LIIFT4 | Week 5 | Recovery Day 2


PSA :) Did you know naps can restore alertness, enhance performance, and reduce mistakes and accidents? Just 20-30 minutes of downtime can be effective, so feel free to give yourself a little extra shut-eye today. You might be surprised how refreshed you feel when you wake up and you can tell anyone that questions you about it that your personal trainer ordered you too.  :)

Since it’s also the weekend, what’s everyone been doing with their cheat day? Or did you even take one? If you did, share with the group any tips for staying on track with your nutrition and not getting totally derailed by one day off.

I really try to think of food as fuel. It’s your energy source for everything you do. The LIIFT4 Food Lists were designed with the most exercise-beneficial items at the top. Picking most of your foods from the “top ten” can benefit both your workouts and your health.