Day 33: Booty

Week 2 of Phase 2!  We’ve got Booty on tap today. We’re using weights and Beachbody Resistance Loops and are changing it up to 3 sets of 10 reps. So you’ll be doing each set of exercises one time through, then repeating that twice more. You’ve done the moves already, and we are doing 10 instead of 15, so this week you can pick heavier weights and push that much harder! #ResultsBaby

MOTIVATION MONDAY: A lot of people asked Autumn how she stays motivated to keep working out day after day. Watch this video. I find when I look back at how far I've come, I don't want to give up.  Also, LISTS, omggggg y'all, I love lists. So I made a checklist with 80 days on it and literally as soon as I finish, a big X goes on that day. Done, not coming back to you, See ya; goodbye :) 

What do YOU do to stay motivated? Share some of your best motivation strategies ; you never know who you’ll inspire!