Why it's so bad to skip meals

It's best to eat 5 times a day, 3 meals and 2 snacks.  If you eat like this, you're likely to be eating less during your meals because you don't get to the point of starvation and over eat.  It's not just me who does that is it?  Some days I swear I eat as if i have a newborn that might wake up any second!  Those days are gone, but the habits aren't!  

Try setting a timer on your watch or phone, to remind you if that's what it takes. It takes 21 days to form a new habit so it will get easier and you won't have to do this forever, I promise! Never "forget" or get "to busy" to eat your meals because you screw up your metabolism and it doesn't work as efficiently as it could. Who wants to do extra work to make their metabolism work at top speed, if you don't have to! NOT ME!!  How you fuel your body affects your focus, energy, emotions, exercise, sex and sleep. (yeah I said it, and it's true!)

Try packing a cooler with all your easy go to treats like apples, almonds, Shakeology, water and Lara or Kind Bars to keep you out of trouble when life changes things up!!  Because it will.  My Odyssey has a built in cooler that is a Godsend and has saved me many times!