
Monday Move - Curl to Press!

You did it! Today is the last Monday Move, and I hope you did all 5 of these!!! .

For our final move is the Curl to Press, an upper body powerhouse move that will get things burning even if you don’t add any weight! Start with a bicep curl and then push to an overhead shoulder press. This is a compound move, so start with a light weight and move up if you feel ready.

You can do it! 3 sets of 10 curls, 3 sets of 10 chest presses, 3 sets of 10 bent over rows, 3 sets of 10 deadlifts, and 3 sets of 10 squats. Whew - let’s get to work! Comment below if you did all 5. If you didn't, maybe you catch up today!

Monday Move - Bent Over Rows

It's Monday 3!!! We are switching it up to upper body this week with a compound move that brings the burn - bent over rows! .

There are many variations of the row that you can do to work your back, but today we are going to focus on the bent over row with two dumbbells or one single barbell (or no weight at all!) More important than weight in this move is form; check your posture and tighten your core to support you through this move.

Add a round of bent over rows to your lift today! Try 3 sets of 10 basic squats, 3 sets of 10 deadlifts, and 3 sets of 10 bent over rows. What weight did you use for today’s bonus circuit? Celebrate your strong below!

Pilates Move of the Day - Pendulum Abs

Friend, you are building some serious strength here! I’m so proud of you for sticking with it so far. If you' started at the beginning with me, you’re on the 4th “Pilates Move of the Day”. How are you feeling? Challenged? Easy? Wanting more? Just let me know which body part you want to focus on (ie light on fire!!) and I’ll send you 1-3 moves stat! Have a great day and lets get after it!!

Pilates Move of the Day - Planks and Tricep Circles!

Everyone loves a good plank challenge, amiright? But a ton of people (read that as “most people”) do them wrong. If you can go multiple minutes and you aren’t shaking all over, you might want to do this in front of a mirror, or video yourself, to check your form. This is a hard move and it’s a full body workout. Your deltoids, shoulders, abs, glutes, are ALL working! Most of all, you don’t want to be a camel (with your butt in the air), or a hammock (with a saggy bottom) so think of a board resting on your back and a glass of water resting on it — you do not want to move!

How long could you go? And what about those tricep circles? This was one of the hardest pilates moves for me to learn and I still think I can improve. But the burn is serious and this moves make me think about it all day long. Love does like that!

Salmon + Grilling = Best summer niiiiiiights!


✨Honey Mustard Salmon with Roasted Veggies✨

This is a salmon lovin’ recipe 😂 Anyone else obsessed with Salmon? I’m fine if it’s just me, leaves me with more food to eat and leftovers for tomorrow! ha!

Ingredients Parchment paper Olive oil Cooking spray
* 2 lbs mini bell peppers, assorted colors
* 1 lb medium asparagus spears, ends trimmed (approximately 30 spears)
* 1 tsp seasoning blend of your choice
* 1 tsp fresh lemon juice
* 2 (6 oz each) raw salmon fillets
* 1 tsp garlic powder
* 2 tsp Dijon mustard
* 2 tsp raw honey

1) Preheat the oven to 400° F. Place parchment paper on one large baking sheet and one small baking sheet. Lightly coat with spray. Set aside.
2) Spread bell peppers and asparagus spears evenly on the large baking sheet. Season with seasoning blend and drizzle asparagus with lemon juice.
3) Lightly coat veggies with spray. Bake veggies for 10 minutes. While veggies are baking, top the small baking sheet with salmon and sprinkle with garlic powder.
4) Spread mustard evenly over salmon and drizzle with honey. Place salmon in the oven.
5) Bake veggies for an additional 10 to 20 minutes, or until tender-crisp.
6) Bake salmon for 15 to 20 minutes, or until salmon flakes easily when tested with a fork. Serve salmon with veggies.

Portion Fix Containers: 2 Green, 1½ Red
2B Mindset Plate It: A great dinner option

What is your favorite veggie to roast for a tasty summer evening dinner?