How does your grocery cart look?

If I don't buy it, then I won't eat it. That is my mantra because I have limited self control, esp when 2pm rolls around. It's similar to a two year old's attention span 😬 when it's in my pantry I graze or stress eat because let's face it, adulting is hard. But look at all the color in these foods!  Not one thing was processed and it didn't cost me more to make these choices.

Next time you're at the store, look at the back of canned goods. You will be surprised.  Who knew tomato sauce, ketchup, peanut butter, beans...could hide so much honey! I found buying the regular can of black beans, with full sodium was 100% clean and I would just wash them 3 times to rinse off the extra sodium.  But when you look at the back of the low-sodium can of black beans, there are all these additives and chemicals.  No thank you!  Be in control of what you allow in your house and in your family's tummy.  You only get one life, chose to live it the way you want!