Rest Day

Oh, rest day, how I’ve missed you!

Frozen Shakeology Chocolate Peanut Butter Bar - a great treat for refeed day. Check out my blog post with video recipe.

Frozen Shakeology Chocolate Peanut Butter Bar - a great treat for refeed day. Check out my blog post with video recipe.

I’m trying a little something different for my self-care today—meditation. Beachbody On Demand has a few meditation routines in the Beachbody Yoga Studio section that can you help you relax and de-stress. It’s the perfect way to wind down after a week of tough workouts.  I'm not big on meditation, so this is actually uncomfortable for me. ha!

Congrats on making it through another week! As always, watch the new Weekly Obsession video and rest up for our last week of Phase 3! Do you believe that? 

We also have Refeed Day again this week.  What are you going to do different this time that you didn't do last, or did and it didn't work out the way you wanted?  I know for me, I ate the yellows as intended, but they weren't great choices (pizza and garlic bread) and I was SICK!  (I'm lactose intolerant so that's my own fault, but I went a little too loosey goosey)