21 Day Fix

Pumpkin Baked Oatmeal for the fam!

Ohhhhh if you like pumpkin , or fall , or happiness … you’ll be making these STAT!!! The best part of this is you can make it ahead of time and it serves a crowd. This would be perfect on Thanksgiving morning to start the day with a high protein breakfast, that’s also healthy. Remember, all high protein isn’t a good option, look at the rest of the macros!

Pumpkin Baked Oatmeal

½ tsp Ginger, ground
1 cup Pumpkin puree
1 Egg
1½ c cups Rolled oats
4 scoops pumpkin plant based life shake
¼ cup Maple syrup
1 tsp Baking powder
¼ tsp Cloves, ground
¼ tsp Nutmeg, ground
½ tsp Salt
1 tsp Vanilla extract
¼ cup Pecans (opt, I omitted b/c my son & I don’t like the texture)
1 tbsp unsweetened apple sauce (replaces butter )
2 cups of choice (we use unsweetened almond SILK milk)

let me know if you’ll make this and report back how you liked it! I love feedback!

Strawberry Watermelon Shakeology!

Strawberry Watermelon Shakeology.png

There’s something about watermelon that just says summer and simple. This is the perfect way to add smooth summer vibes to your day!

* ½ cup water
* ½ cup cubed watermelon
* 1 cup ice
* 1 scoop Strawberry Shakeology
* 2 tbsp chopped fresh mint

Place water, watermelon, Shakeology, mint, and ice in a blender; cover and blend until smooth.

Portion Fix Containers: ½ Purple, 1 Red
2B Mindset Plate It: A great snackional or enjoy as part of breakfast!

7 ingredients to Yumminess!

Shakeology Cookie Dough.png

This is one of the easiest, tastiest muffins and it’s so dense, you will be full! I love this as a side to breakfast with Ultimate Portion Fix or 2B Mindset!! it’s also a great snack during the day!

2 ripe bananas, the riper, the sweeter
2 extra-large eggs (large will do, but I like the extra protein)
2 c old-fashioned oats
1 c plain greek yogurt (look at protein and sugar on the side, you want high protein, low sugar)
½ c maple syrup or honey (if you use vanilla yogurt, or extra ripe bananas then cut this to ⅓ c)
1 ½ tsp baking powder
¼ c chai seeds (you do not need to soak these, just dump them in)
** top with nuts, seeds, oats, chocolate chips, or nothing, they’re pretty as is. I chose chocolate chips as my topping, but once I made these, the batter was plenty sweet so I never added them. If you know me, you’re probably questioning my mental health or thinking someone took over my blog. It’s true, I passed on chocolate. Don’t expect me to do it again :)
** I wish I added Vanilla Whey Shakeology, I will in the next batch. It’ll help sweeten it if you’re cutting the sugar (which I always encourage)

1) In no particular order, dump everything in the blender! Don’t you love that, easy as can be! Get your kids involved, this is that simple.

The order doesn’t matter, i did bananas, eggs, oats, yogurt, seeds

The order doesn’t matter, i did bananas, eggs, oats, yogurt, seeds

How beautiful if this?  I hate waiting for chai seeds to soak.  Glad that’s not involved!

How beautiful if this? I hate waiting for chai seeds to soak. Glad that’s not involved!

2) Blend 2 minutes or until it looks very well mixed. If you have some on the edges that didn’t get mixed in, you can stir it and blend again, or grab a spoon and eat it. I opted for the second options. YUM!

3) Pour in 12 lined muffin cups, or straight into silicone muffin holders. Anyone ever used these? Thoughts? I’m nervous to try, I don’t have a lot of faith in the sides not to go limp and spill batter.

I could have easily eaten this whole thing and never cooked them.  No one would know expect you and I!

I could have easily eaten this whole thing and never cooked them. No one would know expect you and I!

But, I poured 12 muffins and opted to pass on chocolate chips since it was plenty sweet. This is why it’s important to taste your batter :)

But, I poured 12 muffins and opted to pass on chocolate chips since it was plenty sweet. This is why it’s important to taste your batter :)

If your blender looks like this, you know it was DAMN DELICIOUS!!!

If your blender looks like this, you know it was DAMN DELICIOUS!!!

My kitchen smells good and before I had a chance to portion out breakfast for tomorrow and freeze the rest, my kids ate 4.  Gone in 5 minutes flat.  Glad this was simple since I’ll likely be making more in 2 days!

My kitchen smells good and before I had a chance to portion out breakfast for tomorrow and freeze the rest, my kids ate 4. Gone in 5 minutes flat. Glad this was simple since I’ll likely be making more in 2 days!

4) Cook at 175 celsius for 20 minutes. Stay near by so you can keep an eye on them and enjoy all the smells!
**Bananas can be replaced with sweet potatoes or pumpkin. Both would be delicious year-around, but especially in the fall.

