Summit 2018 - Indy or BUST!!

About to walk across the stage in New Orleans at Summit 2017.  One-Stars and above get to do this and it is so exciting! #IDidNotFall

About to walk across the stage in New Orleans at Summit 2017.  One-Stars and above get to do this and it is so exciting! #IDidNotFall

Team Beachbody Summit is awesome and the highlight of the year for sure!  Kid-free time, being with other women who want to lift you up, encourage you, equip you and send you out to help as many people as possible.  Did you know we have an obesity epidemic in the United States?  There are millions to help!  Think of all the commissions from that, which are nothing compared to how good it feels to impact others, believe in them even if they don't believe yet and to be part of their story?!?!  That isn't even possible in most jobs (sure wasn't in mine as a CPA).  

Join Team Energize June 20-24 as we celebrate, learn, and grow together as a family. Although Summit is exciting, it is also a little tiring and overwhelming because there's so much to do and so many to meet in so little time.  Kind of a good problem to have, right?  Team Energize sent 2 coaches in 2016, 5 coaches in 2016 and this year we are sending 7 coaches!  I love how we are growing and committing to learning as much as possible to SERVE!  Here are some ideas from pervious trips to help you be prepared.  I know most of us are flying, so everything might not be doable, or just take an Uber when you land.  

1) Download the Summit App – each year Beachbody Corporate puts out an app (simply search for it in your App Store) which has the most up to date information, maps, agendas, speakers, and more. Also, it will alert you if any changes to the schedule are made while you are there so the summit app is a must for your home screen!

2) Wear your Wristbands – Once you get registered (more to come on that) you will be given a packet that includes everything you've earned.  THIS IS SO FUN TO OPEN!  Party invites, ribbons, and wristbands will all be there - do not lose these as they cannot be replaced!  WRISTBANDS ARE VITAL; NEVER TAKE THEM OFF. They are how you get into the CORE (shopping - clothes, accessories, product - save your money because they offer things that can't be bought elsewhere) as well as the workshops, workouts, general sessions and celebrations. Everyone is wearing them so it becomes "cool."  ha!

3) Bring a stapler for your ribbons – if you've been before, you've seen coaches wearing these long badges with tons of ribbons on them. The sticky tape on them sucks and they'll fall off.  You worked too hard for them, so staple them on the ends.

4) Bring an empty water bottle – hydration is HUGE and buying water bottles gets costly and isn't always readily available. There are fill stations if you have your own bottle.

5)  Bring snacks if possible.  Apples, pears, oranges, oatmeal balls, nuts, our NEW GRANOLA BARS all travel well even if flying.  I recommend bringing packets of shakes and energize, not scooping it in ziplocks.  You have plenty of time to plan ahead for this, but then you don't risk having it confiscated at the airport. 

6) Pack leaving room for CORE stuff. (see more about CORE in #2) Great time to buy gifts for your coaches or challengers too. 

7)  We are having a team-wide shirt made "Stand Tall, Wear A Crown, Be Sweet On The Inside." which you'll need to pre-order. Make sure to bring this with you for team photos :) 

8) Please tag all your photos and videos with the hashtag #TeamEnergizeTakesINDY so we can easily see what everyone is posting.  Tag each other and we can chose whether or not to add to our timeline.  Make sure what you're sharing is purposeful posting.  This is a huge recruiting  opportunity and coaches and challengers are watching you!  You're planting the seed for your team to grow and for people to join you next year at Summit by inspiring others, not annoying them :)

9) Bring an portable charger because chances are you will run out of charge during the day.

10) I took lots of pictures of the screens rather than actual note taking because there's too much to take in and it's fast.  Then during breaks I'd write notes or extra nuggets I wanted to add.  You'll have your flight time to convert everything from pictures to notes. 

11)  Have fun, this is the first time a lot of us are meeting each other in person, BUT, also remember that this is a work trip. You are a business owner and want to represent yourself well and make smart choices and decisions. Each year people get sent home for inappropriate stuff and it's such a waste.  I doubt this is an issue, but just want to put it out there!

12) HAVE FUN! This event is a game-changer for your business!  I believe in you and hope you do too.  There are NO LIMITS on what you can do with your business, how you can grow it, how many you can help.  Everyone you will hear from started as a coach, knew nothing about the business and went up from there.  You could be on the stage next year, either walking or teaching.  YOU CAN. IT'S TRUE.  Qualification for Summit recognition will start soon so don't want to work towards your goals.  This is not time to slow down!