Transform :20 | Week 5 | Day 7

Rest day or not, my food is still on plan.

Rest day or not, my food is still on plan.


It’s been an incredible journey so far, BUT WE ARE NOT DONE YET. Spend today with loved ones, walking, worship, whatever lights your heart on fire and maybe stretch / roll it out so you’re ready for 7 more days of W O R K! You know our last week isn’t going to be easy - Shaun T doesn’t know easy :)

Often in challenge groups, I see people comparing their progress to someone else’s. Please don’t do that. Your metabolism, age, story, etc are not the same as anyone else!!! And everyone transforms at a different rate and in different ways. I might notice more change in my abs than legs, or visa versa and that’s based on my nutrition, exercise, bonus with weights (or not), etc. Just look in the mirror at the beautiful person staring back at you. T H A T is your only competition. And she’s simply beautiful and getting healthier by the day!

This is YOUR journey. And hopefully you’ve discovered that when you COMMIT to a program and believe in yourself, you can accomplish anything.

Transform :20 | Week 5 | Day 6

wearing my motivation today!

wearing my motivation today!

Final workout day of the week, and I am ready to CRUSH it. Day 34: BALANCED. Your 3 Transformers are Climb Push-Ups; Plank, OBL Trap; and Balanced Dips. As for me, my motivation for myself is “get on that step, and get it done.” The rest of the day will be about family and maybe a massage if there’s time, but I need to get this done for ME so I can give to the rest of the little, and big, people in my house who rely on me.

What are some of the words you use to motivate yourself? What else do you do for motivation?

Transform :20 | Week 5 | Day 5

Meal prep using some of the recipes from T20 nutrition guide

Meal prep using some of the recipes from T20 nutrition guide

We’re finishing the week STRONG! It’s Day 33: CUT and I know you’re going to give Shaun T everything you’ve got.

What do you think about the recipes in the Beachbody Nutrition Guide? I’m totally addicted to the homemade applesauce (right bottom) and sweet potato hash (left bottom). My family loves both of these so I’ve literally made them every Sunday because they don’t last in our house but 3-4 days. You might think your kids won’t eat like this, but when only given healthy options, I found my kids adapted pretty quickly because they don’t love to starve. ha!

You also have Beachbody Blog with some amazing recipes, Shakeology tab on website with “recipes by flavor”, my nutrition tab on and 2B Mindset recipe book that might have come with your order. I’m weary of sending you to Pinterest because you never know how knowledgeable the person is that wrote the recipe. I’ve seen “21 day fix approved” recipes that were full of brown sugar, white sugar and white flour. UMMMMM, NOOOOOOO! If you’re consistent with Shakeology, you should be getting my weekly menus which are new every time so no risk of getting bored here!

Once you’ve found the recipe you like, scroll to the bottom where it shows portion container count.Make it work for you if it’s over, or under, your container count. These recipes aren’t a catch-all for everyone, you need to tailor it. All should work with containers and 2B Mindset nutrition plans.

Transform :20 | Week 5 | Day 4

Photo Feb 07, 8 05 19 AM.jpg

Are you CONQUERING Transform 20 this week? I hope you are, but only you know if you’re really giving it all you’ve got! Give each other some encouragement to crush today’s workout. It’s Day 32: POWERFUL and your 3 Transformers are Parkour, TS Squat Reach, and Lunge Punch.

A few of you have pointed out that your Transformers are one of the things you most look forward to. Is that true for you? I love when I’ve done 2 because I know the end is in sight. I try not to look at the timer and with only 20 min, sometimes I’m caught off guard and we are done. It’s that quick!

Transform :20 | Week 5 | Day 3


Hump day! Middle of the workout week! It’s Day 31: STRONGER. You know what you need to do to get through this — work your butt off and don’t be discouraged if you NEED Energize to literally get through the workout. I drink it every day except rest day and there’s no shame in getting an extra push so I get more out of my workout. And it’s safe and effective or Iron Man wouldn’t be partnered with this Beachbody line! If you don’t have it, I’m sorry you’ve been missing out, but message me and lets get you started! We have 2 flavors now, lemon or the N E W fruit punch :)

Keep your head clear, stay motivated, and if you need extra motivation, your Transformation Tracker has great quotes from Shaun T that I like to put on sticky notes in my kid’s lunchboxes, on my fridge, computer, car dashboard, everywhere basically. Ha! Today’s 3 Transformers are 90° Ab Trapper, Hover Ab Kicks, and Burpee Hop.

