Brownie Batter Recover

If you’ve been in my Virtual Fit Club community long enough, I would bet you have seen someone’s #sweatyselfie with Energize in hand. This is a pre-workout must-have and if it is not a part of your workout routine, then you’re missing out on results during your workout.

But, today is about Energize’s big sister, Recover. She doesn’t get as much screen time, but her benefits are just as great and, together, they are an unstoppable duo for serious results.

Recover helps fight post-exercise muscle soreness and jump-start recovery so you crush your next workout with the same intensity as your last. Take Recover after every workout to help combat exercise-induced muscle soreness, speed muscle recovery, support muscle growth, and restore your strength. In Chocolate, Orange, whey and plant-based formulas, there is a Recover for everyone!

27. March 27 - Saturday.jpg

Brownie Batter Recover


¼ cup unsweetened almond milk
1 tsp peanut butter (almond butter works, too!)
1 scoop Beachbody Chocolate Recover
Chopped almonds or granola (garnish, optional)


Pour milk into a bowl. Slowly add and mix Chocolate Recover, making a paste. Work the peanut butter into the mixture until you have a moussey, brownie batter consistency. Add more milk if needed. Top with a sprinkle of nuts or granola and enjoy!

This recipe makes 1 serving.

Portion Fix Containers: ½ yellow, 1 blue
2B Mindset Plate It: This is a great protein rich snack!