New piece of paper to hang on my wall!!!


Big shout out and THANK YOU to everyone that pushed me, encouraged me, knew I could do it even before I believed (and listened to me complain) ... I DID IT!

Most don't know this about me, but I went to college with dreams to work for the Big 4 accounting firms (was the "Big 6" when I started at Elon University) and I did it!! I thrived at KPMG, had success, money, and passion, but was missing "helping people".

Fast forward 10 yrs, when Tyler was born, I stayed home 7 yrs before doing a complete career change, one that I never saw coming! I started a health and fitness business over 5 yrs ago, which stemmed from my mom being diagnosed with Breast Cancer. You can say my perspectives changed quite A LOT!

Then I wanted more! I didn't want to have only 1 way to help people or just be a motivational coach (although I hope I'm motivating), but I wanted to have answers for specific questions and really BE THE CHANGE for people. Personal Training seemed the solution, but it was expensive to obtain, a long process, and intimidating -if I'm being honest. But, as the saying goes, "suck it up buttercup!"

I'm stoked to announce I'm a Certified Personal Trainer with National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) and am proud as hell.

I hope if you're still reading this and thinking about something you've always wanted to do, but said you didn't have time because you're a parent, caregiver, spouse, whatever... I HOPE YOU DO IT! It feels so rewarding on the other side and I still parented, honored my spouse, did all the things, but instead of TV , movies , scrolling FB or Insta , I studied . I studied a lot. My butt got sore from studying more than it did from exercise, but I'm all the wiser for it now.

What's on your bucket list that if you had more time you'd ______?