Transform :20 | Week 5 | Day 2

Amazing results can be yours too! No magic pill to this.  Do the work and you’ll get results.

Amazing results can be yours too! No magic pill to this. Do the work and you’ll get results.

Let’s do it. You’ve got this—Day 30: FASTER. Grab your Energize because you’re going to need it today, grab your step and towel, and get ready to sweat. This is the sweetest day for me for sure!! Your 3 Transformers are Over Top, X Jack; L Reach; and Ski Abs, In/Out.

Lets talk safety for a second. Yesterday in the first transformer…i busted my butt. Yes, you read that right. As I was racing through it, I lost focus and started looking at the new photos I hung on the wall and counting in my head, but no eyes on my step and WHAM…I tripped and flew through the air, knocked my step in the air and landed on my bum. I made a loud noise and yelled “oyeeeee” and needless to say, neither of my 2 boys watching Spiderman even FLENCHED a bit. Well, thanks guys. I got up, started the transformer over and beat last year’s number. Proof that we can still go. But, lesson to chose form over speed and stay focused. Eyes on your step! SAFETY FIRST YALL!!!

Transform :20 | Week 5 | Day 1


Our 3rd and final chapte begins today! Are you ready, or neverous? I’ll be honest, I’m a little bit of both! CONQUER is the last 2 weeks and will build upon Commit and Climb.

We’ve gotten through 2/3 of this program already so there’s no doubt that you and I can both keep going! Think of how we are going to feel in just TWO MORE WEEKS?!?!

Before I talk about today’s workout, I want to ask you what part of your body you’ve CONQUERED so far with Transform :20? Have you flattened your stomach or firmed up your glutes? Do you have more tone in your arms and legs? Let’s hear it! Celebrate all the positive changes, no matter how small. I notice I’m not as winded as easily and I’ve lost a little cellulite in my legs. Whoot whoot!

This is Day 29: BURN, and just like the first 2 chapters, Shaun T will be turning up the intensity and speed and tossing in a bunch of new moves. Grrrrreat :) This chapter is all about giving everything you’ve got and not holding anything back. Your 3 Transformers are Rapid Taps, Twist OBL Kicks, and Rocketman. I’m always a fan of Rocketman.

Let’s fire each other up for this week—who’s with me?

Transform :20 | Week 4 | Day 7

I want you to think back to Prep week, when we first kicked off this group. Do you remember what goals you had for these 6 weeks? Think about how far you’ve come already and we still have 2 more weeks — that’s what I want you to work on today.


One reason I can never skip a day of Shakeology is that its potent mix of ingredients gives my body a huge amount of what I need to help me tackle Transform :20—and every other part of my day (even when I’m recovering!). There are so many good things in it you just don’t normally find at regular supermarkets and in all our genetically modified foods these days. What’s your favorite way to enjoy Shakeology? I love it with ice, Peanut butter, and almond milk, but I also add strawberries (for PB&J shake) or 1/2 banana (for nutter butter shake) on some days.

Take a few moments to watch Transform Your Life with Shaun T video and gear up for our last chapter. And of course, ENJOY YOUR REST DAY TODAY!!! We are meeting friends at the park for a BBQ. Showing our USA roots today in all red, white and blue). ;)

Transform :20 | Week 4 | Day 6


It’s the end of our workouts for Week 4, and after hearing from a lot of you about your progress, I’ve been blown away at how hard you’re all working. Incredible.

Today we finish this chapter with Day 27: BALANCED. Your 3 transformers are Climb Push-Ups; Plank, OBL Trap; and Balanced Dips. Mindfulness is key on BALANCED days, because it’s all about making the most of this workout before your rest day and taking stock of the week you just finished. Ending your workout week in a positive headspace really helps you go into your rest day with a calm and positive mindset.

