Day 20: Cardio Flow

Spider Pushups - one of the many fun animals you encounter at The ZOO aka Cardio Flow

Spider Pushups - one of the many fun animals you encounter at The ZOO aka Cardio Flow

Cardio Flow for great Saturday vibes and a great sweaty session.  Believe me, when you sweat like this, you won't WANT to get derailed from your plan because you just worked for hard for results!

I love that it’s only 30 minutes—perfect for crazy busy weekends and my kids think it's so fun so usually they'll join me!  Do you love that or does it annoy you?  I have days where I want space, but mostly I love it because the are seeing me live life, not just hearing me tell them diet and exercise are important.  Do as I do, not as I say, right? 

Speaking of weekends, do you find it hard to stay on plan? Remind yourself that food doesn’t equal fun. The fun is in seeing family or friends and the time together is what you'll remember and talk about, not the appetizers or dessert. Food is just fuel and helps me be a better, happier person.  When I look at it that way, staying on track is a no-brainer. What are some of the ways you stick to your plan on the weekends?