
"Mum, you're the best cook ever!"

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I never brag so keep reading … these were the words from my 9 yr old’s mouth as he bit into these muffins all nice and warm! And because of the banana, they’re perfectly sweet with just 2 TBSP of honey! Seriously, no added sugar otherwise.

Here’s my recipe ——>
-1/2 c quick oat (I prefer Quick Oats vs Old Fashioned Oats because they don’t get as dry)
-1/2 c almond flour
-2 TBSP honey (try to always buy local - it helps with allergies)
-1/3 c CLEAN peanut / almond butter (really any nut butter will do, but know that some nut butters are more overpowering than others so consider that, esp when serving these to kids) - do not buy nut butters with added sugar or oil… why do that to yourself? Remember, we have goals we are working towards!
-1 egg
-2 large bananas, RIPE
-1 tsp vanilla
-1 tsp cinnamon
-1/2 tsp baking soda
-3 tsp cocoa
-1 c spinach (ok, hear me out on this…you’re going to have the cocoa above to mask any coloration so they won’t “see” it and you rarely ever taste spinach which is why it’s AH-MAZING to add to everything. Your kids are never the wiser and you’re just killing it softly in your kitchen! #MotherhoodIsNotForSissies
**I chose to add 6 dark chocolate chips to each muffin before they went in the oven bc…why not??!?

Yields 12 and takes 5 min to do all of this! Put all the ingredients in your blender in whatever order. Don’t you love how precise I am?!?!? haha If it' ain’t easy, AND DELICIOUS, I’m not making it. Enough said.

Put in pre-heated oven for 10 min at 375F or 10 min 175C. Next tip is crucial to your sanity. When they come out, set some aside for yourself. Or if you’re like me and omitted this step, I made 12 and when I turned around, i had 5 left so I divided them in half…literally and got 2 brekky’s out of them.

I’d love to see you serve 2.5 muffins with 2 eggs, or 8 egg whites, or 1 egg and 3 slices of lean turkey / ham rolled up, or 3/4 plain greek yogurt. That’s a pretty balanced brekky and you’ll be full till morning tea.

Enjoy and let me know how you go!

Flourless Banana Bread Muffins

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Anyone else get caught up in the great deals at Costco and buy way. too. much. freaking. stuff?  I just did that with bananas and got like 15 GREEN bananas.  I thought I could use a few in smoothies till the rest were completely ripe and get through the batch.  W-R-O-N-G.  We left our blinds up overnight (which is a no-no in our house, the morning sun just bakes our fruit basket and there's no where for it to hide) so I woke up the next day to 15 no yellow to be found, bananas and tons of fruit flies.  

My family loves bananas and I have a lot of healthy repines pinned on Pinterest, but I wanted to mix it up a bit, so I searched 21 day fix recipes + banana bread and found this.  Now, I want to caution you on this...Beachbody does not publish these recipes so you're at the mercy of whoever writes these and hoping that they understand 21 day fix and aren't just trying to get hashtag search results.  A lot of the recipes I've clicked on aren't even key ingredients y'all.  It's a little humorous, but mostly sad. 

I modified this recipe quite a bit because I wanted more protein, a few more carbs (yeah, I said that) and less sugar.  I know, eye roll, but y'all, I got plans and sugar gets me 110% derailed.  One taste and I'm addicted all over again!

Here's what I used in mine:
2 eggs
3/4 c quick oats
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla
2 bananas, the browner the better
1 TBSP honey
1/4 c creamy nut butter (any will do) 
2 TBSP ground flaxseed
1/4 c almond flour / meal

Portion out evenly to fill 8 pre-sprayed muffin tins. If you want to add nuts or chocolate chips, go for it, but my container counts are for only the ingredients above. You could throw all this in a blender and just pour, super easily, but I already had the bananas in the bowl when I thought of that :/ Bake 375 for about 10 minutes, but watch since all ovens are different. I made these in Australia using celsius so this is my best guess for American oven conversion :) 

Yields 8 muffins, 2 muffins / serving.  21-day fix container counts are 1P, 1Y, .5R, 4 tsp