I also want to talk about “balanced” when it comes to nutrition. Above is a dinner out for me. It was mashed potatoes, Barramundi, asparagus with a cream sauce and fried capers, all with a lemon butter sauce. A few dietary restrictions for me are garlic, onions, dairy (so yes, butter) and coconut. I know… restaurants LOVEEEEE me :) But really, they are so used to allergies or food aversions these days, DO NOT HESITATE for a second to request a modification. I find quite often that what they come up with looks more delicious than the original menu item. Here’s what I ordered…. “I’ve love the Barramundi dish, sounds amazing, but I can’t have dairy…. and I prefer no starch, would you mind doubling the veggies instead?” I’d be wiling to pay extra, but it’s never come to that, they’re always happy to do this (and always look confused at the “more veggies” request. Clearly their clients aren’t doing 2B Mindset #veggiesmost). haha. Really, you’er paying for your meal and you want to enjoy it and go to bed with satisfaction, not regret or feeling sick. Another great tip Angela H shared with me is to request 1/2 your meal for takeaway as soon as it’s served. Out of sight, out of mind and then tomorrow you can enjoy it again! Best of both world!

Transform :20 | Week 4 | Day 5


Look at us nearing the end of ANOTHER week. Y’all are doing great and I’m so proud of each and every one of you. I’m actually getting sad about only 2 weeks left?!?! Anyone else? So many of you have asked me what’s my favorite part of leading a Challenge Group and I’ll say it’s seeing all YOUR successes. Sometimes I’m standing in the kitchen all teary from transformations y’all share, sometimes publicly and sometimes just to me. Thank you, keep them coming!!

Today is Day 26: CUT, and what I love about CUT days is that I really feel like the moves are chiseling off the fat and toning up my body in ways I can really SEE. Doesn’t it feel good to see your hard work pay off. Your 3 transformers are Over Step Jump, Hand Rel Push-Up, and Triangle. Which one is the love-to-hate move for you?

Have you been tracking your Transformers progress? DO NOT FORGET TO DO THIS! I missed it one day and know I didn’t push myself as hard as I do all the other times. It’s psychological, but we aren’t wasting a single minute of this workout.

Transform :20 | Week 4 | Day 4


By now, you’re probably in a great groove with the workouts—you’re keeping your mind focused on positivity and you’re paying attention to when you can push yourself a little harder, especially if you’re using Energize! I can totally feel a burst of “I got more than this” to give. A total transformation is possible—but you have to work for it. I love this momma over 55 who crushed this program and let nothing get in her way! It’s possible y’all, if you’re not seeing transformations yet, reach out and share your nutritional plan and tracker and let’s see what we can tweak. The transformation is in the details!!!

Let’s do it. Day 25: POWERFUL. When you’re using only your body weight, the only way to progress is to do more reps. Simple as that. That’s why Shaun T is always urging you to do one more (kind of like Chris Downing in Shift Shop too) Our 3 transformers are Parkour, TS Squat Reach, and Lunge Punch. Lets beat last week’s numbers!

"Mum, you're the best cook ever!"

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I never brag so keep reading … these were the words from my 9 yr old’s mouth as he bit into these muffins all nice and warm! And because of the banana, they’re perfectly sweet with just 2 TBSP of honey! Seriously, no added sugar otherwise.

Here’s my recipe ——>
-1/2 c quick oat (I prefer Quick Oats vs Old Fashioned Oats because they don’t get as dry)
-1/2 c almond flour
-2 TBSP honey (try to always buy local - it helps with allergies)
-1/3 c CLEAN peanut / almond butter (really any nut butter will do, but know that some nut butters are more overpowering than others so consider that, esp when serving these to kids) - do not buy nut butters with added sugar or oil… why do that to yourself? Remember, we have goals we are working towards!
-1 egg
-2 large bananas, RIPE
-1 tsp vanilla
-1 tsp cinnamon
-1/2 tsp baking soda
-3 tsp cocoa
-1 c spinach (ok, hear me out on this…you’re going to have the cocoa above to mask any coloration so they won’t “see” it and you rarely ever taste spinach which is why it’s AH-MAZING to add to everything. Your kids are never the wiser and you’re just killing it softly in your kitchen! #MotherhoodIsNotForSissies
**I chose to add 6 dark chocolate chips to each muffin before they went in the oven bc…why not??!?

