Holiday Eggnog!

Here’s a recipe that screams holidays: Holiday Eggnog! You don’t have to wait for Christmas to drink eggnog and this recipe won’t bust all your hard work in the gym!! Keep reading…

This lighter version of eggnog is all-natural, all vegan, and all yum! The fresh flavor of homemade almond milk is wonderfully light and creamy, and it's really not that much work. You’ll be using this recipe for years to come, but be sure to make a copy! Your guests will want it, too.


4 cups raw almonds

Filtered water for soaking almonds

6 cups filtered water

⅓ cup pure maple syrup

¼ cup raw almond butter

1½ tsp. pure vanilla extract

2 tsp. rum extract (or to taste, optional)

1 tsp. ground cinnamon

½ tsp. ground nutmeg

1 dash ground cloves


Soak almonds overnight in water (8 hours or more)

Rinse and drain soaked almonds.

Place soaked almonds and 6 cups of filtered water in a blender or food processor (may need to be done in 2 batches). Blend on highest speed for 1 to 2 minutes.

Strain milk through a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth; discard solids.

Place almond milk back into the blender; add almond butter, extracts, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves. Blend for 30 seconds; pour into large pitcher with cover.

Cover and refrigerate until cold.

Recipe Notes:

1. Almond solids can be dried out in the oven at a low temperature (225° F) and used as almond flour in baking recipes.

2. Eggnog can be stored in the refrigerator for 3 to 4 days.

Yields 6 servings: Portion Fix Containers: 1 Yellow, 2 tsp.

2B Mindset: Enjoy occasionally as a treat; be sure to track it!