Transform :20 | Week 2 | Day 7


CONGRATULATIONS! TODAY IS A BIG DAY! You’ve just finished Chapter 1: COMMIT. Be sure to grab your sticker, place it on your Step, and snap a pic and share it with everyone! Now, take a good minute to look over the last 2 weeks and see how far you’ve come. Want proof? Check your Transformers progress. I bet you’ve already noticed some changes and might even be shocked at some of the improvements.

For this Challenge Group, my main focus is to help as many people as I can achieve their goals; whether it’s losing weight, gaining muscle, or looking amazing at an event. Do you have someone in your life who could use a little encouragement along the path to being healthier and happier? Use today’s rest day to reach out to them and see how you can motivate them to reach THEIR goals.

Be sure to check out Transform Your Life with Shaun T for tips for the upcoming week. 6 more days of work coming our way, but for now, we rest. What will you be doing? I’m fishing with my boys in Morton Bay island. I’m not of a fishing person, but I sure like to eat the fresh catch.

Don’t forget to carve out 1-2 hours today to meal-prep for the week ahead. You will see so much success when you plan because it’s hard to get derailed when you have food in the fridge that would go to waste. Remember, abs are made in the kitchen and that’s because 70-80% of your results come from nutrition. Don’t discount the importance of this!