Chocolate covered Strawberries; why not for brekky??

When you have goals, someone eating chocolate in front of you is like a slap in the face. I've had times when I wonder if I'm drooling or if it's just mental.  But there are SO MANY ways to eat Shakeology as dessert so I don't have to skip out anymore.  I can make ice cream, popsicles, muffins, brownies, brownie batter (and add fruit like this, or peanut butter so it's like a Resee's cup - heck yeah!).  Don't think you'll be making me jealous anytime soon now!  Mine might even taste better, but I know one of us won't be regretting it in the morning when we get on the scale :) 

1 scoop or packet of vegan chocolate Shakeology *turns out better than whey
â…“ cup water or almond milk (if doing Shift Shop you need to chose water)
2 tsp peanut butter (opt) **if you're going for Resee's cup taste, opt for this

You can add any toppings; I’ve tried this with blueberries, bananas and strawberries so far and liked all equally. You could dip bananas in it and freeze them for a fun summertime treat too. Let me know if you try any of these! I love feedback!