Yields 12 and takes 5 min to do all of this! Put all the ingredients in your blender in whatever order. Don’t you love how precise I am?!?!? haha If it' ain’t easy, AND DELICIOUS, I’m not making it. Enough said.

Put in pre-heated oven for 10 min at 375F or 10 min 175C. Next tip is crucial to your sanity. When they come out, set some aside for yourself. Or if you’re like me and omitted this step, I made 12 and when I turned around, i had 5 left so I divided them in half…literally and got 2 brekky’s out of them.

I’d love to see you serve 2.5 muffins with 2 eggs, or 8 egg whites, or 1 egg and 3 slices of lean turkey / ham rolled up, or 3/4 plain greek yogurt. That’s a pretty balanced brekky and you’ll be full till morning tea.

Enjoy and let me know how you go!

Transform :20 | Week 4 | Day 3


Did you know that Shaun T’s first class was a step class? It’s always stuck with him because it taught him the importance of form, speed, and constant motion. When you’re doing Transform :20, you can see where he got his inspiration. I can just picture him as a young buck flying around the room because even over 40 he has energy I’d love to bottle up!

This is Day 24: STRONGER. Our 3 transformers are 90° Ab Trapper, Hover Ab Kicks, and Burpee Hop.

We’re on Week 4, so let’s share with each other something you’re loving about Transform :20 and something you’re still working on improving. Have you gotten anyone to join in on the “fun” yet? MY husband joined me this morning and as I was taking a sweaty selfie, he snuck in there. His rule is no pics, but shhhhhhh, he won’t know :)

Transform :20 | Week 4 | Day 2


How’s your form? I’m hoping by now you’ve gotten this part of the program dialed in, because it’s so crucial to muscle growth and overall results. And we do not want any injuries!! When Shaun T says to watch your landings, he wants to make sure you’re not putting undue stress on your joints when you’re coming off the step. Also, when you jump on the step, make sure to get your whole foot on it so it doesn’t tip back. This is an easy way to flip the step or twist your ankle.

This is Day 23: FASTER and our 3 transformers are Over Top, X Jack; L Reach; and Ski Abs, In/Out. Did you beat last weeks numbers? Share yes or no and post your sweaty selfie below!

Transform :20 | Week 4 | Day 1

My mother in law (age 72) and I sweating it out!

My mother in law (age 72) and I sweating it out!

Hope you had a nice rest day because today, we are back at it! It’s Day 22: BURN, and now that we’re on Week 4, it’s all about emptying the tank every single time you press play. We have passed the halfway mark now and Shaun T wants us to bring EVERYTHING for today’s 20 minutes. Your 3 transformers are Rapid Taps, Twist OBL Kicks, and Rocketman.

I want to encourage you during these next 3 weeks to share on social media, invite a friend over, workout outside. Mix it up a little. By now I bet you’re visually seeing changes and people are curious what you’re doing to get such great results. Have them join you and lets make this community even bigger! Everyone needs Shaun T in their life I think :)

Transform :20 | Week 3 | Day 7

family day bike riding tougher.  Inlaws are visiting from USA (while we are in New Zealand). Still staying on track!

family day bike riding tougher. Inlaws are visiting from USA (while we are in New Zealand). Still staying on track!

On this rest day, I really want you to focus on what you’ve accomplished so far. Committing to a new fitness program is challenging and sometimes brings up a lot of emotional thoughts about ourselves. Committing to an eating plan is even more difficult, but matters most. Which is harder for you to commit too… great eating or consistent exercise

One of the things I’ve loved about this program is the incredible motivation from Shaun T. He has so much wisdom and really makes me stop and think (when I can catch my breath!) haha. What’s something he’s said that’s really impacted you?

As with every rest day, check out Transform Your Life with Shaun T video. Remember: healthy body, healthy mind, healthy life. We want to be the full package!

