or cherries has been a yummy combo with Chocolate Recover.  Let me know if you have other combos you love!

Day 8: Total Body Core

It’s a brand-new week! Let’s kick some booty…literally...and abs…and everything else.  This is a full body workout and one of my favorites!

This week the workouts change to 3 sets of 10 reps so we’ll do the entire set of exercises once and then repeat them all twice more.  Since the reps are lower than last week, try to increase your weights a little, plus you had 6 days of other workouts so I bet you're already a little stronger! Try and see, you can always stick with the same weight if you're not ready yet, but PUSH YOURSELF!

You've already done Total Body Core once, so this week really focus on form and the “mind-muscle connection.” That means visualizing which muscle you’re working, and focusing your attention on the movement. Make sure you feel it where Autumn mentions the burn.  If she says her booty is on fire and you're feeling it in your quads then you need to adjust something.  Yes, you're still getting exercise in and burning calories, but this isn't leg day so really focus on working the area she's focusing on.  

A NOTE ABOUT RESISTANCE LOOPS: Make sure you check your loops for tears before each workout, and if you see any throw the loop away and get a new one. Also, have patience with the loops as it's normal for it to take a little time to get them in the right place, so if you have to, pause the workout, adjust the loop, and restart when you’re ready. I had to do this all the time in Round One.  Plus, believe it or not, by Phase 3 you'll be doubling or tripling your bands.  Don't believe me?  Wait and see for yourself.