10 Minute BOSU Abs

I’ve started creating some “bonus” videos for my Personal Training clients and you’re free to try them too. Abs are one muscle you can work every single day. If you need to regress the move I’m doing, put your knees on the floor, if you want to progress the move, you can flip the BOSU so the ball-side is on the carpet. If you don’t have a BOSU and have a stability ball, use that, but know it’s much harder because your stabliiation is challenged. For cardio planks - don’t use the ball please! You’ll go flying 🤪 If you try this, please comment ON YOU TUBE!!!

Miso glazed Eggplant

This picture doesn’t do it justice to how delicious it is. It is so flavorful, super filling and such a great serving of vegetables. My entire family loves it which I never dreamed my 6 yr old son would TOUCH. AN. EGGPLANT. There are so many recipes on Pinterest, but a lot have unnecessary sugar. The miso is so strong, I’d let it speak for itself. So often people take a vegetable and douse it in sauces and it’s no longer healthy. What’s the point in that? Fried okra? Why not grill it? I digress…

Cut eggplant in 1/2 lengthwise and soak in a bowl of water, any temperature fro 5 minutes. Meanwhile make the sauce.

1 TBSP miso glaze
2 tsp cooking sake
1 tsp olive oil (1/2 for sauce and 1/2 for frying pan)
Cook over medium to light heat and stir together until well blended.

Drain bowl with eggplant and slice eggplant meat in criss-crosses (make sure not to cut too deep so skin is cut). Microwave for 4-5 minutes (1000 watts vs 750 watts) and remove carefully. Divide sauce evenly amongst eggplant halves and cook face down on frying pan on medium. Only needs 1-2 minutes on stove. Remove from heat and enjoy with your favorite protein. I ate both halves which was enough vegetables and carbs (~26 carbs per eggplant) so this with Tuna was my dinner portion. I was VERY satisfied.

Let me know if you try it and any modifications you make!

Paleo, GF, DF Lemon Cookies!


When I hear all those “free” words I think, “hummmm, what’s left? can these be good?” Well, let me be the one to tell you, YES. THEY. CAN. They are FODMAP approved cookies and my kids devoured them in no time flat. Don’t believe me? I made 14, and before I could get the picture of them straight from the oven, this is what happened… LOL 8 left!

3 ingredients and super easy so read this and then let your kids make them! Maybe they’ll even clean up, but that might be pushing your luck :)

1 cup almond flour
1/2 cup maple syrup (not Aunt Jemimas, get the real stuff!)
1 lemon zested
1 lemon juiced, seeds removed

Add all ingredients to a bwl and stir. Put in ziplock bag and freeze for one hour. I froze mine overnight so weather bland looking, but they tasted just as good. Use a fork to make texture marks if you want, adds flair :) Cook at 160 celsius / 350 farenheit for 8-9 minuets. Let them cool before removing from silicon sheet.

Makes 14 cookies, 116 calories each, 8g fat, 7.5 g carbs, 3.7g protein. Ultimate Portion Fix containers = 1 tsp, .5y

Egg White Pizza tutorial

I make these 2 at a time so I can eat one fresh and have one to look forward to the next day.  When you love something this much and it’s dense nutrition, you don’t mind leftovers.  And that’s how I survive motherhood right now. #dontjudge

I make these 2 at a time so I can eat one fresh and have one to look forward to the next day. When you love something this much and it’s dense nutrition, you don’t mind leftovers. And that’s how I survive motherhood right now. #dontjudge

Step 1 (this is 6 egg whites, flipped once, 1 TBSP pizza sauce

Step 1 (this is 6 egg whites, flipped once, 1 TBSP pizza sauce

Step 2 - that’s 1 slice of ham in slivers

Step 2 - that’s 1 slice of ham in slivers

I found a rendition of this on Iliana Mulestein’s Instagram page and have played with this till I borderline perfected it (to me at least) and I have this at least 3 days a week for lunch or dinner. My kids have watched me eat it and inquired if they could “try it” (afraid to commit to a whole serving LOL) and now they love it too. See if it’s a crowd pleaser in your house!

The key is to use a small enough pan (6-8” at most) so it’s thick enough to hold a “slice” to eat. If the pan is too big it’ll fall apart, but if that happens, call an audible and make a delicious scramble instead. It’s not going to be a wasted meal!

