LIIFT4 | Week 1 | Day 1 | CHEST/TRICEPS (LIIFT 50/50)

Welcome to LIIFT4! Let’s get ready to work and BUILD some muscles! We’re going to start with Chest/Triceps, LIIFT 50/50 — 6 lifting moves, 3 intense cardio moves, for 3 sets each. Then we finish with 3 sets of core moves. I love that Joel includes core into every workout because it's so important for women and for lifting.  You have to have strong core to have good form and be able to go heavy.  

This is Day 1, so really focus on your form. It takes a bit of time to master all new moves, so listen to Joel’s cues to be safe. Keep in mind that when I talk about 50/50 workouts that means lifting first, cardio second.

Don’t forget to use the LIIFT4 Weight Progression Tracker. It’s so important to track what you’re lifting during each set, as you’ll want to slowly increase weight over time. It might seem like you'll remember, but you won't and you'll waste time next week trying to see what feels right. They included it for a reason so print it out if you didn't get the tracker in the mail. 

Also, do not forget to drink Shakeology every day, and Beachbody Performance only on workout days like today. I recommend Beachbody Performance Energize 30 minutes before you workout for optimal performance, Hydrate while you work out, and Recover up to 45 minutes post-wrokout. You do not need the Performance Line on rest days, or active recovery days that are walking, yoga, pilates, dancing or rest days.

Check out the Week 1 episode of READY FOR LIIFT OFF, which tells you what to expect during your first week of LIIFT4.