Transform :20 | Week 1 | Day 4


One of the things you’ll notice is that even though the workouts are “only” 20 minutes, the amount of effort you’re putting into those 20 minutes is pretty incredible and might be the equivalent of a 45-60 min gym class elsewhere. True story, I’ve tracked it to compare.

Day 4, POWERFUL packs in cardio, total-body conditioning, and resistance moves to help build strength. The 3 Transformers are Parkour (fun!), Squat Reach (loved this), and Lunge Punch (hard for me).

You might really be feeling these 4 days of workouts, so it’s good to use Beachbody Performance Recover and Recharge today. Here’s how:

Beachbody Performance Recover is what you drink within 30 minutes after your workout. It helps replenish your muscles and supports muscle protein synthesis and growth. If you drink this within the allotted time it is ZERO CONTAINERS! If you forget and drink it later, it’s a red and you don’t benefit in the same way. This really does help you recover so get the most out of it post-workout.

Beachbody Performance Recharge is what you drink one hour before bed, to help support lean muscle growth and help build and repair muscle tissue while you sleep. It helps you wake up ready to crush your next workout.

Have you used either of these supplements? If so, tell us what differences you’ve noticed and which flavors are you favorite.