3 Day Refresh - Day 4

You can do it!  3 days!  I don't even want chocolate today and I'm still staring at the chocolate Bilby they haven't even opened yet.  AMAZING!  I am the queen of no-willpower too!

You can do it!  3 days!  I don't even want chocolate today and I'm still staring at the chocolate Bilby they haven't even opened yet.  AMAZING!  I am the queen of no-willpower too!

I DID IT!  Don't you love when you accomplish something and it feels so good, even if it wasn't that hard to do?  During these 3 days I served BACON and CHOCOLATE KOALAS (in Australia they don't do bunnies for Easter LOL), and my kids asked for Baskin Robbins. The last one I had to say no to...I know myself well and that would just be stupid. I might use the line "I'll only have a sample" and then 4 samples later, I've blown a vegan, plant based cleanse.  And if I'm feeling this good, why blow it?!

Results...slept way better on night 3 than I have in a WHILE. My pillow proved it because it was wet with drool in the morning. LOL  I felt less bloated and my shorts were loser around my waist.  Nothing is more uncomfortable than feeling your stretchy shorts, feel maxed on their stretch ability :(  And, I realized just how much I snack on my kids' food.  Y'all, it's almost embarrassing.  My oldest son said the other day "hey mom, I need to go potty, can you not eat my lunch while I'm gone?" OH MY GOODNESS!!!  From the mouth of babes, right?  WTH is my problem. My poor kids have to ask me not to eat their grilled ham and cheese sandwich...when I'm not even hungry?  Those bites, they add up y'all and if you tell yourself they don't.  I have 4 words for you: YOU'RE LYING TO YOURSELF. 

Drum roll please ;) Weight before...126.2 Weight after 122.8. Change of 3.4 lbs in 3 days and really, today, I'm kind of sad to be eating regular meals again.  I really enjoy this!  See you later this month for my Refresh accountability challenge!