EASY homemade Bagels!

First attempt, it gets prettier with practice. I made 1 everything, 2 cinnamon & sugar and 1 pumpkin spice. Everyone can season them the way they want and chose wether to add eggs and bacon or not.

Y'all I love bagels and I haven't eaten them in FOREVER because one bagel can make me sleep for hours.  When I did a road trip from Houston, TX to Maplewood, NJ, I had to watch my carbs if I was driving because 30 min after I'd eat something heavy I'd be like a newborn baby and ready to crash for 1-2 hours.  True story.  Ha! These however, are different, and I'm so thankful for this!  If I could be any food on this earth...I'd be a grain.  Bread probably.  (The Italian in me runs very deep) 

This homemade bagel recipe is easy (who would have thought that was possible - making bread just stresses me out) and only five ingredients – flour, Greek yogurt, egg whites (or eggs), baking powder and salt!  No yeast, no boiling, no mixer. Bake them in the oven or if you're fancy and own one, use your air-fryer! (I think this and an insta-pot are on my Christmas list)

INGREDIENTS: (yieleds 4)

Before the oven (25 min)

After :) One child snuck his before I could take a photo. Both boys wanted seconds! I'd say this was a win!

  • 1 c (5 oz) unbleached all purpose flour (if you want them to be clean, use whole wheat) or gluten-free mix*

  • 2 tsp baking powder (make sure it’s not expired or it won’t rise)

  • 3/4 tsp kosher salt (use less if using table salt)

  • 1 c non-fat Greek yogurt (not regular yogurt, it will be too sticky)

  • 1 egg white, beaten (whole egg ok too, just to use as wash over bagel)

    Everything bagel: sesame seeds, poppy seeds, dried garlic flakes, dried onion flakes (shake amt desired for ea)

    Cinnamon & Sugar: 1 tsp cinnamon & 2 tsp sugar. Mix and spread evenly.

    Chocolate Chip bagel: yummmm...choclate chips. this could probably work for blueberries too, but I didn't have any on hand to try. Let me know if you do!

    Pumpkin Spice bagel: 1.5 TBSP ground cinnamon, 1 tsp ground ginger, 1 tsp ground allspice, 1 tsp ground nutmeg, 1 tsp ground cloves. Mis and spread over top evenly.

    ** in my house everyone gets to make their own for two reasons... 1) no complaining, you get what you get and you don't cause a fit :) and 2) it gets them involved in cooking and the sooner this happens, the better. Put them on the parchment paper and let everyone add the seasoning they want.

Directions and GF instructions can be found HERE . They freeze well too so this is a win for the whole week!

80 Day Obsession and 21-day fix container counts are: 1Y, ⅓ R