I do 1 of 2 recipes… 1) 8 egg whites for vegetarian pizza, or 2) 6 egg whites with 1-2 slices of ham or prosciutto. 1 TBSP clean pizza sauce is plenty. Then chose whatever veggies you want to add. I like to put these on once I flip the pizza so they get warm, but not wilted or cooked too much. Did you know when you cook vegetables that you lose a lot of nutrients? And it’s not necessary. My go-to are arugula (aka Rocket in Australia), red peppers (healthiest choice of pepper and has the most calcium) and sometimes if I’m low on veggies for the day I’ll add mushrooms too (but I’ll cook those because raw is #yuck). Bust out those containers because cheese is hard to eye ball! Use 1 blue container of your preferred cheese 🧀 as long as you haven’t already enjoyed cheese or avocado 🥑 that day, as the very last step.
This was my dinner while family had frozen bacon & cheese pizza from grocery store. I love pizza y’all but honestly, this was damn good, I was very full and I didn’t feel like I missed out at all. You should enjoy what you eat, but you also want to remember it’s food and food provides fuel for your body. A recent video with Shaun T really impacted me when he said “talk to your food and ask it, what are you going to do for me?” When you think of it like that, the brownie or white flour pizza, doesn’t look so appealing, amiright?

Step 3 (from tutorial above) serve & slice into 4 pieces.

Step 3 (from tutorial above) serve & slice into 4 pieces.

No Bake Cookies

Granola bar options (great for school lunches, morning tea, afternoon tea, etc)

Granola bar options (great for school lunches, morning tea, afternoon tea, etc)

I’ll be honest, I’m not usually a fan of “no bake cookies” so I was skeptical of these and only made 1/2 of the recipe in case they weren’t good. I am not throwing good food away so it pains me to waste peanut butter or chocolate, let alone BOTH in the same recipe. I mean, who does that?!?!? That being said, these were AMAZING and D E V O U R E D the same day we made them, so take my advice, make the full recipe, or double it :) I imagine these will freeze well and I’ll test it out with the next batch since we start school again Monday.

I am very cautious searching for 21-day fix recipes on Pinterest because you have NO IDEA what the person knows who posted it and I see recipes ALL THE TIME with brown sugar, white flour, etc which right there tell me… NOT 21 DAY FIX APPROVED. I hate to see my clients get derailed and waste their time, so this is why Fixate Cookbook is money in the bank! It covers all your meals, snacks and treats. TREATS y’all, not cheats. Lets use the proper mindset so we enjoy life and don’t punish ourselves or think it’s not ok for a treat here or there. Every day is an issue, but none of us are doing that. If you are, chat me up so we can talk and I can help!

Here’s the recipe as I modified it:
-1 cup creamy peanut, or almond, butter (watch ingredients, should only be peanuts, possibly salt, but not added sugar or oil!!)
-2/3 cup honey (*fun tip - buy local honey to prevent allergies!)
-1/3 cup olive oil (or 1/2 cup coconut oil)
-2 tsp vanilla
-6 TBSP cocoa powder
-2 1/4 cup QUICK oats (I find old fashioned soaks up the honey and makes this too dry)

Combine nut butter, oil and honey over low heat in a saucepan until all creamy and mixed well. Remove from heat and pour in oats, vanilla and cocoa powder. When everything is mixed well you can drop in round balls for “cookies”, pour into an 8x8 pan for “granola bars”, or roll into balls to serve as finger foods for afternoon tea.

21 day fix container counts: Cookies - makes 24-30 and roughly 1 yellow container.

Step 1 (maybe after you licked the spoon - just saying!)

Step 1 (maybe after you licked the spoon - just saying!)

Step 2 - oh my word this looks scrumptious

Step 2 - oh my word this looks scrumptious

Step 3 - Yeah, I want to dig right in too. I do usually for QC. :)

Step 3 - Yeah, I want to dig right in too. I do usually for QC. :)

Day 15: Total Body Core

used 7.jpg

It's that time again, 60 min of sweat and hard work.  Grab your weights, Beachbody Resistance Loops, and a mat as we move to 3 sets of 10 reps this week.  You might be able to lift a little heavier since we do less reps, but we will also repeat the set of exercise before moving on to the next so there will be a different, harder, kind of burn, but it also makes it go by faster.  Anyone else counting down their workouts?  I'm like... ok 1/4 done... 1/3 done... 3/5 done... haha.  Challenge yourself because you can always lower your weights if necessary, but track them so you know where you left off next week. 

Day 13: Cardio Flow

My little cutie and my favorite shakeo recipe.

My little cutie and my favorite shakeo recipe.

Back to Cardio Flow today!  Who's excited???  It’s only 30 minutes, so give it all you’ve got then go have a fun, active weekend! You know the moves and know what to expect so I like to turn Autumn down and crank the music up!  If you still need her cues, then listen up! Form is always most important!

Do you know how to integrate Shakeology into your meal plan? Timed-Nutrition takes dedication, so it’s great to know that at least one of my meals — the one I fill with Shakeology— is going to be super-easy, and delicious.  On crazy busy days, I drink two.  I'll have one as a post workout meal (I add spinach to get my veggies in) and then for “Meal #1”. I mix: 1 scoop vegan vanilla or vegan chocolate, 1 purple of berries, 1 C unsweetened almond milk and 1 C ice. Thats 1 red, 1 purple, 1 tsp. ENJOY!