Transform :20 | Week 6 | Day 6

Photo Feb 11, 4 28 44 PM.jpg

You guys - don’t get emotional on me… unless you want to! Can you believe this is our last workout of Transform 20? Don’t go thinking because it’s “balanced” it’ll be too easy and you’re going to bypass this. NO YOU’RE NOT! This is Day 41: BALANCED and we didn’t come this far not to finish! Today we have 3 transformers left: Climb Push-Ups; Plank, OBL Trap; and Balanced Dips.

I know you’ve been working hard, but I really want you to think about today’s workout from a different angle—FUN. Every single step is built on 6 weeks of sheer willpower, determination, and commitment.

Do not forget - tomorrow is PICTURE and measurements DAY! Stay on point!