Transform :20 | Week 3 | Day 6

Last workout of the week - get excited!!! Tomorrow is R E S T DAY!!! It’s Day 20: BALANCED, and you’ll be in a great mood afterward because it’s part workout, part amazing stretch. The 3 Transformers are Climb Push-Ups; Plank, OBL Trap; and Balanced Dips. Don’t pass this over either because stretching and core work are so important and we will need a proper stretch before we start again Monday with Burn!


If you’ve missed some workouts or gotten off track with the nutrition, it’s OK, but don’t stay gone forever! Take a moment and think about what got you off track and maybe how you could have handled the distraction, event, etc differently. More surprises will come and we want to be prepared. Did you prep food? Was it willpower related? Were you embarrassed to say no? Share your victories below, no matter how small!

And then, FOCUS ON THOSE VICTORIES!! Remember we are all human and there is no perfection. Quite frankly there will be treats in life because otherwise, that would be boring and the first piece of cake would push the scale up. We want to make weight loss long term and wave goodbye forever to fat leaving our body. So don’t beat yourself up, but next time, decide if it’s really worth it when it comes to your goals. The answer might be yes, and that’s ok :)

Transform :20 | Week 3 | Day 5


Never forget—this is YOUR group. I want you to share what you’re proud of, what’s been a challenge, how you’ve used your mind to overcome your body…. really anything that has been rattling around in your brain. WE WANT TO HEAR IT!! Shaun T always talks about getting out of your own head and this is for so many reasons! Make sure you’re not talking yourself OUT of things or speaking negativity to yourself.

Today is Day 19: CUT and you might remember from last week, we are on, off, over, next to, basically working that step for 20 solid minutes. Lets crush the 3 transformers: Over Step Jump, Hand Rel Push-Up, and Triangle. Do it. Record it. Track your progress. Congratulate yourself.

Transform :20 | Week 3 | Day 4

We’re nearing the end of Week 3 already, do you believe it? This is almost the halfway mark!??! I feel like Powerful is one of my hardest days, anyone else?!??!


This is Day 18: POWERFUL, and yes, you will feel mighty and unstoppable after this workout. Be proud when make it through, I did. High five someone or just say an affirmation to yourself outlaid like “damn girl, you ARE A BADASS!” So often we don’t recognize all our hardworking and accomplishments. Our 3 Transformers are Parkour, TS Squat Reach, and Lunge Punch (I love to hate these - LOL).

I want you to pause and look at the picture on the left, a fellow coach Micah F. She just had baby #4 seven months ago and is slowly working at getting back into fighting shape where she is comfortable and feeling her best (I mean, she already looks amazing in the picture on the left). This is just 2 weeks in and she only lost .4 lbs. A lot would think that meant “it’s not working” or she’s not doing enough, but quite the opposite. I think a lot has happened and without pictures or measurements, the scale would be telling her untrue things. Make sure you’re watching your nutrition. A nibble here and nibble there adds up. Also, take the pictures and do your measurements. No one is watching, just do it :) You might thank me, but you will certainly thank yourself!

Power Muffins - prep ahead ;)


I’ve written about these before, but they’ve been so popular amongst my challengers, that I was to share about them again. And there are so many ways to modify these Superfood / Power muffins, that I don’t want you to limit yourself to the recipe I shared HERE. Try adding 1 packet / scoop Vegan Vanilla Shakeology, or chopped apples / pears . When I made these this time I used liners to save on dishes and it made 14 instead of 12, so I’ll change the serving to 4.5 muffins for 3 days with an extra .5 muffin on a hungry day or later for snack.

These are great for any day, but I esp love them for 80-Day Obsession, LIIFT4 and Transform 20 where I find containers more helpful to follow. As written it’s 1R, 1G, 1Y and whether or not you use liners, the oil spray would be negligible so don’t count a tsp. If you add 1 fruit add .5P to each serving, or if you add Shakeology, add .5 R (rounding). I love warming them and adding 1 tsp peanut butter across the top. YUMMMM ;)

Let me know what you think! Here’s the batch I made today while on the phone…talk about multi-tasking! And it prevented me from tossing veggies we wouldn’t be able to eat before they were over due! #winning

NOTE - If you’re following 2B Mindset nutrition this would be a great breakfast with your FFCs and protein being equal and veggies for extra credit. Remember to drink 16 oz water first. :) #2bunnies