Transform :20 | Week 1 | Day 3

Three days in! I’m so proud of all of you for committing. How’s are you feeling? More confident on the step? More coordinated? Less out of breath? I know I feel it in my calves and glutes. Be sure to take note of the little things—they add up, even when the scale doesn’t change.

Today is Day 3: STRONGER. The pace will be slower, but that doesn’t mean it’s easier, sorry, not sorry. :) You’re going to feel the burn in the 3 Transformers today: 90° Ab Trapper, Hover Ab Kicks, and Burpee Hop. Make sure you write these down; you’ll thank yourself over the next 6 weeks.


How’s your nutrition? Take a few minutes to answer the questions below.

1) Are you tracking your food?
2) How is your water intake? Make 1/2 your body weight your minimum goal.
3) Are you eating breakfast? If not, PLEASE change this up. If it’s because you’re not hungry, try scaling your dinner back, or eating dinner earlier. I wake ready for food almost every day!
4) Are you struggling with nighttime eating? I’m lazy enough that walking upstairs to brush my teeth will usually keep me from munching further :) Try that. Have other tips? share in the comments below.
5) Are you hungrier? You might need more food if you’re starving and not seeing any weight loss or non-scale victories. We want to burn fat, not muscle.
6) Any special meals or recipes you want to share? I’m always up for trying new, clean recipes. Share below!

Snack tip: If you find your appetite increasing - one of my favorite grab-and-go items is Beachbody Beachbar. It truly has the best macros on the market, even better than #kindbar or #larabar and 10 grams of protein and only 150 calories. I always keep one packed in my bag because life hands you curve balls…it just does! I work too hard in these 20 minutes to get derailed with a candy bar or coffee that does nothing for my goals and is more expensive and no nutrients. Don’t get caught surprised!!