Day 1 of 3 on Refresh

Day 1 of 3 day refresh - breakfast and dinner, and plenty of yummy food for snacks and lunch too.  Dinner also includes a Vanilla Fresh shake, but I ate fast because we were on the run and didn't get a picture.  We eat whole foods even though our bodies are detoxing and we are not starving.  So crazy to think of on a cleanse, right?!?

I'm not complaining, I feel thankful, but 86 days of vacation was total over indulgence and I do not feel, or look, like myself. I'm excited to get back on track with healthy habits, stop snacking on my kids food (sorry boys), not eating out 3 times/day (saving time, money and empty calories) and eating when I'm not hungry.

This cleanse is long enough you make real changes and see what your triggers are, but short enough it's doable for anyone!! Side perk, most lose 3-6 pounds!! I will not object to that right now!

I usually wait for challenge groups to do this program because it's more fun with community, and easier to stay on track, but Day 1 of returning to Australia and I'm seriously looking forward to this before I start Shift Shop with Travis next week. I'll run a 3 day refresh group in August after school starts so contact me now to get your kit!! We already have over 20 ladies ready to get back on track and you do not want to be left behind!!

Don't bother with liquid diets or juice cleanses which aren't sustainable; JOIN ME and feel better and lose some unwelcome weight along the way!!!