Kangaroo - On the Barbie!

Directions: marinate to liking, cook 5 min each side, then remove from heat and cover for 10 min.

Directions: marinate to liking, cook 5 min each side, then remove from heat and cover for 10 min.

Should be served medium rare. This is perfection!

Should be served medium rare. This is perfection!

I rarely ever cook red meat because I’m always nervous I’ll overcook it, but I met this mom at Cole’s grocery store that swore by this Kangaroo steak and said her kids LOVE it! She also warned me that kangaroo cooks super fast (good to know) and that if I followed the instructions on the package, it would be cooked-to-perfection! Well, that IS my goal and I’m a totally rule follower so I figured I could handle this.

Not to toot my own horn, but this turned out PERFECT! May husband was even nervous and asked “why don’t you wait till I come home and I can cook it.” haha Nope, I’m on it mate :) I love eating rare - medium rare steaks, lamb and Roo so Travis’s main job is to man the barbie! I’m lucky to be married to him, but especially since he loves to cook!

Here was my oldest son’s comment after one bite… “hey mum, can’t dad call Uber Eats so we don’t have to save him any?” 🤗💁🏼‍♀️😂 I’ll admit, I considered it, but I needed to prove just how tasty this was. There was 1/2 a steak leftover so I saved it for myself for brekky the next morning and 💥 was it delish, even reheated!!! I will be buying this again FOR SURE!!! Let me know if you try it.

Arugula, sauteer veggies, kangaroo steaks

Arugula, sauteer veggies, kangaroo steaks

toast w/ arugula, over-easy egg, avocado and kangaroo on the side.

toast w/ arugula, over-easy egg, avocado and kangaroo on the side.