Day 66: Total Body Core

Photo Feb 01, 6 42 52 PM.jpg

A new day…and a new chance to take on Total Body Core! Just what you were thinking when you woke up today, right?  haha

3 sets of 10 reps for 60 minutes, so keep those weights nearby in case you need to drop to a lighter one.  I feel like I literally use all the weights on TBC day.

Check in with yourself today. Have you noticed any changes that don’t have to do with your weight? Is your skin clearer? Are you feeling less bloated? Are you more focused because you’re 60+ days into cleaner eating? Share with the group any non-scale victories you’ve experienced! It's important to honor all the hard work you've done.  We speak so mean to ourselves sometimes and we are doing amazing things yall!  Your body is yours, push it to do what it can!  Lots of times it's our mind holding us back from going further thank our comfort zone.  We are not here to be comfortable, but here to be changed, from the inside out.

NUTRITION REMINDER: Don’t forget you can swap Meal Option 1 with your pre-workout meal. This is a great option if you’re working out early and don’t want to eat immediately before. Meal Option 1 was specifically designed to accommodate Shakeology with almond or coconut milk, and fruit!  I never do this on Cardio Core day though because it's too much liquid bouncing around ;)